Tag: danni cerebrali

Un sindaco dice “NO!” al WI-FI diffuso

Il sindaco di Borgofranco, Livio Tola, dice no al progetto di rete proposto dall’associazione “Senza fili, senza confini” per portare in paese internet a banda larga a 80 euro al mese. Il progetto avrebbe dovuto chiamarsi Wi-fi per 8 Comuni, invece si è fermato a sette.

Leggi tutto…

Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation On Mitochondria

[Un aspetto cruciale della esposizione alle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche in Alta Frequenza (Radiofrequenze e Microonde) usate nella tecnologia Wireless è il danno mitocondriale che ne consegue e che non può essere riparato(!).
Tutto questo porta a pesanti ripercussioni per l’organismo, il quale malfunzionerà in modo permanente(!).

Ricordiamoci che ogni giorno adulti ma anche bambini sono esposti a livelli critici di Inquinamento Elettromagnetico in Alta Frequenza e questo sta compromettendo il futuro di tutti, ma soprattutto quello dei bambini. Chi prenderà in carico tutti questi soggetti sempre stanchi ed impossibilitati a lavorare/pensare a causa del deficit energetico da danno mitocondriale?

Il seguente articolo espone con chiarezza le cause del danno mitocondriale e lo abbiamo tradotto per voi per consentirvi di leggerlo più agevolmente.
La traduzione in Italiano segue la versione in lingua originale.

Buona lettura.]


13 September 2016 – “eatgenius.com”, by 

Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 9.36.02 AM

Wireless communications have increased significantly in modern times and concerns regarding their safety have grown as well. Wireless communications utilize high frequency radiation – radio frequencies and microwaves. Man-made electromagnetic radiation exerts numerous biological effects that begin at the molecular level and eventually lead to cellular, tissue and organ dysfunction. Electromagnetic radiation exerts its effects at the sub-cellular level by altering molecular rotation and vibration, increasing the collisions between molecules and breaking chemical bonds which ultimately affect structure and function (1). This has direct effects on energy production in the cell. Mitochondria are the organelles responsible for cellular energy production and numerous other cell functions and they are adversely affected by electromagnetic radiation in many inter-related ways.

Electromagnetic radiation causes structural damage to mitochondria. Exposure to radiation causes swelling and cavitation in mitochondria as well as broken, disorganized and sparse mitochondrial cristae or folds (1, 3). The damage increases with prolonged exposure time even though the dose of radiation was low, therefore, long-term, low-dose exposure leads to significant damage. After three hours of microwave radiation, visible swelling of mitochondria increased and after twenty four hours, there was mitochondrial degeneration (1). Damage caused by radiation is cumulative. Radiation also damages the mitochondrial membrane which causes a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (1), which is responsible for the proton motive force and energy production in mitochondria, which eventually leads to apoptosis (1, 4) or cell death, since apoptosis is regulated by mitochondria.

Calcium homeostasis is impaired by electromagnetic radiation. Mitochondrial are responsible for regulating calcium homeostasis within the cell. Normally, extracellular calcium is greater than intracellular calcium and most intracellular calcium is stored in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Microwave radiation causes a significant increase in cytoplasmic calcium and this causes excess activation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (1), a nonspecific pore in the mitochondrial membrane, which leads to increased membrane permeability, disrupting metabolic gradients between mitochondria and the cytosol. This then leads to the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation (1), meaning oxidative phosphorylation is no longer yoked to the respiratory chain to synthesize ATP, so energy production ceases. Remaining ATP made by unaffected mitochondria also gets depleted and cell death ensues. Intracellular calcium increases also leads to swelling of mitochondria and if great, results in rupturing of mitochondria.

Oxidative stress and disturbed cellular signaling is caused by electromagnetic radiation. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radical production and anti-oxidant defense mechanisms. There is a significant increase in reactive oxygen species, decreases in antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase and markers of lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation increase (1) when mitochondria are exposed to radiation. Radiation inhibits the mitochondrial respiratory chain by prolonging the lifespan of free radicals and impairing the anti-oxidant defense system (2). Enzyme functions and signaling pathways that are crucial to energy generation are disturbed by electromagnetic radiation. As mentioned above, calcium homeostasis is impaired and calcium is an important signaling molecule. The activity of cytochrome c oxidase, a critical enzyme in energy metabolism which transports electrons to oxygen to produce water and ATP, is suppressed (1). Oxidative stress and impaired signaling also affect mitochondrial gene expression.

