[L’Ospedale Universitario di Ginevra (HUG) ha capito l’importanza di creare degli ambienti non inquinati da CEM, per consentire ai pazienti affetti da Elettrosensibilità di accedere alle cure ospedaliere. Al momento la cosa è preclusa agli Elettrosensibili gravi in Italia, i quali, si trovassero nella necessità di dover ricorrere a trattamenti in ambito ospedaliero, sarebbero sostanzialmente condannati a morte.]
2 April 2016 – “mieuxprevenir.blogspot.it”
Professor Arnaud Perrier and Séverine Lalive Raemy believe that part of being attentive to the needs of all patients includes providing better care for handicapped persons.
by Meris Michaels, Readers’ Mail, Tribune de Genève, 2 April 2016
If one wants to “promote care” of handicapped persons at HUG, places free of electromagnetic (EM) waves should be created to treat electrosensitive persons (estimated to be 5% of the population). These persons, sensitive to the radiation emitted by Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies, cannot be treated at hospitals because this type of radiation saturates treatment rooms and even patient rooms. Everyone could become electrosensitive.
In the January 2016 magazine published by CSS Insurance, the president of Doctors for the Protection of the Environment, Dr. Peter Källin, states: “More and more evidence suggests that electromagnetic pollution, even below the limit values, is harmful to health.” Dr. Källin criticizes the fact that the population is often insufficiently informed about the way to use these new means of communication in order to reduce electromagnetic pollution.
His advice: disconnect, switch off, distance oneself. In Sweden, where electrohypersensitivity is recognized as a functional impairment, hospitals equipped with treatment rooms shielded from waves exist for persons suffering from this intolerance.
The raising of awareness of all caregivers in the medical profession regarding the harmful effects of radiation, including the specific needs of electrosensitive persons, should be a part of their training.
15 maggio 2016 – “www.quotidianodipuglia.it”/Lecce, di Stefano Martella
Digitalizzare Lecce, digitalizzare le scuole e le nuove generazioni. È stato questo l’obiettivo portante di Code4Lecce Day, incontro tenutosi ieri mattina alle Officine Cantelmo ed evento conclusivo di #HPECode4Lecce, progetto del Comune di Lecce, con l’Assessorato alle Politiche Comunitarie e Assessorato alla Pubblica Istruzione, in collaborazione con HP Enterprise, azienda leader nel settore delle attrezzature informatiche.
Il progetto punta a innovare tutta la filiera educativa: dalla scuola primaria alla formazione professionale, supportando con tecnologie innovative i modelli pedagogici e didattici. Insomma, insegnanti e alunni avranno a che fare sempre di più con una istruzione digitalizzata. Infatti, nell’ambito del progetto, più di mille bambini delle scuole leccesi hanno partecipato ad incontri di coding, ovvero a giochi di programmazione informatica.
Inoltre altri incontri sono stati pensati per formare i docenti su queste nuove tecnologie.
Oltre alla formazione, il progetto prevedeva una fase di vera e propria fornitura accessoria. Per questo sono stati installati 49 hotspotswifi gratuiti sugli istituti scolastici e altri luoghi culturali. Poi, sempre ieri mattina, ai dirigenti scolastici sono stati consegnati centinaia di tablet, robottini elettronici e pc.
In futuro verrà previsto anche il rilascio di 1750 certificazioni digitali, delle quali una prima parte è già stata prenotata dalle scuole per i loro studenti, mentre una seconda sarà destinata a cittadini leccesi. Soddisfazione è stata espressa dal’assessore Alessandro Delli Noci: «Creare una cittadinanza digitale era l’obiettivo iniziale del progetto e certamente abbiamo gettato delle buone basi, con un investimento enorme nella formazione e nelle infrastrutture digitali – afferma l’assessore – Dal binomio innovazione e cultura passa il futuro di questa città e la sua ribalta nazionale ed internazionale. Abbiamo contribuito fattivamente alla formazione di cittadini digitali protagonisti e consapevoli».
