Tag: Microonde

A Survey on the Impact of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) from Wireless Devices on Information Technology (IT) Professionals

[Commento di Giorgio Cinciripini (Blog “e-smogfree”):

Gli informatici si scoprono elettrosensibili 

Interessante lavoro di ricercatori indiani che hanno elaborato un questionario che è stato diffuso presso professionisti della informatica.

Questi per professione e per abito mentale sono dei grandi utilizzatori dei vari device:  in primis smartphone, ma anche forni a microonde ed altri gadget con Bluetooth.

Guarda caso vengono rilevati i disturbi tipici della elettrosensibilità, senza ovviamente nominarla! 

See more at: http://e-smogfree.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/gli-informatici-si-scoprono.html#sthash.ibmywWCZ.dpuf]

European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2016, 6(4) 51-46):4: 46-51.


Sivani Saravanamuttu* and Sudarsanam Dorairaj

Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Article history
Published in European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2016

Radiofrequency; electromagnetic fields; frequency; wireless; electrohypersensitive


An enormous growth in the telecommunication industry has led to an increase in the usage of a number of wireless

devices. The impact of working in an environment saturated with wireless radiation needs to be exploreed.
 A questionnaire was prepared based on 18 non-specific health symptoms and medical conditions. It was circulated among professionals (n=200) in the Information Technology (IT) companies and the data was statistically analyzed.
Both male and female IT professionals possessed cell phones (100%), 19.66% used cordless phones and 2.25% of them used the landline telephones. When compared to the males, it was found that 80.4% of the females used wireless computer networks (p>0.01), 27.2% used the microwave ovens (p>0.01) and 47.8% used Bluetooth devices (p>0.001).
Significant non-specific symptoms (p>0. 001) seen in females were headaches, tremors, depression, blurred vision, irritability,
difficulty concentrating, chronic pain, pain in teeth and deteriorated fillings, and dryness of lips, tongue, mouth and eyes.
The males had poor short-term memory, difficulty sleeping and fatigue. Significant medical conditions noted in the females were allergies and asthma at 18.5% (p>0.001) and skin problems at 26.1% (p>0.01), and in the males were eye-related problems at 21.1% (p>0.01).

Non-thermal effects of wireless radiationneed to be investigated globally in the coming years.

Full-text/Testo completo:


Modern Electronic Devices: An Increasingly Common Cause of Skin Disorders in Consumers.

Dermatitis. 2016 May-Jun;27(3):82-9. doi: 10.1097/DER.0000000000000184.


Corazza M1, Minghetti S, Bertoldi AM, Martina E, Virgili A, Borghi A.

1From the *Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Sezione di Dermatologia e Malattie Infettive, Università di Ferrara; and †Dermatological Clinic, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Torrette, Ancona, Italy.


Article history
Published in Dermatitis, Vol 27,  May/June 2016


The modern conveniences and enjoyment brought about by electronic devices bring with them some health concerns. In particular, personal electronic devices are responsible for rising cases of several skin disorders, including pressure, friction, contact dermatitis, and other physical dermatitis. The universal use of such devices, either for work or recreational purposes, will probably increase the occurrence of polymorphous skin manifestations over time. It is important for clinicians to consider electronics as potential sources of dermatological ailments, for proper patient management. We performed a literature review on skin disorders associated with the personal use of modern technology, including personal computers and laptops, personal computer accessories, mobile phones, tablets, video games, and consoles.



Full-text/Testo completo:


‘Wi-fi, cellulari & co’: i rischi dell’elettromagnetismo sulla nostra salute

12 luglio 2016 – “www.casalenews.it”

Interessanti spunti di riflessione nella serata organizzata da Mammeincerchio, L’Albero di Valentina e Passi di vita

Chi era presente venerdì scorso all’Auditorium Santa Chiara per l’incontro su “Wifi, cellulari & co” ha capito che ‘indossare’ un telefonino (perché tale è l’intimità raggiunta con questo strumento di comunicazione) può provocare danni alla salute, anche se il mondo scientifico non lo ha ancora dimostrato.

Nell’incontro organizzato da Mamme in cerchio, Albero di Valentina e Passi di vita Onlus, avente per oggetto proprio l’informazione sui rischi provocati dalla prolungata esposizione a onde elettromagnetiche,  autorevoli esperti si sono espressi e confrontati sull’entità e sulla peculiarità delle conseguenze di tale esposizione.