Electromagnetic radiation damages mitochondrial genes and causes gene mutations. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are more susceptible to external stimuli than nuclear DNA (1) and they lack the repair mechanisms of nuclear DNA (2). Radiation induces mtDNA strand breaks and the excess reactive oxygen species production caused by radiation exposure also causes mtDNA mutations (1, 2). Exposure to radiation causes a decline in mtDNA copy number and mtRNA transcripts (2) which, when combined with mitochondrial mutations, adds further burden to the cell by way of more defective mitochondrial genes being passed onto future mitochondria. Mitochondrial gene mutations in turn amplify oxidative stress by encoding deficient critical proteins required for the respiratory chain (2). A vicious cycle is created by exposure to radiation whereby mitochondria are overwhelmed and cell death occurs.

Apoptosis increases after exposure to electromagnetic radiation (4). Exposure to radiation triggers a series of inter-related events – structural damage, impaired signaling, oxidative stress and gene mutations – that culminates in cell death. The cumulative damage causes an imbalance of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic proteins which leads to a decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential (4) and the release of cytochrome c which activates caspase-signaling pathways that lead to apoptotic cell death (1, 4). Although apoptosis may be beneficial in removing damaged cells, when it is excessive, it can be problematic because it can eventually lead to systemic dysfunction in the organism.

Excessive apoptosis caused by man-made electromagnetic radiation is problematic for the nervous system. The nervous system is very susceptible to the effects of radiation. The brain is more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation than other organs because it has a very high metabolic rate and a great demand for oxygen, making it very vulnerable to energy metabolism disorders (1). Numerous pathological changes can occur in the brain as a consequence of excessive radiation exposure such as structural damage, neurotransmitter disruption (1, 3), altered electrical activity and increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier (2, 4). How severely one is affected depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of the radiation exposure (1, 3). Everyone is or will be, in some way, negatively affected by man-made electromagnetic radiation. Because of the ever increasing amount of antennas and towers being installed by telecommunications companies, radio frequency and microwave radiation is nearly impossible to avoid nowadays and it poses a serious threat to public health. It will only get worse unless action is taken to remove and reduce and not simply avoid the sources of man-made radiation.




1. Hao, Y., Zhao, L. & Peng, R. Effects of microwave radiation on brain energy metabolism and related mechanisms. Military Medical Research. 2015; 2:4. doi: 10.1186/s40779-015-0033-6. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4440565/]

2. Xu, S., Zhou, Z., Zhang, L., Yu, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Li, M., Chen, Y., Chen, C., He, M., Zhang, G. & Zhong, M. Exposure to 1800MHz radio frequency radiation induces oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA in primary cultured neurons. Brain Research. 2010; 1311:189-196. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.10.062. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19879861]

3. Zhao, L., Peng, R. Wang, S. Wang, L., Gao, Y., Dong, J., Li, X. & Su, Z. Relationship between Cognition Function and Hippocampus Structure after Long-term Microwave Exposure. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 2012; 25(2):182-188. doi: 10.3967/0895-3988.2012.02.009. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22998825]

4. Zuo, H., Lin, T., Wang, D., Peng, R., Wang, S., Gao, Y., Xu, X., Li, Y., Wang, S., Zhao, L., Wang, L. & Zhou, H. Neural Cell Apoptosis Induced by Microwave Exposure Through Mitochondria-dependent Caspase-3 Pathway. International Journal of Medical Sciences.2014; 11(5):426–435. doi: 10.7150/ijms.6540. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3970093/]



Le comunicazioni Wireless sono aumentate in modo significativo nei tempi moderni e le preoccupazioni riguardo alla loro sicurezza sono cresciute consensualmente. Le comunicazioni Wireless utilizzano radiazioni ad Alta Frequenza – Radiofrequenze e Microonde. Le Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche artificiali esercitano numerosi effetti biologici che iniziano a livello molecolare e alla fine portano a disfunzione cellulare, tissutale e d’organo. Le Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche esercitano i loro effetti a livello sub-cellulare alterando rotazione e vibrazione molecolari, aumentando le collisioni tra le molecole e rompendo i legami chimici, che alla fine influenzano la struttura e la funzione (1). Questo ha effetti diretti sulla produzione di energia nella cellula. I mitocondri sono organelli responsabili della produzione di energia cellulare e di numerose altre funzioni delle cellule, e sono influenzati negativamente dalle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche in molti modi tra loro collegati.

