Tag: EHS

Giorgio Cinciripini all'Università di Crema gennaio 2019

Il Bene comune dell’aria e la elettrosensibilità

Giorgio Cinciripini all'Università di Crema gennaio 2019

Presso la  UNI-CREMA  il ns Vice presidente, Giorgio Cinciripini, è stato invitato a tenere una lezione in tema di campi elettromagnetici, impatto sulla salute e ... 5G!

L'approccio è stato "ambientalista" cioè legato alla perdita del controllo del Aria come bene comune.

Giorgio Cinciripini - L'aria è un bene comune?

Documentario inquinamento elettromagnetico

Documentario (Generation Zapped) sull’inquinamento elettromagnetico con interviste a ricercatori internazionali INDIPENDENTI del calibro di Olle Johansson, David Carpenter, Cindy Sage.

I danni alla salute procurati da esposizioni prolungate alle radiazioni elettromagnetiche (assimilabili per potenziali rischi alla salute a piombo,amianto e fumo di tabacco) possono avere conseguenze devastanti come per es. tumori cerebrali e neurinomi dell’acustico.

Guarda subito il trailer su vimeo…

Trailer SENSIBILE, un documentario di Alessandro Quadretti

SENSIBILE – un documentario di Alessandro Quadretti
12 gennaio alle ore 11:44 ·
Care amiche e cari amici, nonostante il silenzio delle ultime settimane stiamo lavorando per la promozione di “Sensibile”: come ricorderete, il 31 gennaio il film verrà presentato in anteprima in Grecia al International Peloponnisos Documentary Festival. Poi, a partire da aprile, ci saranno proiezioni in Italia che in questi giorni stiamo organizzando (alcune date tra Romagna e Puglia sono già stabilite): invitiamo chiunque abbia voglia e modo di organizzare una proiezione del documentario a contattare in privato il regista Alessandro Quadretti all’indirizzo zabris@gmail.com

Trailer “SENSIBILE” documentario from Officinemedia on Vimeo.

Tecnologia, Pericoli per la salute e Conseguenze


Ne va della salute ma di questo non si parla

A cura di Antonella Nappi.

Leggiamo di continuo sui giornali l’annuncio festante di come vivremo: dovremo comandare gli oggetti dall’esterno degli edifici, questi si parleranno tra loro, robot faranno le nostre veci; si dà per scontato che la popolazione compri ancora di nuovo tutte le merci che vengono imbandite ed altre vengano continuamente buttate, ad ironia della sostenibilità del pianeta e dei nostri comportamenti; si pretende, per fare affari, che il mondo divenga telecomandato, ma rimane problematico da quale tipo di umani lo sarà.

Leggi tutto…

“We Are The Evidence” Testimony to the FCC Disability Committee on Wireless Radiation Harms

[Il 22 settembre, Dafna Tachover (che da anni si batte per i diritti degli Elettrosensibili) ha tenuto un discorso pubblico al meeting del Comitato Consultivo sulla Disabilità (Disability Advisory Committee Meeting) della FCC (Federal Communications Commission) allo scopo di perorare la nostra causa.
Tra i partecipanti alla riunione c’erano molte aziende del Wireless e della tecnologia, e organizzazioni di disabili.

Il Comitato di cui sopra è stato istituito per formulare raccomandazioni alla Commissione su una vasta gamma di questioni riguardanti le disabilità nell’ambito delle competenze della Commissione, e per facilitare la partecipazione delle persone con disabilità nei procedimenti dinanzi alla Commissione.
Dafna è Elettrosensibile e non è stato facile per lei stare in quell’ambiente inquinato. Dovremmo tutti apprezzare il suo impegno ed i suoi sforzi. 

Più sotto potete trovare il video del suo discorso.

Dafna ha recentemente creato “We Are The Evidence” (W.A.T.E.), un gruppo di difesa che si propone di rappresentare adulti e bambini che sono stati danneggiati dalle radiazioni della tecnologia Wireless.
W.A.T.E. vuole esporre questa epidemia al pubblico, far sentire la voce delle persone danneggiate e difendere i loro diritti attraverso educazione, unione e procedimenti legali. Il sito web di W.A.T.E. è stato lanciato anche se non è ancora finito, ed è raggiungibile al seguente link: W.A.T.E. website.
Se vi siete ammalati a causa delle radiazioni della tecnologia Wireless, avete la Elettrosensibilità o il cancro, siete pregati di compilare il modulo a voi dedicato, lasciando la vostra testimonianza.
Purtroppo il modulo è in Inglese ed anche la compilazione deve essere fatta in Inglese, quindi serve un po’ di impegno.
Il modulo è raggiungibile al seguente link: “I Am The Evidence” form.]