Ha aperto la serata l’epidemiologo Corrado Magnani, che ha richiamato i risultati degli studi scientifici ufficiali, per i quali non ci sono evidenze di una pericolosità delle onde elettromagnetiche ai livelli di esposizione attualmente consentiti, benché le correlazioni con gravi malattie siano in fase di approfondimento.

Terminato il suo intervento, si è voltata pagina: il dottor Orio, vice-presidente dell’Associazione Elettrosensibili, ha riconosciuto i risultati divulgati dalla ricerca scientifica, ma ha dato conto di evidenze medico-sanitarie rilevanti: a fronte della diffusione rapidissima di cellulari e tecnologie wi-fi, i danni al sistema neurologico di bambini e adulti sono aumentati,  e con loro disturbi all’apparato riproduttivo maschile.

Eloquenti le immagini mostrate: le parti a contatto con il telefonino subiscono l’aggressione di onde elettromagnetiche in una forma inedita fino ad oggi.

Sono poi emersi altri aspetti – oggetto di studi indipendenti – che rafforzano l’idea di dover essere prudenti quando ci affidiamo alla connessione wireless, perché, come il professor Magnani ha suggerito,  si tratta di una tecnologia entrata nelle nostre case prima di averne sperimentato e ‘pesato’ gli effetti.

Effetti nefasti, li conoscono bene gli elettrosensibili: persone che – con intensità diverse – registrano l’impossibilità di maneggiare apparecchi come cellulari, computer, microonde.

Alcuni erano presenti all’incontro e hanno portato testimonianze toccanti. È verosimile aspettarsi un aumento di elettrosensibili, e ci si augura che la tecnologia migliori la schermatura degli apparecchi e che la vocazione per il wi-fi venga soppiantata da sistemi più inequivocabilmente sicuri per la salute.

Una serie di consigli dispensati dal professor Sergio Crippa ha, a questo proposito, semplificato la materia: accorgimenti casalinghi praticabili e utili.

Il materiale raccolto dalle associazioni promotrici, che hanno avuto il sostegno e il patrocinio del Comune di Casale e dell’Ordine dei Farmacisti di Alessandria, per la serietà con cui è stata impostata la serata e per la capacità di coinvolgere personalità di prim’ordine, è a disposizione di chi volesse approfondire il tema e per chi – in attesa di evidenze scientifiche (per le quali occorre tempo, quale che sia l’esito) – volesse divulgare l’invito alla prudenza nell’utilizzo del wi-fi. Internet e cellulari si’, ma non a discapito della salute.

Associazioni Mamme in Cerchio – L’Albero di Valentina – Passi di vita onlus



US government’s premiere test program finds cancer risk from cell phone radiation: a game-changing global wake-up call

19th June 2016 – “blog.oup.com”, by Devra Davis

Have you heard that cell phones cause cancer, then they don’t, then they do? Confused enough yet? Let me break it down for you. Contrary to some claims, the new US government study by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) is hardly a shot in the dark or a one-off event. With this largest best-conducted animal study, we now have three different studies within the past six years where animals develop some of the same cancers from cell phone radiation as people. In the NTP study, male rats exposed to wireless radiation develop more unusual highly malignant brain tumors—gliomas—as well as very rare tumors of the nerves around and within the heart—schwannomas.

Rodent studies are the gold standard for testing chemicals. In fact, as the American Cancer Society notes, the NTP study comes from a world-renowned test program that involved twice the usual number of animals and triple the typical number of independent reviews of the pathology data. The NTP review process included blinded evaluations by statisticians and pathologists who did not even know the name of the ‘test agent’ they were examining.

An op-ed from the New York Times by pediatrician Aaron Carroll questions the relevance of these animal studies for humans. Chairman of Pediatrics at Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem, Dr. Eitan Kerem, does not agree, stating that “Such findings [of cancers in a test drug] in the pharma industry may prevent further developing of a drug until safety is proven, and until the findings of this study are confirmed parents should be aware of the potential hazards of carcinogenic potential of radiofrequency radiation.”

Prof. Eitan appreciates that every agent known to cause cancer in people, also produces it in animals when well studied. More recently, studies have found significant brain changes in cell-phone exposed Zebra fish which also share important properties with humans. If we fail to heed these studies and insist on more human data, we become the bodies of evidence.