Le Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche provocano danni strutturali ai mitocondri. L’esposizione alle Radiazioni provoca gonfiore e cavitazione nei mitocondri, così come pieghe o creste mitocondriali rotte, disorganizzate e sparse (1, 3). I danni aumentano con tempi di esposizione prolungati anche se la dose di Radiazioni era bassa, quindi, nel lungo termine, l’esposizione a basse dosi porta a danni significativi. Dopo tre ore di Radiazione a Microonde, il gonfiore visibile dei mitocondri era aumentato, e dopo ventiquattro ore c’era degenerazione mitocondriale (1). I danni causati dalle Radiazioni sono cumulativi. Le Radiazioni danneggiano anche la membrana mitocondriale, cosa che causa una diminuzione nel potenziale di membrana mitocondriale (1), il quale è responsabile per la forza motrice protonica e la produzione di energia nei mitocondri, e questo finisce per causare apoptosi (1, 4) o morte cellulare, dato che l’apoptosi è regolata dai mitocondri.

L’omeostasi del calcio è compromessa dalle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche. I mitocondri sono responsabili della regolazione dell’omeostasi del calcio all’interno della cellula. Normalmente, il calcio extracellulare è maggiore di quello intracellulare e la maggior parte del calcio intracellulare è immagazzinato in mitocondri e reticolo endoplasmatico. Le Radiazioni a Microonde provocano un notevole aumento del calcio citoplasmatico e questo provoca un eccesso di attivazione del poro di transizione della permeabilità mitocondriale (1), un poro aspecifico nella membrana mitocondriale, cosa che porta ad un aumento della permeabilità della membrana, interrompendo i gradienti metabolici tra mitocondri e citosol. Questo quindi porta al disaccoppiamento della fosforilazione ossidativa (1), che significa che la fosforilazione ossidativa non è più aggiogata alla catena respiratoria per sintetizzare ATP, così la produzione di energia cessa. L’ATP che rimane, sintetizzato dai mitocondri non colpiti, ugualmente finisce per ridursi e ne consegue morte cellulare. L’aumento del calcio intracellulare conduce pure lui al rigonfiamento dei mitocondri e, se elevato, esita in rottura dei mitocondri.

Stress ossidativo e segnali cellulari disturbati sono causati dalle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche. Lo stress ossidativo si verifica quando vi è uno squilibrio tra la produzione di radicali liberi ed i meccanismi di difesa antiossidanti. C’è un significativo aumento delle specie reattive dell’ossigeno, diminuzione degli enzimi antiossidanti glutatione perossidasi e superossido dismutasi, e aumento dei marcatori di perossidazione lipidica e ossidazione proteica (1) quando i mitocondri sono esposti alle Radiazioni. Le Radiazioni inibiscono la catena respiratoria mitocondriale prolungando la durata dei radicali liberi e compromettendo il sistema di difesa antiossidante (2). Le funzioni degli enzimi e le vie di segnalazione cruciali per la produzione di energia sono disturbati dalle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche. Come accennato in precedenza, l’omeostasi del calcio è compromessa e il calcio è una importante molecola di segnalazione. L’attività della citocromo c ossidasi, un enzima critico nel metabolismo energetico che trasporta elettroni all’ossigeno per produrre acqua e ATP, è soppressa (1). Stress ossidativo e segnali alterati colpiscono anche l’espressione dei geni mitocondriali.