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qg0H63GLkU]

Pubblicato il 27 set 2016

“NO SAFE PLACE shattered lives, healthcare set to crash − you can’t fix this fast enough” – Una lettera di Olga Sheean al Sindaco di Vancouver Gregor Robertson sulla Ipersensibilità Elettromagnetica (EHS – Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity)


Olga Sheean, una ex dipendente della Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità a Ginevra ora residente a Vancouver, BC, ha scritto una lettera straordinariamente appassionata ed articolata a Gregor Robertson, Sindaco della città di Vancouver, riguardo alla Ipersensibilità Elettromagnetica (EHS) e ai pericoli della proliferazione del WiFi.

Anche grazie ai suoi trascorsi, Olga Sheean è una delle più preziose attiviste in ambito di EHS. E’ stata addirittura in grado di far accettare ad Orca Airways che i telefoni cellulari vengano spenti quando dei malati di Ipersensibilità Elettromagnetica viaggiano sugli aerei di quella compagnia.

La lettera in questione è un documento completo, che delinea gli effetti nocivi di dispositivi e infrastrutture Wireless in fase di lancio e promosse dal Comune di Vancouver. E’ davvero estremamente accurata e vale la pena leggerla.

I temi principali del documento sono i seguenti:

  • Ignorati, esclusi ed inabili – cittadini costretti a fuggire
  • Evidenza di effetti nocivi: fatti in breve
  • Dati scientifici contro pressioni politiche e disinformazione
  • Effetti fisici delle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche
  • Sintomi principali della EHS
  • Importanti punti di riferimento sulla linea di confine dei Campi Elettromagnetici
  • Diritti umani e malefatte umane
  • Domande alle quali voi ed il governo dovete rispondere
  • Un assaggio di quello che verrà: il costo reale delle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche
  • Gli scienziati chiedono misure più protettive, data crescente evidenza del rischio da Campi Elettromagnetici.

Ci teniamo a citare un paio di considerazioni importanti presenti nella lettera.

Facendo riferimento a ciò che la storia recente dovrebbe insegnarci, l’autrice dice:

“Un tempo…
… La Terra era piatta. Il fumo era buono per voi. Il Talidomide era favoloso nel risolvere le nausee mattutine. L’amianto consentiva un ottimo isolamento. L’energia nucleare era la strada da percorrere. Le colture di grano OGM erano una manna dal cielo per gli agricoltori di tutto il mondo. E gli oli idrogenati erano una scelta conveniente in termini di costo-beneficio. Adesso noi abbiamo WiFi e reti mobili, che ci connettono con tutti, ovunque, ogni secondo di ogni giorno…e creano nel nostro ambiente di vita una proliferazione di radiazioni pervasiva, virtualmente inevitabile, senza precedenti, non verificata, incontrollata ed in rapida crescita. Ma non preoccupatevi; il sindaco di Vancouver dice che è sicura!”

Facendo riferimento alle terribili condizioni di vita dei malati di Elettrosensibilità, i quali vedono negati i loro diritti umani fondamentali, dice:

“Sebbene l’essere esposti a radiazioni nocive senza il proprio consenso e al di là del proprio controllo sia decisamente una violazione di uno di diritti umani, è difficile stabilire esattamente quanti di quei diritti vengano violati. C’è il diritto alle pari opportunità, il diritto di avere mezzi di sussistenza, il diritto di accedere a tutti i servizi e comfort disponibili per i cittadini che non hanno la EHS, il diritto alla salute, il diritto di vivere in un ambiente sicuro, il diritto di scegliere se essere esposti a radiazioni nocive e forse anche il diritto di esistere, considerando i principali. Potrebbe anche essere considerata una negazione della nostra stessa umanità, data la nostra reazione naturale alle radiazioni e l’inevitabile punto di non ritorno dell’intolleranza del corpo per livelli sempre crescenti. Tutti noi abbiamo punti di non ritorno della intolleranza- … “

Buona lettura.]

