Tag: manifestazioni cutanee

Modern Electronic Devices: An Increasingly Common Cause of Skin Disorders in Consumers.

Dermatitis. 2016 May-Jun;27(3):82-9. doi: 10.1097/DER.0000000000000184.


Corazza M1, Minghetti S, Bertoldi AM, Martina E, Virgili A, Borghi A.

1From the *Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Sezione di Dermatologia e Malattie Infettive, Università di Ferrara; and †Dermatological Clinic, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Torrette, Ancona, Italy.


Article history
Published in Dermatitis, Vol 27,  May/June 2016


The modern conveniences and enjoyment brought about by electronic devices bring with them some health concerns. In particular, personal electronic devices are responsible for rising cases of several skin disorders, including pressure, friction, contact dermatitis, and other physical dermatitis. The universal use of such devices, either for work or recreational purposes, will probably increase the occurrence of polymorphous skin manifestations over time. It is important for clinicians to consider electronics as potential sources of dermatological ailments, for proper patient management. We performed a literature review on skin disorders associated with the personal use of modern technology, including personal computers and laptops, personal computer accessories, mobile phones, tablets, video games, and consoles.



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