Governments, Authorities Ignore 60+ Years of Dangers of Wi-Fi
[Uno scenario raccapricciante, una terribile minaccia incombente, e nessuno ne sta venendo adeguatamente informato.
“Virtually the entire global population will be irradiated 24/7/365 by 2020 whether they like it or not by pulsed, non-thermal microwave on the same frequency as microwave ovens-2.4 Gigahertz,” said Flynn.
“Praticamente l’intera popolazione mondiale, che lo voglia o no, sarà irradiata 24 ore su 24, 365 giorni all’anno, entro il 2020 da microonde pulsate non-termogenetiche nella stessa frequenza dei forni a microonde-2,4 gigahertz”, ha detto Flynn.
Difficile restare indifferenti.]
28 March 2016 – “”, by Jack O’Dwyer

Retired Canadian Army captain Jerry Flynn, who spent 22 years in its “Electronic Warfare” unit, is beseeching Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadian Medical Assn. president Dr. Chris Simpson to stop “suppressing the truth” about the dangers of Wi-Fi, Cellphones, computers, cell towers and other forms of radiation.The Canadian government is “blind to the decades-old corruption that is ongoing within the Minister of Health’s radiation protection bureau,” he said. “Tragically, for all persons living in Canada, our provincial governments have shown themselves to be willfully silent to those of us who have made many attempts to alert them over the years.”
Flynn also called on the Obama Administration to change its policy of ignoring the Wi-Fi threat.
“These are unprecedented, unbelievable times in America’s history,” he said. One can only presume that President Obama himself, and his entire administration, are deliberately being kept ignorant of the systemic corruption that is ongoing within the U.S. regulatory family of agencies, most notably the Federal Communications Commission and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and its International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety.
“Enabling this corruption, the remaining few media conglomerates choose to remain largely silent. If Americans are to survive this unprecedented Crime Against Humanity, they must wake up and act – before it is too late!”
Flynn Rapped Wireless Utility Meters
Flynn spoke about the dangers of wireless utility “smart” meters at a “National Day of Action” Oct. 4, 2012.
Also rapped on the knuckles is the “sinfully silent news media” in both Canada and the U.S. Exposes of the hazards of radiation are “all over the TV news at least in Europe and Australia,” he said. ABC-TV Australia broadcast “Wi-Fried” on Feb. 16, 2016, detailing health hazards of Wi-Fi, cellphones, etc.
Flynn notes that a handful of companies control much of the media in the U.S. and that five tech companies are planning to envelope the earth in Wi-Fi:
• Google plans 200,000 Wi-Fi balloons at 62,500 feet.
• Space X plans 4,000 satellites 750 miles high.
• OneWeb will hoist 648 satellites 500-590 miles high.
• Facebook plans satellites, drones and lasers.
• Outernet plans low orbit microsatellites.
Globe in Wi-Fry Frying Pan
“Virtually the entire global population will be irradiated 24/7/365 by 2020 whether they like it or not by pulsed, non-thermal microwave on the same frequency as microwave ovens-2.4 Gigahertz,” said Flynn.
The Federal Communications Commission on March 17 gave Google approval to float the balloons in all 50 states. Flynn notes that FCC chairman Tom Wheeler chaired the CTIA-Wireless Assn. from 1992-2004 and is the only person ever named to the Cable TV and Wireless Halls of Fame.
The passage of the Telecommunications Act in 1996 made it illegal for any community to consider health or the environment in regulating cell towers, said Flynn.
In 1995, he noted, just as the Environmental and Protection Agency was about to introduce national exposure limits that would protect the public from non-thermal electromagnetic radiation, the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations cut the EPA’s budget saying it should not be “engaged in electromagnetic activities.”
The responsibility was then transferred to the FCC whose independence is open to question, said Flynn who calls the FCC “corrupt” and “lacking in EMF scientists.”
Norm Alster has authored Captured Agency: How the FCC Is Dominated by the Industries it Presumes to Regulate.