July 2016/Luglio 2016

An urgent message for all humanity:

electromagnetic radiation is damaging our babies, brains, bodies and planet

The following letter (sent to the Mayor of Vancouver, Gregor Robertson, and the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, on 15 June 2016) has generated an overwhelming response from people all over the world. Many of them have electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), but some of them are discovering this information for the first time and are alarmed by how much it has been distorted, downplayed and denied by those elected to protect our well-being. They have shared their own personal stories and some of them have also written to Robertson, as well as their own elected officials, expressing their concerns and calling for this issue to be urgently addressed.

The letter has gone viral, reaching thousands of people. It has been shared on social media, distributed on various networks, sent out in newsletters and its content re-purposed for other cities.

The information contained in this document applies to most developed countries, since Wi-Fi, cell phones and cordless phones are everywhere, saturating our environment with rapidly rising levels of radiation that’s affecting more and more people every day. I encourage you to share it as widely as you can, even if you are not personally (or knowingly) affected.

The more people I speak to about this, the more I (and they) realize that we’re all affected, in some way—some so severely that they can no longer function normally. I receive letters every day from those who are desperate for a solution and a safe place to live. I hear horror stories—a teenager committing suicide because she’s been forced to sit beside a Wi-Fi router at school, even though it makes her seriously ill; adults who have taken their own lives because there is nowhere for them to lead a normal life; and a 10-year-old boy who can no longer go to school as the Wi-Fi causes blinding headaches and makes him vomit. (For a list of symptoms of electromagnetic intolerance, see page 13.)

As much as 50% of the population in many developed countries will be affected by electromagnetic radiation by 2017.

The questions on pages 20 & 21 raise some key issues that politicians, decision-makers and Internet service-providers have an obligation to answer—but will be unable to, since the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation is now so vast and is escalating so rapidly that there is no way to measure, monitor or contain it.

As of 3 July 2016, I had not yet received a reply from Robertson or Trudeau, but I will be following up with them personally, sharing the many stories and messages I’ve received and alerting them to the growing public awareness of what’s really going on. Change will come as a result of your involvement. There is a tipping point for everything—your tolerance for the rising radiation, as well as the pressure we can collectively bring to bear on those tasked to protect our health, safety, human rights and natural environment.

We’re all in this together.

PDF File of the letter/File PDF della lettera:




Spain: High Court of Madrid Ruling Recognizes “Electrosensitivity” as Grounds for Total Permanent Disability

[Altro articolo sulla importante recente sentenza spagnola che ha riconosciuto una disabilità totale e permanente ad un malato di Elettrosensibilità.]

4 August 2016 – “mieuxprevenir.blogspot.it”, by 

UPDATE 29 August 2016:   An auto-translation of the legal decision in the High Court of Madrid, which found in favor of an EHS sufferer, an ex-employee at Ericsson, is included in a post published on Dave Ashton’s blog, “Being Electrosensitive”:
“Spain – EHS Legally Recognised”.

A statement considers for first time “electrosensitivity” as grounds for total permanent disability
by Patricia Esteban, noticias.juridicas.com,

3 August 2016
[Note:  Google translation – we corrected the grammar only in the sub-headings and where very evident.  We are seeking a person fluent in English and Spanish to provide a better translation of this article.]A statement considers first the “electrosensitivity” as grounds for total permanent disability

A recent ruling by the High Court of Madrid, No. 588/2016 dated 6 July 2016 (rapporteur Mr. Miguel Moreiras Cabellero) has recognized for the first time a situation of total permanent disability for the exercise of the profession of a telecommunications engineer suffering from a rare syndrome, “electrosensitivity syndrome (EHS)”, which prevents him from working in environments with electromagnetic fields. It does not recognize, however, an absolute permanent disability.

This little known syndrome causes a number of symptoms (headaches, sleep disorders or muscle aches, even aggressive), now recognized for justice as incapacitating, whose origin is exposure to electromagnetic fields.The engineer suffering from this syndrome had appealed the sentence in supplication Instance Labour Court No 11 of Madrid, which dismissed his petition and acquitted the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), which had denied the economic benefit.

