Accommodation Ideas for Electromagnetic Sensitivity
[Il Job Accommodation Network (JAN) negli Stati Uniti è un leader nella assistenza tecnica gratuita e riservata in merito a questioni lavorative e problemi occupazionali in caso di disabilità.
E’ un referente dell’O.D.E.P., Office of Disability Employment Policy, del Dipartimento del Lavoro degli Stati Uniti (U.S. Department of Labor).
Sul suo sito ufficiale esiste una sezione dedicata al problema della Elettrosensibilità.
Nonostante la esposizione dei concetti sia a tratti un po’ imprecisa, è significativo il fatto che venga prestata attenzione alla malattia e alla tutela dei malati, che spesso purtroppo nel nostro paese sono costretti a rinunciare alla attività lavorativa per l’impossibilità di permanere a lungo in ambienti inquinati da Campi Elettromagnetici e, nel caso dei soggetti sia elettro- che chemio-sensibili, da sostanze chimiche.]
From “JAN” (Job Accomodation Network) website (
There are people who report a sensitivity to electromagnetic sensitivity. Although it has been difficult for the environmental health and medical communities to define, individuals with electromagnetic sensitivity report various symptoms including but not limited to fatigue, weakness, neurological issues, immunological issues, gastrointestinal issues, increased irritability, lack of ability to think clearly and quickly, sleep disturbance, overall malaise, and anxiety.
Despite the medical community’s difficulty in defining electromagnetic sensitivity, individuals with the condition may benefit from job accommodations. The following is a quick overview of some of the accommodations that might be useful. To discuss an accommodation situation with a consultant, contact JAN directly.
Accommodation ideas for individuals with electromagnetic sensitivity:
- Allow communication via typewriter or handwritten notes rather than via computer or cover the computer with Plexiglas or other shielding material
- Provide headset/handset extenders or alternate headsets to lengthen the distance between devices that trigger symptoms and the employee’s body
- Change the employee’s shift to allow for less exposure to others’ devices
- Relocate workplace away from areas where symptoms are triggered. This may include limiting certain types of devices in the vicinity of the employee’s workstation
- Allow telework (Note: regarding work at home, unless the employee wants to work at home, other options should be explored first to keep the employee in the workplace)
- Allow the employee to meet with others in areas where triggers are minimized or allow remote access to meetings or activities that must take place in areas that trigger symptoms.
- Provide wired telephones and network connections
- Provide building-wide and/or workspace shielding of equipment and devices, for example add filters to fluorescent lights and tape electrical cords
- Individuals with electrical sensitivity may also experience limitations from fragrance sensitivity and/or photosensitivity