Not a single one of the NTP rat controls developed these rare brain cancers or schwannomas of the heart. Yes it is true that historical controls used in other studies have had a few brain cancers, so why should we not compare these results with that? In scientific research, we take great care to subject controls and exposed animals to the same housing, light, food, water supply, cage rotation, etc. This NTP study placed all animals in a complex reverberation chamber that existed within a metal barrier that blocked all forms of electromagnetic radiation from entering—a Farraday cage. Thus it is entirely plausible that electromagnetic exposures from wiring, ceiling fans, HVAC, or even technicians with phones in their pockets, could have affected control animals in those older studies causing this rare brain tumor and the handful of schwannomas of the heart found in the past in other controls. The fact that not a single one of the controls in this study developed these rare tumors tells us a great deal.

Why then, did brain tumors occur only in male rats? The sexes differ not only in hormones but in the ways that their DNA deals with poisons. In fact, rare precancerous abnormalities in the brain and heart were also reported in both sexes in the NTP study. For many cancer-causing agents, tumors are more common in males than in females—although in this instance, both males and females had significantly more cardiac abnormalities, pre-cancerous lesions, and malignant nerve tumors within and around their hearts.

Wait a minute. Some have claimed that these results are not a true positive, but a false one, that is to say—a false finding that wireless radiation increases cancer. By design, this study had a 97% chance of finding a true positive. Using a relatively small number of animals to study a very rare outcome, this study in fact, had a far greater chance of a falsely negative finding than of a falsely positive result.

Why then does the public know so little about the how cell phones and wireless technology impact our health? In 1994, findings that such radiation could prove a risk spawned an unusual and little-known sport—that of “war-games”—outlined in a memo from Motorola to their PR firm. That year when University of Washington scientists, Henry Lai and V.J. Singh, first showed that radiofrequency radiation (RFR) damaged brain cells in rats, they were subject to well-funded coordinated efforts to discredit their findings, their livelihood, and their integrity. Their university was asked to fire them and the journal editor where their work had been accepted was pressured to un-accept it. Similar disinformation efforts confronted the REFLEX project in 2004—a $15 million European Union multi-lab effort—after it also determined that cellphone radiation caused biological impacts on the brain.

Another paper from the NTP finding genotoxic impacts of wireless radiation is under peer-review at this time. The capacity of this radiation to open membranes is so well established that a number of technologies have been FDA approved to treat cancer relying on electroceuticals that use electromagnetic radiation at various powers, waveforms, and frequencies.

If ever there was a time to re-think our growing dependence on wireless in schools, cars, homes, and energy production, this is it. There is no other suspected cancer-causing agent to which we subject our elementary school students or place directly in front of the brain and eyes with virtual reality. It makes no sense to continue building out huge wireless systems until we have done a better job of putting the pieces of this puzzle together. This latest report from the NTP should give us all pause.

Belgium has banned cell phones for children. Over a dozen countries are curtailing wireless radiation especially for children. Reducing exposures will increase battery life, decrease demand for energy, and lower health risks. Concerted steps to reduce wireless radiation such as those recommended by the Israeli National Center for Non-Ionizing Radiation, France, the Indian Ministry of Health, and the Belgian government are in order now.

Governments have a moral obligation to protect citizens against risks that cannot otherwise be controlled. The epidemics of lung cancer today are evidence we waited far too long to control tobacco. To insist on proof of human harm now before taking steps to prevent future damage places all of us into an experiment without our consent, violating the Nuremberg Code.

Featured image credit: Cell phone in hands by Karolina Grabowska.STAFFAGE. CC0 public domain via Pexels.



“CELLULARI, WIFI & Co”, 8 luglio 2016 – serata informativa


Venerdì 8 luglio 2016
dalle ore 21:00

Auditorium Santa Chiara
via F. Cane, 31 – Casale Monferrato (AL)

Serata informativa sull’uso consapevole di cellulari, wifi, ecc.,
e i rischi potenziali per la salute.

