Wireless computers positioned close to the body could expose the users to similar levels of radiation as mobile phones
22 June 2016 – “Omega News”
From : Stop Smart Meters! UK
Please see attached by Dr Sarah Starkey which shows some comparisons between cell phones and Wi-Fi devices. Specifically in relation to dosage, it is not necessarily the router that we need to be most concerned about, but the handheld device, e.g. iPad.
Average maximum SAR for a sample of 358 digital mobile phones is 1.02 W/Kg in 1g tissue
(sarvalues.com; adult); iPad maximum SAR on Wi-Fi is 1.19 W/Kg in 1g tissue (iPad Information
Guide; adult). Thus, wireless computers positioned close to the body could expose the users to
similar levels of radiation as mobile phones.
Dr Starkey’s calculations show that iPads can expose children to as much (if not more) radiation than cell phones, especially when considering usage on the lap.
My understanding is that iPads, unlike some cell phones (e.g. iPhone 5s), do not have the means to reduce power selectively based on proximity to the nearest router — they emit maximum power constantly.
I have included the 2B document referred to as well which compares with tobacco.
Stop Smart Meters! UK
Stop Smart Meters! UK
Informant: André Fauteux