Le Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche danneggiano i geni mitocondriali e provocano mutazioni genetiche. Il DNA mitocondriale (mtDNA) è più sensibile agli stimoli esterni del DNA nucleare (1) e manca dei meccanismi di riparazione tipici del DNA nucleare (2). Le Radiazioni inducono rotture nei filamenti del mtDNA e l’eccesso di produzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno causato dalla esposizione alle Radiazioni causa anche mutazioni del mtDNA (1, 2). L’esposizione alle Radiazioni provoca un declino nel numero di copie del mtDNA e di trascrizioni del mtRNA (2), che, quando in combinazione con le mutazioni mitocondriali, aggiunge un ulteriore fardello alla cellula attraverso geni mitocondriali più difettosi che vengono passati ai futuri mitocondri. Le mutazioni dei geni mitocondriali, a loro volta, amplificano lo stress ossidativo mediante la codifica di difettose proteine critiche necessarie alla catena respiratoria (2). Dalla esposizione alle Radiazioni è stato creato un circolo vizioso in cui i mitocondri sono sopraffatti e si verifica morte cellulare.

L’apoptosi aumenta dopo l’esposizione alle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche (4). L’esposizione alle Radiazioni innesca una serie di eventi tra loro collegati – danni strutturali, segnalazioni alterate, stress ossidativo e mutazioni geniche – che culminano nella morte cellulare. Il danno cumulativo provoca uno squilibrio di proteine pro-apoptotiche ed anti-apoptotiche che porta a una diminuzione del potenziale di membrana mitocondriale (4) e al rilascio del citocromo c, che attiva i percorsi di segnalazione della caspasi, i quali portano alla morte cellulare per apoptosi (1, 4 ). Sebbene l’apoptosi possa essere utile nel rimuovere le cellule danneggiate, quando è eccessiva, può essere problematica in quanto può portare infine a disfunzione sistemica dell’organismo.

L’apoptosi eccessiva causata dalle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche artificiali è problematica per il sistema nervoso. Il sistema nervoso è molto sensibile agli effetti delle Radiazioni. Il cervello è più sensibile alle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche rispetto agli altri organi perché ha un altissimo tasso metabolico e una grande richiesta di ossigeno, che lo rendono molto vulnerabile a disturbi del metabolismo energetico (1). Numerosi cambiamenti patologici possono verificarsi nel cervello a seguito della esposizione eccessiva alle Radiazioni come ad esempio danni strutturali, perturbazioni neurotrasmettitoriali (1, 3), alterazioni della attività elettrica e aumento della permeabilità della barriera ematoencefalica (2, 4). Quanto severamente un soggetto sia colpito dipende da frequenza, durata e intensità dell’esposizione alle Radiazioni (1, 3). Ognuno è o sarà, in qualche modo, influenzato negativamente dalle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche artificiali. A causa della sempre crescente quantità di antenne e ripetitori della telefonia mobile installati dalle compagnie delle telecomunicazioni, Radiofrequenze e Radiazioni a Microonde sono quasi impossibili da evitare al giorno d’oggi e rappresentano una grave minaccia per la salute pubblica. Le cose andranno solo a peggiorare se non si interverrà per eliminare e ridurre, e non semplicemente per evitare, le sorgenti di Radiazioni artificiali.



Riferimenti scientifici:

  1. Hao, Y., Zhao, L. & Peng, R. Effects of microwave radiation on brain energy metabolism and related mechanisms. Military Medical Research. 2015; 2:4. doi: 10.1186/s40779-015-0033-6. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4440565/]
  2. Xu, S., Zhou, Z., Zhang, L., Yu, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Li, M., Chen, Y., Chen, C., He, M., Zhang, G. & Zhong, M. Exposure to 1800MHz radio frequency radiation induces oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA in primary cultured neurons. Brain Research. 2010; 1311:189-196. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.10.062. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19879861]
  3. Zhao, L., Peng, R. Wang, S. Wang, L., Gao, Y., Dong, J., Li, X. & Su, Z. Relationship between Cognition Function and Hippocampus Structure after Long-term Microwave Exposure. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 2012; 25(2):182-188. doi: 10.3967/0895-3988.2012.02.009. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22998825]
  4. Zuo, H., Lin, T., Wang, D., Peng, R., Wang, S., Gao, Y., Xu, X., Li, Y., Wang, S., Zhao, L., Wang, L. & Zhou, H. Neural Cell Apoptosis Induced by Microwave Exposure Through Mitochondria-dependent Caspase-3 Pathway. International Journal of Medical Sciences.2014; 11(5):426–435. doi: 10.7150/ijms.6540. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3970093/]





LOCANDINE INFORMATIVE “Dai voce al tuo cervello!”

