Stu Ridley’s mum tells Parliament of her fears of a brain tumour link to mobile phones
[She told the committee: “I’m interested in the cause.”
“I’m seriously concerned that there may be a link to mobile phones.”
(Lei) ha detto al comitato: “Mi interessa la causa.”
“Sono seriamente preoccupata del fatto che ci possa essere un collegamento con i telefoni cellulari.”]
15 March 2016 – “”, by BARBARA HODGSON
Celia Ridley wants to know cause of killer tumours as committee calls on Government for more research funding into brain tumours
Stu Ridley’s mother has told Parliament she fears her son’s death from an incurable brain tumour may be “the tip of an iceberg”.
She raised her concerns about a possible link to killer tumours when she addressed the Petitions Committee during an event streamed live on Monday.
Celia Ridley had been invited down to the House of Commons from the family farm inNorthumberland to hear the committee make its first report into funding for brain tumour research.
Wearing a Stay Strong Stu T-shirt, after the campaign which has raised £250,000 for charity in her late son’s name, she joined an audience of grieving families, sufferers and medics as committee chair Helen Jones MP called upon the Government to address years of under-funding for research into what is the biggest cancer killer in the young.
Celia spoke of Stu, who died last July less than six months from his diagnosis, after the 25-year-old’s photograph was one of those shown on a giant screen in memory of victims of the disease.
She told the committee: “I’m interested in the cause.
“I’m seriously concerned that there may be a link to mobile phones.”
She said that as well as a phone and TV mast on the fell near their house where Stu had lived all his life, her son even slept with a mobile phone under his pillow during the lambing season.
She feared that as a late developer, his brain may have been more susceptible to potential dangers.
“We didn’t allow him to have a mobile phone until he was a teenager as there was talk of a potential risk even then.
Brain tumours are on the rise and she added: “There were 30 new cases in the North East and the Lake District in June alone.
“And there have been five brain tumour cases within three and a half miles of the TV mast on the fell.
“I’m concerned Stu was the tip of an iceberg.”
Hexham MP Guy Opperman was also at the meeting and spoke of his own successful battle against a brain tumour.
He said the committee’s recommendations were “wonderful” but urged the committee to be specific in spelling out what it wants the Government to do. He also said it is essential that fund-raising charities combine their efforts for maximum effect.
The next step is for the Government to discuss the committee’s findings.