Now the Supreme Court of Madrid has given reason: his illness prevents him from working as an engineer in telecommunications, but believes that he can work in environments that do not present electromagnetic pollution. But, we wonder, what office currently has no wifi?

He was denied a disability benefit

The appellant, who worked in a known technology multinational, had initiated a sick leave for temporary disability due to common illnesses, and subsequently record of permanent disability.

An initial medical reported that “it is not possible to establish definitive functional limitations electrosensitivity syndrome” and proposed no qualification of the worker as permanently disabled by not presenting anatomical or functional reductions that reduce or remove his working capacity.

In view of these reports, the INSS issued a resolution dated June 6, 2014, by which it remembered deny the actor disability benefits, not reach the injuries suffered by a sufficient degree of reduced working capacity, for constituting a permanent disability.

The Social Court No 11 of Madrid dismissed the claim, considering that his case could not be considered as “absolute permanent disability” requested by the actor.

The key to the favorable judgment: a report of public health

The applicant had in his favor with an expert report Hospital of Guadalajara, in which the patient’s symptoms were described to work “in the presence of this exposure to electromagnetic fields”. Symptoms such as headache, tinnitus, insomnia and other disorders such as mood changes, nervousness, irritability or aggression, etc., that “improved by moving away from their exposure.”

Reducing exposure to electromagnetic pollution 

The court finds that “total permanent disability of the claimant for his usual profession of Telecommunications Engineer because of chemical sensitivity that have or electromagnetic hypersensitivity the Spanish Ministry of Health has called in its version of the International Classification syndrome is reasonably accredited ICD-9-CM disease within the group of non-specific allergies. ”

As stated in the contested judgment, the appellant is required by his profession to work in sensitive environments, being in constant daily contact with computers in an environment where there are electromagnetic fields, radio frequency wireless and mobile connections.

Talking by mobile caused tinnitus  

This syndrome, according clarifies the court in its judgment, is an allergy that causes in those who suffer loss induced tolerance, for most recurrent outbreaks, “the radio pollution, cordless phones, mobile phone antennas, WIFI, requiring who affects to minimize their exposure in the home and work environments and avoid places with electromagnetic pollution “.

Unable to work as ‘teleco’

Therefore, the court finds that he is unable to work at his workplace (a multinational dedicated to providing telecommunications equipment and solutions).

Proved circumstances, lead, continued the judge, “a reasonable decision to declare the applicant in a situation of total permanent disability for his usual profession of Telecommunications Engineer derived from common illness entitled to receive the corresponding financial benefit under the provisions Article 137.4 of the General Social Security Law. ”

“White zones”

The court, however, considers that it can not appreciate a complete inability, because although the plaintiff is unable to work in environments with electromagnetic pollution, this situation does not occur in all sorts of places, so he can work in so-called unpolluted “white zones”.

Furthermore, with regard to multiple chemical sensitivity that also suffers syndrome, as discussed in the Background of Fourth Law of the judgment of the Court, ” it is not possible to establish permanent sequelae , ” and this lack of permanent limitations prevents estimate its claim to be declared in absolute permanent disability pursuant to the provisions of article 136.1 of the General Social Security Law.

Pioneer judgment

Recognition of little known syndromes as a cause of work disability has in recent years battle in court. Conditions that cause a high impact on people who have it, and do not seem to receive the public attention it requires.

The case of telecommunications engineer at the High Court of Madrid has recognized incapacity for suffering electrosensitivity is relevant to be the first time that this condition is considered as the main cause of disability.

Previously, courts had recognized, but associated with other syndromes (chronic fatigue, environmental sensitivity ..). Thus, for example, Case 213/2016 the Supreme Court of Castilla y Leon dated April 6, 2016 or judgment of the Supreme Court 4675/2014 Catalonia dated June 27, 2014.

The case of “fibromyalgia”

Although this condition was included in the International Classification of Diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1991, it has long been considered as “sham” and not a real disease.

The most recent case law, especially in Catalonia (Judgments TSJ Catalonia June 23, 2014, to February 24, 2015, to June 5, 2015, or November 3, 2015) has begun to recognize the importance of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome as a cause of declaration of incapacity for work.

In these judgments underlying the idea that the disability must be understood as the loss of capacity for serious anatomical or functional reductions that reduce or nullify the labor capacity, and without that would inhibit the rating the possibility of recovery of working capacity when it present as uncertain or very long term.