Loredana Capone, assessore regionale allo Sviluppo economico, era presente all’incontro ed esprime la sua soddisfazione per il progetto e per la sinergia con cui due enti pubblici hanno collaborato per il territorio: «Formare il cittadino digitale: questo è un compito importantissimo non più rinviabile – commenta Capone -. Perché il mondo cambia rapidamente e i giovani devono essere pronti ad affrontarlo.
Se vorranno creare un’impresa o lavorare come manager, per ogni ruolo sarà indispensabile conoscere queste tecnologie. Ma il circolo virtuoso deve prevedere che anche i servizi siano resi in modo digitale e, quindi,formare le competenze è fondamentale».
«Perché irradiamo i nostri bambini se li amiamo?». Era questa la domanda provocatoria che i componenti del Comitato “Lecce Via Cavo” – un collettivo di genitori contrari all’utilizzo della tecnologia wifi nelle scuole – ponevano sopra alcuni volantini che hanno distribuito all’interno delle Officine Cantelmo, mentre sul palco si avvicendavano
gli ospiti. Altri hanno mostrato dei cartelloni di protesta.
L’intento è stato quello di accendere un faro sulla pericolosità delle onde elettromagnetiche sulla popolazione, specialmente quella più piccola.
«Il Comune installa 50 nuove antenne sugli edifici scolastici e promuove la tecnologia wifi anche all’interno
delle scuole, ignorando gli avvertimenti sulla salute provenienti dalla scienza internazionale ed esponendo la popolazione studentesca ad un rischio maggiore di manifestare in età adulta danni neurologici e tumori – dice Fabia del Giudice, rappresentante del comitato -. Particolare attenzione va rivolta ai bambini: i loro corpi sono più piccoli, le ossa del cranio sono più sottili e il loro sistema nervoso è in via di sviluppo. Nel 2014 il dottor Miller, consulente dell’Oms e del National Cancer Institute, ha affermato che le radiazioni wireless, provenienti ad esempio da wifi o tablet, non devono entrare nelle scuole, soprattutto nelle primarie». Sono tanti i motivi che spingono i membri del comitato a manifestare il loro scetticismo sull’utilizzo di questa tecnologia nelle scuole. Non c’è solo il rischio di contrarre tumori, a spaventare sono anche altri disturbi. «Nei bambini l’uso precoce può influire negativamente su attenzione, memoria e sviluppo del linguaggio – continua del Giudice -. Pc e tablet diminuiscono la capacità di leggere e scrivere correttamente. Per l’Accademia degli studi di Francia producono crisi nel ragionamento induttivo. Altri studi hanno evidenziato l’insorgenza di demenza digitale in bambini e adolescenti assidui utilizzatori di apparecchiature elettroniche. Quindi chiediamo che questa tecnologia venga usata con razionalità, soprattutto in luoghi come la scuola».
La ONG, Asociación Oikos Ambiental presenta al Dr. Olle Johansson , un neuro científico del Instituto Karolinska de renombre mundial , Estocolmo (Suecia) en la conferencia titulada: “Efectos adversos para la salud de los campos electromagnéticos de las telecomunicaciones modernas inalámbricas”.
El Video está en V.O. en Inglés con subtítulos en Castellano. Para conectar los subtítulos hay que hacerlo en el reproductor de youtube.
Profesor asociado, de la Unidad de Dermatología Experimental, del Departamento de Neurociencias, Instituto Karolinska, Estocolmo, Suecia
El conjunto de evidencias científicas sobre los campos electromagnéticos requiere un nuevo enfoque para la protección de la salud pública; el crecimiento y desarrollo del feto, y de los niños; y aboga por fuertes acciones preventivas. Estas conclusiones se basan en previos científicos y de salud pública que documentan lo siguiente:
Efectos biológicos (no térmicos) por baja intensidad y efectos adversos para la salud están demostrados en niveles significativamente inferiores a los estándares de exposición existentes.