Organizzata dalle associazioni
Mamme in Cerchio, L’Albero di Valentina, Passi di Vita Onlus,
con il patrocinio
del Comune di Casale  Monferrato e dell’Ordine dei Farmacisti della provincia di Alessandria.

con la partecipazione
del Dr. Paolo Orio e del Dr. Sergio Crippa
Associazione Italiana Elettrosensibili

[Per maggiori dettagli, vedere la locandina qui sotto.
Cliccare sulla immagine per ingrandirla.]


Una presentazione della serata su “Il Monferrato”, di Marco Bertoncini.

[Cliccare sulla immagine per ingrandirla.]


Wireless computers positioned close to the body could expose the users to similar levels of radiation as mobile phones

22 June 2016 – “Omega News”

From : Stop Smart Meters! UK

Please see attached by Dr Sarah Starkey which shows some comparisons between cell phones and Wi-Fi devices.  Specifically in relation to dosage, it is not necessarily the router that we need to be most concerned about, but the handheld device, e.g. iPad.
Average maximum SAR for a sample of 358 digital mobile phones is 1.02 W/Kg in 1g tissue
(sarvalues.com; adult); iPad maximum SAR on Wi-Fi is 1.19 W/Kg in 1g tissue (iPad Information
Guide; adult). Thus, wireless computers positioned close to the body could expose the users to
similar levels of radiation as mobile phones.
Dr Starkey’s calculations show that iPads can expose children to as much (if not more) radiation than cell phones, especially when considering usage on the lap.
My understanding is that iPads, unlike some cell phones (e.g. iPhone 5s), do not have the means to reduce power selectively based on proximity to the nearest router — they emit maximum power constantly.
I have included the 2B document referred to as well which compares with tobacco.

Stop Smart Meters! UK

Informant: André Fauteux

Accurate Information.pdf
371 KB

92 KB



US Naval Medical Research Institute Studies – 1972


This US Navy report from 1972 documents the connection of 122 bioeffects to microwaves. Dr. Zorach Glaser, PhD of the US Navy presented a research report covering more than 2,200 studies, which link weak wireless signals (microwave radiation) to more than 122 biological effects. “Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (Effects) and Clinical Manifestations attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation.”





Questo rapporto della Marina degli Stati Uniti del 1972 documenta il nesso tra 122 bioeffetti e le microonde.
Il Dr. Zorach Glaser, PhD della Marina degli Stati Uniti ha presentato un rapporto di ricerca che copre più di 2.200 studi, i quali collegano i segnali wireless deboli (radiazione a microonde) a più di 122 effetti biologici.
“Bibliografia dei Fenomeni Biologici Riferiti (Effetti) e delle Manifestazioni Cliniche attribuiti alla Radiazione in Microonde e Radiofrequenza.”

Click on the picture below to access the PDF file of the research report/Cliccare sulla immagine sottostate per accedere al file PDF del rapporto:



Source/Fonte:  https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD0750271   



The Radiation risks of 4G Technology and Smartphones

20 June 2016 – “radiationprotectionservices.com”

Radiatin risks of 4G technology & smartphones

Over 15.8 million LTE devices were shipped to India in the first quarter of 2016 (January – March 2016). The next big telecom revolution is knocking on the doors. The 4th generation technology – commonly referred to as 4G is expected to be a great enabler in transforming, digitizing our daily lives, adding manifold degrees of efficiencies. However, as always, there is a flip side of 4G in terms of health issues. We try to elaborate this in this post.

4G, the technology, is several times more potent health hazard than any of the preceding technologies in terms of GSM/ CDMA or 3G. Most of the big operators are going to operate 4G in the bands of 1800/2300 MHz – which is not a very efficient band for 4G. This will mean more antennas and higher capex, or coverage drop areas.  Both these factors actually intensify the exposure risks. More high power towers need to be erected to serve the demand at 1800/2300 MHz thereby increasing incident EMR – else erecting, too few number of towers could be counterproductive – as it would result in increasing the 4G smartphone radiation. Reducing the number of towers weakens signals, resulting in per station higher output – and higher 4G smartphone radiation. Also because of the lower carpet area coverage, 4G towers will have a propensity to stay closer to the colonies and habitations – something that has received a lot of resistance in parts of the country (Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Noida etc).