Life on Earth Threatened—Flynn
“It is preposterous but tragically true,” said Flynn, “that scientists and informed people around the world fear that today’s ongoing pandemic corruption, suppression of the truth, deception and lies, aided by the sinfully silent news media—unless it can somehow be stopped—will bring about the demise of mankind and all life on earth as we know it.”
Wi-Fil health advocates are looking for public figures that can take up their cause. An ally may be John Travolta, who insists that hotels he stays in cover the windows of his room with aluminum foil and dark curtains. The wording was found in a rider in Travolta’s contract with hotels by the U.K.’s Daily Mail and reported March 27.
Goop, the website of actress Gwyneth Paltrow, explored whether “Cellphones and Wi-Fi Signals Are Toxic.”
Dr. David Carpenter, one of three panelists, said, “The strong evidence is that cellphone use results in brain cancer.” Devra Davis and Ann Louise Gittleman said they were convinced that the ubiquitous radiation poses dangers, especially to children.
Flynn Notes Threat to Children
Flynn published a statement March 25 titled, “Imprisoning Children and Teachers in Microwaved Classrooms Is a Crime Beyond Belief.”
He said that “Time is running out for Americans to wake up and realize that their children are being unintentionally but seriously harmed by technologically-ignorant, irresponsible authorities who, sadly, have allowed themselves to be co-opted by the wireless and telecom industry and electric utilities whose sole concern is profit – even at the expense of an unsuspecting and defenseless public’s health and well-being!”
Said Flynn:
“Renowned scientists such as Dr. Neil Cherry, Dr. Sam Milham, Dr. Robert O. Becker and others have long said that anyman-made radio frequency radiation, no matter how weak the signal, is hazardous to humans and all forms of life – especially ‘pulsed’ M/W radiation!
Microwave ovens cook food and heat liquids on the M/W frequency of 2.4 GHz While M/W ovens emit very high powered radiation, they do so for relatively short periods of time before they shut OFF. Note: The form of radiation emitted by M/W ovens is ‘continuous wave,’ which is less harmful to humans and all living things than is a Wi-Fi router’s ‘pulsed’ radiation.
“Inconceivably, precious children and their teachers are forced – every moment they are at school – to sit in classrooms with powerful industrial-grade Wi-Fi routers above their heads that emit the more dangerous ‘pulsed’ form of M/W radiation on frequencieswhich the US Military knows are lethal to all human organs and organ systems: 2.4 GHz or both 2.4 and 5.8 GHz! W-Fi routers emit their pulsed non-thermal radiation in all directions constantly, 24/7/365, blanketing entire areas ranging in distance from just hundreds of feet out to encompass a school’s entire property!
Wi-Fi Health Effects Cumulative
“Non-industry scientists know that the harmful biological and health effects of low-level pulsed radiation are cumulative. It is not a question of IF a student or teacher will be harmed, but how much accumulated radiation over how many months and/or years can their individual bodies endure before they succumb to serious illness?
“Since its inception in 1948, the World Health Organization has experienced almost constant turmoil and challenges. No longer enjoying secure funding from governments, it now relies on voluntary contributions from governments and other sources. Currently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [Bill is the founder of Microsoft] is one of the biggest contributors to WHO! Radiation regulatory agencies, electric power utilities, and the wireless/telecom industries have meticulously studied, learned from and improved upon the extremely successful, deceitful tactics employed by the tobacco industry for so many profitable decades.
Flynn spent two years at one of Canada’s largest and most sensitive radio intelligence-gathering stations, where he supervised some 200+ specially-trained radio operators who conducted research.
He said the U.S. military has long known that the most harmful radio/microwave frequencies to man are those within the band 900 MHz to 5 GHz (900 million to 5 billion Herz), for they penetrate all organs and organ systems of the body, thus putting all human organ systems at risk. “This is precisely why these frequencies are used in M/W weapons of war!” he said.