Los límites de seguridad pública de la ICNIRP (Comisión Internacional para la Protección frente a las Radiaciones No Ionizantes , del IEEE (Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica) , y de la FCC (Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones) son inadecuados y obsoletos con respecto a la exposición prolongada de baja intensidad.
Se necesitan con urgencia nuevas normas de exposición pública con base biológica, para proteger la salud pública en todo el mundo.
No es de interés público más demoras.
“En mi presentación voy a hacer alusión a los antecedentes históricos de la electricidad y los campos electromagnéticos, cómo surgió la sospecha temprana de que tales campos (electromagnéticos) y señales podrían tener efectos negativos en la salud, y cómo llevarlo hoy en día a la discusión pública en todo el mundo. También voy a referirme a la electrohipersensibilidad como deterioro funcional, y qué leyes y reglamentos nos guían en relación con dicha discapacidad. Voy a entrar en más profundidad acerca de los resultados de las investigaciones científicas sobre los efectos adversos para la salud de los campos electromagnéticos, y la necesidad urgente de proyectos de investigación totalmente independientes que se inicien de inmediato para garantizar la salud pública.
Estos proyectos deben ser totalmente independientes de todo tipo de intereses comerciales; la salud pública no puede tener un precio etiquetado (precio o valor en una etiqueta) .También es de suma importancia que los científicos involucrados en este tipo de proyectos estén libres de cualquier conflicto de intereses y que los fondos necesarios se cubran al 100%, no en un 99% ó menos. Esta es la clara responsabilidad del órgano democráticamente elegido de todos los países”.
10 May 2016 – “Mobilfunk Newsletter – EMF Omega News”
Press Release
As the world’s radiation protection agency meets in Cape Town, scientists call for the retraction of
a study from a top industry researcher claiming that children are not at higher risk from mobile phones
May 9, 2016
The International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is a self-appointed body that sets the safety guidelines used by the World Health Organisation to cover all radiation from electrical and electronic apparatus, including power lines, smartphones, wifi, and telecoms masts.
ICNIRP is currently meeting in Cape Town to decide, among other things, whether there is any evidence that children are at higher risk from this radiation. ICNIRP has not revised its radiation safety guidelines since 1998, completely ignoring the vast proliferation of wireless technologies since then, including the widespread use of mobile phones by children.
As this international scientific workshop convenes, a call is being made for the retraction of a paper on children’s exposure to radiation, produced by one of the most prominent industry-associated researchers in this field, Professor “C-K” Chou, the former head of research at Motorola Laboratories. Chou is a well-known and controversial figure who has argued for decades that there is no danger from mobile phones, despite even his own research early in his career showing greatly elevated cancer rates in rats exposed to microwaves (he called this a “provocative” finding at the time).
However, a recent paper by Kenneth Foster and C-K Chou contains such obvious manipulation that open calls are being made by other scientists for this study to be retracted. Great concern has been raised about the exposure of children to mobile phone radiation; many news articles quote scientists saying that children’s heads absorb more of this radiation than do adults’ heads. Foster & Chou produced a scientific review paper in which they claim that the research does not show children absorbing more radiation.
A new analysis has shown their paper to be blatantly biased in its representation of the studies reviewed. We sincerely invite you to watch a short video (https://youtu.be/J5MMhm70lCY) featuring Dr Robert Morris, one of the scientists calling for this paper’s retraction, and see for yourself the obvious and clear bias of Foster & Chou in misrepresenting the scientific findings of the studies they quote. The findings are summarised in the table below, which shows a systematic error in Foster & Chou’s reporting of what the studies actually said; in fact, they completely invert the real findings. This is absolutely inexcusable for a review article. The authors are displaying more than simple bias; they are engaging in sustained and outright academic fraud.