Agosto 2016 – “Comitato Lecce Via Cavo”, Lecce


Prevista la massima diffusione delle LOCANDINE INFORMATIVE attraverso l’affissione negli AMBULATORI PEDIATRICI presenti sul territorio.

L’iniziativa nasce dalla collaborazione tra COMITATO “LECCE VIA CAVO”, CODACONS, CODICI, CSV SALENTO e ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA ELETTROSENSIBILI ed a Giugno 2016 aveva già avuto il patrocinio anche dell’ ORDINE DEI FARMACISTI della Provincia di Lecce, con diffusione nelle farmacie, studi medici ed esercizi commerciali.

La locandina suggerisce alcuni COMPORTAMENTI PER RIDURRE LA PROPRIA ESPOSIZIONE ALLE RADIOFREQUENZE, tra cui: evitare lunghe chiamate con il cellulare, spegnere il wifi quando non è in uso (specie la notte), usare linee cablate a casa o sul lavoro;
PARTICOLARE ATTENZIONE ALLA PROTEZIONE DEI BAMBINI, che sono più vulnerabili: consigliato RIDURRE la loro esposizione alle radiazioni wireless (CELLULARI, CORDLESS, TABLET, WIFI) e PROMUOVERE RETI CABLATE NELLE SCUOLE al posto delle antenne wifi.

Sulla locandina campeggia la scritta “Dai voce al tuo cervello”, slogan scelto dopo che le radiofrequenze utilizzate dalla tecnologia senza fili sono state classificate nel 2011, dall’Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro (IARC) dell’Organizzazione Mondiale per la Salute (OMS), come “possibile cancerogeno per l’uomo”.
Da allora sono emerse nuove evidenze scientifiche che correlano l’esposizione alle radiofrequenze con l’insorgenza di tumori maligni al cervello, disordini neurologici , danni al dna, diminuzione dell’udito, sintomi di elettrosensibilità, alterazioni del ritmo cardiaco, insonnia, cali di memoria, disturbi cognitivi.



Mobile phone mast radiation, Sweden. Pr. Chris Busby

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z6-Vkw5W0Y]

Pubblicato il 23 ott 2013


Pr. Chris Busby and Ditta Rietuma inspecting the mobile mast radiation at 100 m distance 7th floor

An urgent message for all humanity: electromagnetic radiation is damaging our babies, brains, bodies and planet

by Olga Sheean

The following letter (sent to the Mayor of Vancouver, Gregor Robertson, and the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, on 15 June 2016) has generated an overwhelming response from people all over the world. Many of them have electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), but some of them are discovering this information for the first time and are alarmed by how much it has been distorted, downplayed and denied by those elected to protect our well-being. They have shared their own personal stories and some of them have also written to Robertson, as well as their own elected officials, expressing their concerns and calling for this issue to be urgently addressed.

The letter has gone viral, reaching thousands of people. It has been shared on social media, distributed on various networks, sent out in newsletters and its content re-purposed for other cities.

The information contained in this document applies to most developed countries, since Wi-Fi, cell phones and cordless phones are everywhere, saturating our environment with rapidly rising levels of radiation that’s affecting more and more people every day. I encourage you to share it as widely as you can, even if you are not personally (or knowingly) affected.

The more people I speak to about this, the more I (and they) realize that we’re all affected, in some way—some so severely that they can no longer function normally. I receive letters every day from those who are desperate for a solution and a safe place to live. I hear horror stories—a teenager committing suicide because she’s been forced to sit beside a Wi-Fi router at school, even though it makes her seriously ill; adults who have taken their own lives because there is nowhere for them to lead a normal life; and a 10-year-old boy who can no longer go to school as the Wi-Fi causes blinding headaches and makes him vomit. (For a list of symptoms of electromagnetic intolerance, see page 13.)