From the devices perspective, in order to make their smartphones hyper-capable in terms of receiving the full bandwidth of 4G spectrum, smartphone manufacturers are equipping these phones with multiple numbers of antennas inside the same device. This feature called MiMo (Multiple Input, Multiple Output), connect to a 4G station in multiple strands to add on to the download or upload capability of the device. This only increases the density of EMR around the smartphone. Given that a lot of media time is getting to be spent on a smartphone, this increases the exposure risk manifold. By the same logic, when the same device is taken into a zero network area, all the antennas exert as much pressure to seek 4G signals making the phone a hotbed of EMR. This, in turn, leads to battery drainage and multiple battery chargings and dischargings have their own signature of EMFs which is also an identified health hazard.

Under no circumstance do we, Brightsandz decry telecommunication or cell towers or 4G phones. All we are keen about it is for people to be aware of the risks associated with these new technologies. 60% of exposure avoidance is about changing lifestyle habits – and then there are device solutions such as anti-radiation phone pouches or anti-radiation Air-tubes, Bluetooth Air Tubes. If you perceive a risk in your neighbourhood due to a new installation of cell phone tower, please get your home, premise, society audited. It is key to understand the exposure and the risks thereof and take an educated basis the same.

Brightsandz is engaged in radiation home audits and radiation solutions. You can get in touch with us if you have any queries – or you want to get your premises checked for radiation linked issues.



6 reasons of increasing exposure to microwaves from LTE technology

[Le drammatiche conclusioni sulla tecnologia 4G/LTE di un esperto in Microonde, Georgiy Ostroumov, supportate da 6 motivazioni scientifiche valide ed inconfutabili.

La traduzione in Italiano segue la versione originale.]

9 June 2016 – “Mobilfunk Newsletter – EMF Omega News”,  by Georgiy Ostroumov


You can read that fourth generation technology is several times more of a health hazard than any of its predecessors(http://mobiledevices.about.com/od/carrierfaq/a/3g-Vs-4g-Mobile-Networks-The-Health-Factor.htm).

In my article briefly is explained how LTE technology can lead to essential increasing of exposure to microwave radiation.

1. The first fundamental rule. The wider frequency bandwidth of a signal, the greater power must come into receiver for normal work.
As to LTE technology, it leads to growing of radiated power of a transmitter and/or diminishing of a distance between the receiver and the transmitter, in relation to previous technologies.     LTE technology uses the bandwidth up to 100 MHz whereas e.g. GSM technology uses the bandwidth 0.2 MHz.
2. The second fundamental rule. The higher frequency of the signal, the less power comes into the receiver. Thus, LTE technology with operating frequency 2600 MHz often demands more power density from the transmitter in compared with GSM technology.
3. The higher frequency of the signal, the less power which comes through walls into a house and respectively into the receiver, which placed in the house.  Thus, power density from the transmitter must be increased at high frequency (2600 MHz).
4. LTE technology (advanced) can use simultaneously several LTE base stations for one user. It means that the exposure to microwaves can essentially grow from the former.
5. LTE mobile terminal can radiate with the greatest power longer than 2G or 3G mobile terminal can radiate.  It matters especially for users.
6. LTE mobile phone can simultaneously radiate LTE and 3G (or 2G) signals, while 3G/2G mobile phone can radiate only one signal (3G or 2G).
Some of these reasons (1-4) demand that an operator establish powerful LTE base stations    (2600 MHz) very closely(cell radius < 1km). For typical LTE base station (radiated power-40 W, antenna gain-18 dB), at a distance of 1 km power density can be 200 µW/m2.
The Council of Europe has suggested only 100 µW/m2 as a limit of long-term exposure to microwaves.
Thus, nowadays it is difficult to find appropriate place for living, especially in a town. In many cases housing is worth protecting. Game, without protection, is over.
Georgiy Ostroumov, Ph.D., microwaves, Finland


Potete leggere che la tecnologia di quarta generazione è diverse volte più rischiosa per la salute di tutte quelle che la hanno preceduta(http://mobiledevices.about.com/od/carrierfaq/a/3g-Vs-4g-Mobile-Networks-The-Health-Factor.htm).