This is far from being an isolated case. There are many studies that are widely quoted in the press regarding mobile phones and health that are known to be deliberately biased. The most notorious is the so-called Danish Cohort Study, which used data from the Danish Cancer Registry. The epidemiologist George Carlo, who was hired by the US wireless industry to research health risks, has revealed how these Danish researchers approached him for funding, openly saying that they could produce results that were favourable to industry. Carlo, who is also a lawyer, rejected their offer of rigged findings.
These researchers then obtained funding from the Danish telecoms industry and duly produced an oft-quoted study that found no association between cancer and mobile phone use for over 400,000 Danes. The sheer size of the study impressed many journalists, and this study is still often quoted in the media. Yet these researchers openly admit that they took themost-exposed group of mobile phone users – corporate users whose phone bills were paid by their companies – and classified them as “unexposed” to mobile phone radiation.
The authoritative publication Microwave News has demonstrated that nearly all the studies that claim to find that mobile phones are safe were funded by industry; and that the “balance of scientific probabilities” is completely skewed by a host of industry-funded studies that are given undue weight by bodies such as ICNIRP. Studies that do find problems are either completely ignored or else are subjected to minute criticism that is never given to studies that report no health effects.
If a paper does report a clear health hazard, there are immediate calls for it to be replicated, even when this is essentially impossible. In one example, researchers measured the exposure to magnetic fields of pregnant women, and correlated this with asthma rates in their children 13 years later. They found a 250% increase in asthma in children whose mothers had a high exposure during pregnancy. Industry immediately called for a “replication” of this unique experiment, despite the fact that it would take another 13 years to complete and would be conducted in a completely different radiation environment.
As ICNIRP meets to decide the radiation exposure of most of the world, we encourage journalists to look at the reality behind the platitudes about mobile phones, wifi, and telecoms towers being safe. The ICNIRP guidelines are only intended to prevent overheating within a six-minute period. This is totally inadequate for 24-hour exposure from masts and always-on wifi, or for children who talk for hours a day on mobile phones. There are well over ten thousand scientific papers showing a vast range of health problems and biological effects caused by electromagnetic radiation at “non-thermal” levels; and we invite you to investigate the clear evidence that there is direct fraud in the industry-backed research claiming that exposure to this radiation is safe.
Press release issued by the Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of South Africa.
A concerned, capacity audience about 60 packed a conference room in New York yesterday to hear about and discuss the dangers of Wi-Fi and other radiation. Biggest victims are children, babies and fetuses.
Camilla Rees, founder of Electromagneticheath.org, based in Iowa, told the Left Forum that the “industrial-strength 5GHz routers commonly found in schools are designed to go through cement, brick and to cover the campus.”
Camilla Rees
They’re higher wattage and configured to be able to serve hundreds of users simultaneously, she said. Presentations included one by babysafeproject.org. Its warnings were similar to the ones expressed on the panel about children and babies May 3 in Baltimore featuring Devra Davis and other EMF health advocates.
Another paper on the subject of EMF dangers to babies and children is byBostonParentsPaper.com. Rees, a graduate of Choate Rosemary Hall, Columbia University and the Georgetown Graduate School of Business Administration, has written a 54-part description of EMF dangers and possible solutions that is the most comprehensive overview of the dangers of EMF.
New York Apartment Dwellers at Risk
New Yorkers and others should pay close attention to Rees since Time Warner, Comcast, Cablevision and other cable suppliers are forcing new 5GHz routers on unsuspecting customers, this writer included.
Apprised of this new danger (radiation pulsing 24/7 billions of times a second), we contacted Time Warner and had them turn off the 5GHz and 2Ghz lights on the router. Other customers of the cable companies should do the same.
A technician came to our home and found high levels of radiation throughout the apartment and particularly near windows. The highest apartments get the most radiation from hundreds of cell towers atop apartment buildings. The New York real estate industry must look into this problem.
The technician immediately shut down Bluetooth on our MacBook and told us to get rid of the landline phone that had a wireless companion. An antenna on the landline part spewed radiation 24/7 and was the same as a wireless phone.