As much as 50% of the population in many developed countries will be affected by electromagnetic radiation by 2017.

The questions on pages 20 & 21 raise some key issues that politicians, decision-makers and Internet service-providers have an obligation to answer—but will be unable to, since the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation is now so vast and is escalating so rapidly that there is no way to measure, monitor or contain it.

As of 3 July 2016, I had not yet received a reply from Robertson or Trudeau, but I will be following up with them personally, sharing the many stories and messages I’ve received and alerting them to the growing public awareness of what’s really going on. Change will come as a result of your involvement. There is a tipping point for everything—your tolerance for the rising radiation, as well as the pressure we can collectively bring to bear on those tasked to protect our health, safety, human rights and natural environment.

We’re all in this together.



Rapport de l’ANSES sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences et santé des enfants : il faut mieux protéger les enfants

[L’agenzia Nazionale Francese  per la Salute (Anses – Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail) ha recentemente pubblicato un rapporto chiarissimo sui rischi derivanti dalla esposizione ai Campi Elettromagnetici e dall’uso delle tecnologie Wireless (senza fili) soprattutto per i bambini, sottolineando dunque la necessità di proteggerli limitando la loro esposizione e dissuadendoli dall’usare cellulari, tablet e altri dispositivi Wireless.]

8 juillet 2016 – par “Priartem et le Collectif des Electrosensibles de France”

Electrosensibles de France – Membre et référent de l’Association nationale P.R.I.A.R.T.EM
Correspondance : P.R.I.A.R.T.EM – Collectif des Electrosensibles de France; 5, Cour de la Ferme Saint-Lazare ; 75010 Paris
Email : Cliquez –  Tél : 01 42 47 81 54

Communiqué de presse du 8 juillet 2016

Rapport de l’ANSES sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences et santé des enfants : il faut mieux protéger les enfants

A l’issue d’un long travail d’expertise l’Agence conclut qu’il faut mieux protéger les enfants des rayonnements de toutes les technologies sans fil ainsi que des effets liés à l’usage des outils numériques sans fil.

Pour l’ANSES, mieux protéger les enfants signifie :

–         Limiter l’exposition des enfants aux champs électromagnétiques ;

–         Dissuader l’usage par les enfants de l’ensemble des dispositifs de communication mobile.

L’ANSES met en évidence l’inadéquation des normes réglementaires actuelles pour satisfaire à cette nécessaire protection et elle propose ainsi de reconsidérer les valeurs limites d’exposition réglementaires et les indicateurs d’exposition dont le DAS (débit d’absorption spécifique).

Priartem considère que ces recommandations vont dans le bon sens ; que l’Agence a pris ses responsabilités d’Agence sanitaire en les formulant et qu’il reste maintenant aux autorités politiques à les mettre en œuvre le plus rapidement possible.

En ce sens Priartem va s’appuyer sur ces conclusions pour demander une réévaluation du processus normatif et surtout des mesures concrètes de protection des enfants. L’association va ainsi saisir à nouveau le ministère de l’Education Nationale pour un arrêt du plan numérique à l’école. En effet, tel qu’il est aujourd’hui lancé, ce plan se traduit par un déploiement massif de tablettes en WiFi dans les classes y compris dans les maternelles.

Priartem rappelle que partout où c’est possible les connexions filaires doivent être privilégiées, les appareils « sans fil » devant être réservés aux situations de mobilité.

Plus que jamais nous devons demander un grand débat public sur le développement numérique dont nous avons besoin au lieu de nous laisser imposer de plus en plus de gadgets connectés. Ceci est d’autant plus crucial que la jeune génération est celle qui aura été la plus exposée et ce, dès le plus jeune âge. Nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre d’avoir des regrets dans 20 ans, il sera trop tard.