Original article in Spanish:



Accommodation Ideas for Electromagnetic Sensitivity

[Il Job Accommodation Network (JAN) negli Stati Uniti è un leader nella assistenza tecnica gratuita e riservata in merito a questioni lavorative e problemi occupazionali in caso di disabilità.
E’ un referente dell’O.D.E.P., Office of Disability Employment Policy, del Dipartimento del Lavoro degli Stati Uniti (U.S. Department of Labor).
Sul suo sito ufficiale esiste una sezione dedicata al problema della Elettrosensibilità.
Nonostante la esposizione dei concetti sia a tratti un po’ imprecisa, è significativo il fatto che venga prestata attenzione alla malattia e alla tutela dei malati, che spesso purtroppo nel nostro paese sono costretti a rinunciare alla attività lavorativa per l’impossibilità di permanere a lungo in ambienti inquinati da Campi Elettromagnetici e, nel caso dei soggetti sia elettro- che chemio-sensibili, da sostanze chimiche.]

From “JAN” (Job Accomodation Network) website (http://askjan.org/):


There are people who report a sensitivity to electromagnetic sensitivity. Although it has been difficult for the environmental health and medical communities to define, individuals with electromagnetic sensitivity report various symptoms including but not limited to fatigue, weakness, neurological issues, immunological issues, gastrointestinal issues, increased irritability, lack of ability to think clearly and quickly, sleep disturbance, overall malaise, and anxiety.

Despite the medical community’s difficulty in defining electromagnetic sensitivity, individuals with the condition may benefit from job accommodations. The following is a quick overview of some of the accommodations that might be useful. To discuss an accommodation situation with a consultant, contact JAN directly.

Accommodation ideas for individuals with electromagnetic sensitivity:

  • Allow communication via typewriter or handwritten notes rather than via computer or cover the computer with Plexiglas or other shielding material
  • Provide headset/handset extenders or alternate headsets to lengthen the distance between devices that trigger symptoms and the employee’s body
  • Change the employee’s shift to allow for less exposure to others’ devices
  • Relocate workplace away from areas where symptoms are triggered.  This may include limiting certain types of devices in the vicinity of the employee’s workstation
  • Allow telework  (Note: regarding work at home, unless the employee wants to work at home, other options should be explored first to keep the employee in the workplace)
  • Allow the employee to meet with others in areas where triggers are minimized or allow remote access to meetings or activities that must take place in areas that trigger symptoms.
  • Provide wired telephones and network connections
  • Provide building-wide and/or workspace shielding of equipment and devices, for example add filters to fluorescent lights and tape electrical cords
  • Individuals with electrical sensitivity may also experience limitations from fragrance sensitivity and/or photosensitivity



Campaigner wants Wifi in schools banned due to health concerns

11 August 2016 – “Braintree & Witham Times”, by Robbie Bryson, Trainee Reporter

DANGER: Martin Kingsbury wants Wifi in schools to be banned
DANGER: Martin Kingsbury wants Wifi in schools to be banned

A BUSINESSMAN is on a mission to make people aware of an invisible health danger.

Martin Kingsbury, from Braintree, wants Wifi to be banned in schools up and down the country, to prevent harm being caused by electromagnetic radiation.

He said: “Someone came to me three years ago and told me about it. At first I thought it was another scare story.

“Then I spent a bit of time and did a bit of research. I started to see things that could not be disputed.

“The man made radiation has increased hundreds of times in the last thirty years.”

Many claim that exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause people to develop Electro-Hypersensitivity – symptoms can include dizziness, headaches and sleep disturbance.

Mr Kingsbury, who owns Solar Power GB Ltd, is a member of Geovital Academy UK and got involved with the worldwide No Wifi in Schools campaign on July 31 by distributing posters across the district.

Countries such as Israel and France have already introduced Wi-Fi bands around children of a young age and Mr Kingsbury wants to see the UK government take a strong stance against electromagnetic radiation.

Mr Kingsbury said: “The problem is no one knows the information is out there.

“People need to be aware of the problems and then it is up to them what they do. But at least then they are given the opportunity to make small changes.

“I would like to see all Wifi to be removed from schools and people made aware of the harmful effects from modern technology – for people with children it is so important.”