Left Forum Blasted Corporate Interests
The session on dangers of pulsed radiation was loaded with attacks on corporate players and their alleged allies in the government, echoing the theme of the conference, “Rage Rebellion Revolution; Organizing Our Power.” Nearly 5,000 attended the three-day conference at the John Jay Criminal College.
Wi-Fi and computer technology, both with dangerous aspects, permeate school, libraries and public government which have made a huge financial and intellectual commitment to their use and don’t want to walk away from it, panelists said. Doing so would be “biting the corporate hand” that helped finance so much of the technology, they noted.
The more than 130 films and VNRs featured in 36-page catalog distributed at the conference by Media Education Foundation include such titles as Pack of Lies: the Advertising of Tobacco; How Racism Harms White America; Big Bucks, Big Pharma; Rich Media, Poor Democracy; Constructing Public Opinion (How politicians and the media misrepresent the public); The Myth of Liberal Media; Shop ‘Til You Drop, The Crisis of Consumerism; How to Start a Revolution; Fire in the Blood, a Tale of Medicine Monopoly & Malice; Google & the World Brain, the Audacious Attempt to Control Human Knowledge; Agrofuels, Starving People, Fueling Greed; Life in Occupied Palestine; Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land; Occupation 101 (Israeli-Palestinian Conflict).
MEF, was selling for $20 a DVD titled “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the U.S.,” narrated by Roger Waters.
Also offered is the film, “The War Around Us,” by Abdallah Omeish, which tells the story of two journalists who were present during the bombardment of Gaza in 2008-09.
The catalog lists seven items telling the Palestinian side of the conflict but none telling the Israeli side.
Rise in Autism Found
There has been an “explosion in autism” in children in Canada that appears to mirror the explosion in wireless technology, says Jerry Flynn, retired captain in the Canadian Army who supervised its warfare using electromagnetic radiation.
Flynn earlier this month asked for an investigation of government authorities in Canada by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, saying the authorities were “criminally negligent” in failing to remove Wi-Fi and other radiation sources from schools, hospitals, libraries and other public facilities.
In the U.S., he wrote May 22 to Prime Minister Justine Trudeau and members of the Canadian Parliament, the rate of autism in children was one in 25,000.
In 1970, he said, it had climbed to one in 2,500; in 2000, one in 150, in 2004, one in 125, in 2008, one in 88, and in 2013, one in 50 and one in 27 in populated cities.
Asks Flynn: “Why does no one connect today’s tragic explosion in Autism in children with the comparable explosion in wireless technology? Each and every wireless device emits hazardous ‘low-level, pulsed, non-thermal radio/microwave frequency radiation.’”
He includes cellphones, wireless utility meters, cordless phones, GPS satellites and cellphone towers. They never “shut off,” he said.
“Tragically,” he said, “for all Canadians, the Government of Canada refuses any dialogue whatsoever on pulsed non-thermal wireless radiation, which scientists have long linked to Autism and a host of other neurological diseases, as well as diseases of the central nervous system and immune system.”
Find out how it affects you and what you can do about it.
Manmade electromagnetic radiation levels have risen exponentially in less than one generation. Radiofrequency radiation is currently a Group 2b possible human carcinogen, and cancer is but one of many health concerns documented.
There is a mounting scientific debate regarding the safety of existing exposure limits and scope of possible related illness.
Dr. Mallery-Blythe is an experienced medical doctor with a special interest in the effects of electromagnetic fields. In this seminar she will overview literature highlighting health concerns, and suggest how to minimise risk.
Held at: CNM London, 41 Riding House Street, London, W1W 7BE
The survival of EHS sufferers in a world which is increasingly exposed to electromagnetic waves from mobile phone technology
Having already won two awards for his documentaries about the environment, Marc Khanne delivers a new fast-paced and well-argued human-interest movie: Between the push for 4G and how some people are suffering, what should we think about the “even faster and more interconnected” world that we are being promised?