Please also see/Vedere anche:


US government’s premiere test program finds cancer risk from cell phone radiation: a game-changing global wake-up call

19th June 2016 – “blog.oup.com”, by Devra Davis

Have you heard that cell phones cause cancer, then they don’t, then they do? Confused enough yet? Let me break it down for you. Contrary to some claims, the new US government study by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) is hardly a shot in the dark or a one-off event. With this largest best-conducted animal study, we now have three different studies within the past six years where animals develop some of the same cancers from cell phone radiation as people. In the NTP study, male rats exposed to wireless radiation develop more unusual highly malignant brain tumors—gliomas—as well as very rare tumors of the nerves around and within the heart—schwannomas.

Rodent studies are the gold standard for testing chemicals. In fact, as the American Cancer Society notes, the NTP study comes from a world-renowned test program that involved twice the usual number of animals and triple the typical number of independent reviews of the pathology data. The NTP review process included blinded evaluations by statisticians and pathologists who did not even know the name of the ‘test agent’ they were examining.

An op-ed from the New York Times by pediatrician Aaron Carroll questions the relevance of these animal studies for humans. Chairman of Pediatrics at Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem, Dr. Eitan Kerem, does not agree, stating that “Such findings [of cancers in a test drug] in the pharma industry may prevent further developing of a drug until safety is proven, and until the findings of this study are confirmed parents should be aware of the potential hazards of carcinogenic potential of radiofrequency radiation.”

Prof. Eitan appreciates that every agent known to cause cancer in people, also produces it in animals when well studied. More recently, studies have found significant brain changes in cell-phone exposed Zebra fish which also share important properties with humans. If we fail to heed these studies and insist on more human data, we become the bodies of evidence.

Not a single one of the NTP rat controls developed these rare brain cancers or schwannomas of the heart. Yes it is true that historical controls used in other studies have had a few brain cancers, so why should we not compare these results with that? In scientific research, we take great care to subject controls and exposed animals to the same housing, light, food, water supply, cage rotation, etc. This NTP study placed all animals in a complex reverberation chamber that existed within a metal barrier that blocked all forms of electromagnetic radiation from entering—a Farraday cage. Thus it is entirely plausible that electromagnetic exposures from wiring, ceiling fans, HVAC, or even technicians with phones in their pockets, could have affected control animals in those older studies causing this rare brain tumor and the handful of schwannomas of the heart found in the past in other controls. The fact that not a single one of the controls in this study developed these rare tumors tells us a great deal.

Why then, did brain tumors occur only in male rats? The sexes differ not only in hormones but in the ways that their DNA deals with poisons. In fact, rare precancerous abnormalities in the brain and heart were also reported in both sexes in the NTP study. For many cancer-causing agents, tumors are more common in males than in females—although in this instance, both males and females had significantly more cardiac abnormalities, pre-cancerous lesions, and malignant nerve tumors within and around their hearts.

Wait a minute. Some have claimed that these results are not a true positive, but a false one, that is to say—a false finding that wireless radiation increases cancer. By design, this study had a 97% chance of finding a true positive. Using a relatively small number of animals to study a very rare outcome, this study in fact, had a far greater chance of a falsely negative finding than of a falsely positive result.

Why then does the public know so little about the how cell phones and wireless technology impact our health? In 1994, findings that such radiation could prove a risk spawned an unusual and little-known sport—that of “war-games”—outlined in a memo from Motorola to their PR firm. That year when University of Washington scientists, Henry Lai and V.J. Singh, first showed that radiofrequency radiation (RFR) damaged brain cells in rats, they were subject to well-funded coordinated efforts to discredit their findings, their livelihood, and their integrity. Their university was asked to fire them and the journal editor where their work had been accepted was pressured to un-accept it. Similar disinformation efforts confronted the REFLEX project in 2004—a $15 million European Union multi-lab effort—after it also determined that cellphone radiation caused biological impacts on the brain.

Another paper from the NTP finding genotoxic impacts of wireless radiation is under peer-review at this time. The capacity of this radiation to open membranes is so well established that a number of technologies have been FDA approved to treat cancer relying on electroceuticals that use electromagnetic radiation at various powers, waveforms, and frequencies.

If ever there was a time to re-think our growing dependence on wireless in schools, cars, homes, and energy production, this is it. There is no other suspected cancer-causing agent to which we subject our elementary school students or place directly in front of the brain and eyes with virtual reality. It makes no sense to continue building out huge wireless systems until we have done a better job of putting the pieces of this puzzle together. This latest report from the NTP should give us all pause.