Nel mio articolo è brevemente spiegato come la tecnologia LTE può portare ad un sostanziale aumento della esposizione alle radiazioni a microonde.
1. La prima regola fondamentale. Maggiore è l’ampiezza della larghezza di banda di un segnale, maggiore potenza deve arrivare nel ricevitore per un lavoro normale.
Per quanto riguarda la tecnologia LTE, porta alla crescita della potenza irradiata da un trasmettitore e/o ad una diminuzione della distanza tra il ricevitore e il trasmettitore, rispetto alle tecnologie precedenti.
La tecnologia LTE utilizza la larghezza di banda fino a 100 MHz, mentre ad esempio tecnologia GSM utilizza la larghezza di banda di 0,2 MHz.
2. La seconda regola fondamentale. Più elevata è la frequenza del segnale, meno potenza arriva nel ricevitore. Pertanto, la tecnologia LTE con frequenza di funzionamento di 2600 MHz [2,6 GHz] spesso richiede più densità di potenza dal trasmettitore rispetto alla tecnologia GSM.
3. Più alta è la frequenza del segnale, meno potenza entra attraverso le pareti in una casa e, rispettivamente, nel ricevitore posizionato in casa. Pertanto, la densità di potenza dal trasmettitore deve essere aumentata alle alte frequenze (2600 MHz).
4. La tecnologia LTE (avanzata) può utilizzare contemporaneamente diverse stazioni radio base LTE per un utente. Ciò significa che l’esposizione alle microonde può essenzialmente crescere per quest’ultimo.
5. Il terminale mobile LTE può irradiare con enorme potenza più a lungo di quanto i terminali 2G o 3G possono fare. È importante soprattutto per gli utilizzatori.
6. Il telefono cellulare LTE può contemporaneamente irradiare segnali LTE e 3G (o 2G), mentre il telefono cellulare 3G/2G può emettere un solo segnale (3G o 2G).

Alcune di queste ragioni (1-4) richiedono che un operatore installi stazioni radio base LTE potenti (2600 MHz) molto vicine (raggio cella <1 km). Per una stazione radio base LTE tipica (potenza irradiata -40 W, guadagno dell’antenna -18 dB), a una distanza di 1 km la densità di potenza può essere di 200 µW/m2.
Il Consiglio d’Europa ha indicato solo 100 µW/m2 come limite di esposizione alle microonde nel lungo termine.

Così, oggi è difficile trovare un luogo appropriato ove vivere, soprattutto in una città. In molti casi vale la pena di proteggere l’alloggio. Senza protezione, il gioco è finito.

Georgiy Ostroumov, Ph.D., microonde, Finlandia



Ulrich Weiner RAI Italienisch – La storia di Ulrich Weiner sulla tv Italiana

[Difficilmente viene detto come stanno realmente le cose, ma in questo video viene fornita una descrizione puntuale della attuale situazione e di quello che ci aspetta se non verranno presi provvedimenti seri per ridurre la esposizione della popolazione alle Radiofrequenze/Microonde.

Questo perché le Radiofrequenze/Microonde sono realmente pericolose.
Gli studi che ne provano la pericolosità sono moltissimi, ma in merito alla questione vengono fatte circolare informazioni pilotate e nebulose con lo scopo di favorire l’industria tranquillizzando la popolazione, così nessuno si preoccupa di documentarsi in modo adeguato poiché il pericolo non viene percepito.

L’uso che si sta facendo delle Radiofrequenze/Microonde, non per emergenza quando si è fuori casa, ma dentro casa e per scopi ludici, è assolutamente improprio e deleterio.

Le malattie derivanti dalla esposizione alle Radiofrequenze/Microonde sono gravi e reali.

La Elettrosensibilità, in seguito ad esposizioni prolungate, diventa una condizione di invalidità permanente, per il sopraggiungere di danni organici multipli ed irreversibili.

Gli Elettrosensibili non sono assolutamente soggetti paranoici e tecnofobici, anzi, spesso sono professionisti che hanno lavorato nell’ambito delle nuove tecnologie e, per esposizione professionale ai Campi Elettromagnetici, si sono ammalati in modo anche grave.

Però adesso stanno aumentando i malati più in conseguenza della esposizione ambientale/domestica che professionale, perché sempre più antenne per la telefonia mobile stanno venendo installate in prossimità delle abitazioni e gli ambienti di vita sono saturi di radiazioni in Alta Frequenza di ogni genere (Wi-Fi, Cordless, Wi-Max, ecc.).

Soprattutto deleteria è la tecnologia 4G, che presenta fattori di rischio per la salute maggiori rispetto alle tecnologie precedenti.]

Caricato il 14 agosto 2010