La sopravvivenza dei malati di EHS in un mondo che è sempre più esposto alle onde elettromagnetiche dalla tecnologia della telefonia mobile
Avendo già vinto due premi per i suoi documentari sull’ambiente, Marc Khanne offre un nuovo film frenetico e ben argomentato di interesse umano: Tra la spinta del 4G e come alcune persone stanno soffrendo, cosa dovremmo pensare dell'”ancora più veloce e più interconnesso” mondo che ci viene promesso?
Durante la trasmissione Rai “UnoMattina in famiglia” del 14 maggio 2016, nello spazio dedicato al digitale condotto da Ingrid Muccitelli con la presenza del prof. Marco Camisani Calzolari, sono state fatte delle affermazioni lesive della dignità di persone, gli Elettrosensibili, che pagano duramente sulla propria pelle le conseguenze dell’avere una malattia scatenata dalla esposizione ai Campi Elettromagnetici in Alta Frequenza, ormai onnipresenti a causa dello scriteriato uso delle tecnologie Wireless da parte della popolazione.
Lascia increduli e sconcertati che sia stata fatta passare per “la bufala della settimana” una sentenza storica di un tribunale FRANCESE (E NON SPAGNOLO COME ERRONEAMENTE SOTTOLINEATO DAL PROFESSORE) che ha ridato piena dignità di vita ad una Elettrosensibile, riconoscendo la malattia di cui soffre come reale e causata dalla esposizione al Wi-Fi.
Ricordiamo come anche la corte di Appello abbia ribadito la sentenza di primo grado in base a prove inconfutabili.
NON ci risulta che la sentenza del tribunale faccia riferimento ad altri fattori eziologici che non siano le microonde del Wi-Fi incriminate, come affermato dal professore.
E NON ci risulta che NON vi siano prove scientifiche che le radiazioni emesse dal Wi-Fi possano causare danni alla salute, come affermato dal professore.
MIGLIAIA di articoli scientifici peer-reviewed (dello stesso calibro di quelli utilizzati ad esempio in ambito medico per formulare i protocolli terapeutici) DIMOSTRANO in modo chiaro che le esposizioni alle Radiazioni Elettromagnetiche in Alta Frequenza inducono effetti di natura biologico/sanitaria a livello molecolare, cellulare e clinico, su animali da esperimento, su volontari umani e anche su piante; vedere www.bioinitiative.org.
Studi epidemiologici descrivono il preoccupante aumento a livello statistico dei soggetti che soffrono di Elettrosensibilità a livello mondiale.
Si tratta di MILIONI (NON UNA!) di persone le cui condizioni di vita molte volte rasentano stati di totale abbandono con isolamento forzato e dunque esclusione dalla società, che in alcuni casi portano a gesti estremi come il suicidio, per l’impossibilità di condurre una vita normale trovandosi in aggiunta in una condizione di totale assenza di tutele ed aiuti.
Desta inoltre ulteriore sconcerto l’affermazione, sempre ad opera del professore, che il telefono cellulare posto vicino alla testa sia fonte di pericolose radiazioni mentre il Wi-Fi è innocuo.
Si tratta pur sempre di microonde e ormai è appurato che NON ci sia solo un problema di potenza di emissione, ma che anche frequenza utilizzata e sua modulazione causino pesanti effetti biologico/sanitari.
Viene citato un fattore “10.000 volte meno potente”…Ma a quale criterio di valutazione ci si riferisce?
Generalmente si attua una valutazione in V/m ed il cellulare, nella fase di connessione, può arrivare a 100 V/m, però il Wi-Fi emette picchi di fino a 10V/m (a volte anche di più) ogni circa 2 secondi, quindi, semmai, esiste un fattore 10.
Provate a prendere un misuratore in Alta Frequenza e valutate Voi se un Wi-Fi fa tanto meno campo di un cellulare.