Belgium has banned cell phones for children. Over a dozen countries are curtailing wireless radiation especially for children. Reducing exposures will increase battery life, decrease demand for energy, and lower health risks. Concerted steps to reduce wireless radiation such as those recommended by the Israeli National Center for Non-Ionizing Radiation, France, the Indian Ministry of Health, and the Belgian government are in order now.

Governments have a moral obligation to protect citizens against risks that cannot otherwise be controlled. The epidemics of lung cancer today are evidence we waited far too long to control tobacco. To insist on proof of human harm now before taking steps to prevent future damage places all of us into an experiment without our consent, violating the Nuremberg Code.

Featured image credit: Cell phone in hands by Karolina Grabowska.STAFFAGE. CC0 public domain via Pexels.



“CELLULARI, WIFI & Co”, 8 luglio 2016 – serata informativa


Venerdì 8 luglio 2016
dalle ore 21:00

Auditorium Santa Chiara
via F. Cane, 31 – Casale Monferrato (AL)

Serata informativa sull’uso consapevole di cellulari, wifi, ecc.,
e i rischi potenziali per la salute.

Organizzata dalle associazioni
Mamme in Cerchio, L’Albero di Valentina, Passi di Vita Onlus,
con il patrocinio
del Comune di Casale  Monferrato e dell’Ordine dei Farmacisti della provincia di Alessandria.

con la partecipazione
del Dr. Paolo Orio e del Dr. Sergio Crippa
Associazione Italiana Elettrosensibili

[Per maggiori dettagli, vedere la locandina qui sotto.
Cliccare sulla immagine per ingrandirla.]


Una presentazione della serata su “Il Monferrato”, di Marco Bertoncini.

[Cliccare sulla immagine per ingrandirla.]


Wireless computers positioned close to the body could expose the users to similar levels of radiation as mobile phones

22 June 2016 – “Omega News”

From : Stop Smart Meters! UK

Please see attached by Dr Sarah Starkey which shows some comparisons between cell phones and Wi-Fi devices.  Specifically in relation to dosage, it is not necessarily the router that we need to be most concerned about, but the handheld device, e.g. iPad.
Average maximum SAR for a sample of 358 digital mobile phones is 1.02 W/Kg in 1g tissue
(sarvalues.com; adult); iPad maximum SAR on Wi-Fi is 1.19 W/Kg in 1g tissue (iPad Information
Guide; adult). Thus, wireless computers positioned close to the body could expose the users to
similar levels of radiation as mobile phones.
Dr Starkey’s calculations show that iPads can expose children to as much (if not more) radiation than cell phones, especially when considering usage on the lap.
My understanding is that iPads, unlike some cell phones (e.g. iPhone 5s), do not have the means to reduce power selectively based on proximity to the nearest router — they emit maximum power constantly.
I have included the 2B document referred to as well which compares with tobacco.

Stop Smart Meters! UK

Informant: André Fauteux

Accurate Information.pdf
371 KB

92 KB



US Naval Medical Research Institute Studies – 1972


This US Navy report from 1972 documents the connection of 122 bioeffects to microwaves. Dr. Zorach Glaser, PhD of the US Navy presented a research report covering more than 2,200 studies, which link weak wireless signals (microwave radiation) to more than 122 biological effects. “Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (Effects) and Clinical Manifestations attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation.”





Questo rapporto della Marina degli Stati Uniti del 1972 documenta il nesso tra 122 bioeffetti e le microonde.
Il Dr. Zorach Glaser, PhD della Marina degli Stati Uniti ha presentato un rapporto di ricerca che copre più di 2.200 studi, i quali collegano i segnali wireless deboli (radiazione a microonde) a più di 122 effetti biologici.
“Bibliografia dei Fenomeni Biologici Riferiti (Effetti) e delle Manifestazioni Cliniche attribuiti alla Radiazione in Microonde e Radiofrequenza.”

Click on the picture below to access the PDF file of the research report/Cliccare sulla immagine sottostate per accedere al file PDF del rapporto:



Source/Fonte:  https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD0750271