…Ed è stato affermato con decisione che non si deve aver paura di lasciare il Wi-Fi acceso!
Poi, viene detto che basta usare l’auricolare e tenere il cellulare a 50 cm per evitare ogni problema…
Chi tiene il cellulare a 50 cm avendolo in mano? Forse una persona dagli arti superiori molto lunghi, ergo solo una minoranza dei soggetti.
Ma in ogni caso, cosa volete che siano 50 cm, quando il cellulare, per ricevere e trasmettere dati, si deve connettere ad una antenna che, al minimo, è a circa 50 metri di distanza, ma, più facilmente, si trova a centinaia di metri?
Il corpo viene comunque pesantemente irradiato e non è certo l’auricolare a salvare la vita!
Con l’informazione che è stata fatta passare, sono certamente state spinte moltissime persone ad abusare del cellulare…tanto con l’auricolare sono protette!
Inoltre, l’atteggiamento derisorio piuttosto evidente della conduttrice e dell’ospite nei confronti della Elettrosensibilità, offende gravemente la dignità e la sensibilità di persone che certamente NON hanno bisogno di essere prese in giro e denigrate come è avvenuto nel programma, dato che si trovano già a dover vivere in condizioni di vita ORRIBILI (pensate a cosa significhi non poter più lavorare e magari non avere mezzi di sostentamento, non poter più uscire di casa, essere costretti a trasferirsi in zone isolate pur amando la vita di città, doversi separare dalla famiglia o non potersela creare perché non si può più socializzare, ecc.) senza avere alcun aiuto.
11 May 2016 – “UTV Ireland”, by the Staff in Dublin
Concerned parents and local residents are protesting against plans to erect a mobile phone mast near a primary school in south Dublin
Parents and locals held a protest on Wednesday. Stop Vodafone Mast at IADT Committee
Story by UTV Ireland Staff, Dublin
Vodafone have applied for planning permission to install a mast on the roof of Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) which is close to Monkstown Educate Together National School in Dublin.
A campaign against the plan has been launched by opposing parents and locals, including folk singer Christy Moore, who say they will “use every legal means possible” to get the mobile phone company to relocate the mast.
The parents’ group claim the mast will put 438 young children, teachers and the wider parent community at risk as the school “falls within the beam of maximum intensity”.
Spokesperson for the group Brian Healy explained: “There is mounting scientific evidence across many countries and agencies with regard to the safe placement of masts away from schools, with countries such as New Zealand, Sweden, Italy, Australia and parts of the US banning them from such areas.
“Questions have been raised whether placing mobile phone towers so close to a school where young children, and indeed their teachers, are continuously present for at least seven hours-a-day, is putting them in potential danger.
“It was once felt that the effects of cigarette smoking and second-hand smoke exposure was inconclusive. The consequences are now well known – too late for many children exposed to second-hand smoke.”
A report from the Department of Environment conducted in 2007 concluded that the majority scientific opinion was that “no adverse short or long-term effects have been demonstrated from exposure to electromagnetic fields at levels below the limits recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).”
However the parents say the ICNIRP guidelines are “out of date” and do not cover “long-term low-level exposure to microwaves” which they claim can cause DNA damage potentially leading to cancers; signal pulsing causing or worsening epilepsy; tinnitus and hearing problems; and headaches.
In response to the concerns, a spokesperson for Vodafone Ireland said: “We would like to assure you that we adhere to all planning and regulation guidelines and have followed due process in relation to Monkstown Educate Together National School at all stages of the planning process, including consultation with the school.
“Dun Laoghaire Rathdown initially granted the planning application and we will continue to work closely with the authorities in relation to the site.
“The need for the mast came about because of an increase in demand, both from local businesses and new housing developments.
“An increase in coverage was found to be needed to ensure that all local customers could access the services they rely on.”
The parents’ group have submitted an appeal to An Bord Pleanála over planning permission for the mast, and are calling on the government to strengthen existing legislation.