Tag: smartphone

The Doctors TV Show – Allergic to Wi Fi?

Allergic to Wi-Fi?

Can you be allergic to Wi-Fi? Chemical electromagnetic-sensitivity expert Dr. Lisa Nagy joins The Doctors to increase awareness about this very real condition.

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16 July 2016 – “Omega News”

The Doctors TV Show – Allergic to Wi Fi?

Aired 12 July 2016 – Can you be allergic to Wi-Fi? Chemical electromagnetic-sensitivity expert Dr. Lisa Nagy joins The Doctors to increase awareness about this very real condition.


Comment to show

Thank you ‘The Doctors’ for reporting this important subject.

I suffer from this condition and I know of many other people who also suffer. Besides being called Electro Hyper-Sensitivity, it is also known as Radio Wave Sickness and Microwave Sickness and was first reported in a German Scientific Paper in 1929 when the exposure was from AM radio transmitters. The condition became more well known during the Second World War when aircraft radar technicians became ill from microwave radiation transmitted from the equipment that they were working on.

There are thousands of scientific papers which show that electro magnetic radiation causes serious biological effects and it is linked to many illnesses including several different cancers. A good place to learn more about the many adverse health effects can be found in the Bio Initiative Report www.bioinitiative.org This is a report by nineteen scientists and ten medical specialists who have researched masses of scientific reports.

Other sources of good information can be found at www.es-uk.info/www.weepinitiative.org, www.microwavenews.com/, www.magdahavas.com/

Martin Weatherall

Note – this comment did not show up on the comment page!

Stephen Cleary (1936-2016)

[Ci ha lasciati un grande ricercatore, che con i suoi studi sulle Microonde (sia in ambito di ricerca militare che civile) ha contribuito ad evidenziarne gli effetti nocivi.]

An Insider Unafraid To Challenge the Microwave Orthodoxy

14 July 2016 – “Microwave News”

GBM rates 2014

Steve Cleary, whose career in microwave research spanned from the military’s Tri-Service program in the late 1950s to the cell phone industry’s sham project in the 1990s, died at home on June 7 of a heart attack. He leaves his wife, Fran, four daughters and ten grandchildren. He was 79.

Cleary was a professor of biophysics at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond from 1964 to 2002. Like many other radiobiologists of his generation, he was trained at the University of Rochester. He later got his PhD at New York University underMerril Eisenbud, a former senior health official at the Atomic Energy Commission. Cleary’s doctoral thesis was the first epidemiological study of the impact of microwaves on the eyes. He detected a significant increase in the incidence of defects in the lenses of military personnel who had long-term exposure, a rare published report of an adverse finding.

Cleary’s study was one of the last to escape the censorship that followed after the military services took absolute control of microwave health research in the early 1970s. One of the ironies of history is that the strongest objection to Cleary’s paper came from Milton Zaret, the ophthalmologist who would later become the fiercest critic of the microwave establishment, alleging that microwaves presented a serious and neglected cataract risk.

“Zaret was a great ophthalmologist, but he was no statistician,” Cleary told me in one of our many talks. Over the last few years, I interviewed Cleary numerous times as I pieced together the early history of microwave research for a planned book —an examination of how a cabal of military, industrial and academic officials took control of the field and propagated the view that it was all junk science. Cleary himself came to call this circle of interests the “microwave mafia.”

Meeting at the New York Academy of Sciences in 1979

I first met Cleary at the New York Academy of Sciences in March 1979 where he was giving a talk on the biological effects of microwave radiation. One of his conclusions was that, in most cases, microwave effects are “qualitatively and quantitatively different” from thermal stress. Back then, like today, scientists were loath to offer such an opinion in public, especially one that challenged the view that all effects are thermal. No one wanted to alienate the military services, the principal sources of funding. Cleary was one of the few willing to speak his mind and put science above politics.

The following month, we met again at the New York Academy of Medicine, which was hosting its own two-day symposium on the same topic. (Both events were prompted by Paul Brodeur’s 1977 book, The Zapping of America, which detailed the conspiracy to suppress microwave health research.) Back then, I was working for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and had been asked to join the committee tasked with planning the Academy of Medicine conference. My invitation was quietly withdrawn after the first planning meeting when the other members realized that I was not suitably contemptuous of Brodeur’s exposé. I did attend the symposium, a relatively small affair, to hear Cleary’s lecture and the other presentations. An NRDC attorney and I were sitting alone at lunch on the first day of the conference. Our outlook was no secret and hardly welcomed, but, Cleary, unfazed, brought his tray over and joined us. We stayed in touch over the next 37 years.

Bill Ham, a respected and well-connected professor of biophysics, who had worked on the Manhattan Project during World War II, recruited Cleary to join him at VCU. Together they organized the 1969 microwave symposium, the first major meeting since the end of the Tri-Service research program in 1960. Cleary’s career blossomed at VCU and he was awarded a series of research grants and in due course earned tenure. He became a leader in the field; he was one of the founding directors of the Bioelectromagnetics Society. Over the years, he served on a number of committees of the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council and in 1979 was selected to serve on ERMAC, as had Ham and Eisenbud before him. The Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council was an influential government panel that coordinated work on microwaves and other types of non-ionizing radiation.

Proliferation of Human Brain Tumor Cells

In 1990, Cleary published a paper in Radiation Research that would help shape the last years of his research career. He showed that microwaves modulated the growth of human brain tumor (glioma) cells. The results were provocative. At relatively low intensities (5 W/Kg) the tumor cells proliferated at a greater rate following a single two-hour exposure and they were still growing abnormally five days later. On the other hand, at higher intensities (25 W/Kg) cell growth was attenuated (see our news item, “RF/MW Stimulates & Suppresses Human Brain Tumor Cells”). Three years later this work drew national attention after David Reynard filed a lawsuit claiming that cell phone radiation had caused his wife’s brain tumor. Cleary’s experiment was cited as a possible mechanism, but it also begged the question: Could microwaves promote growth at the lower intensities associated with cell phone transmissions?

There were many other open issues. As Cleary told the New York Times  in a follow-up story on the controversy that followed Reynard’s claim, “Our next question is, why are cells altering their rate of proliferation? What’s happening? That’s what we’re working on now. We’re trying to get to the bottom of this.”

The cell phone industry lobby group, CTIA, then led by Tom Wheeler, promised research to assuage concerns of tumor risks and delegated the responsibility to George Carlo. (Wheeler is now the chairman of the FCC.) Carlo in turn set up Wireless Technology Research (WTR) to carry out the CTIA mandate —or, as it became clear over time, to pretend to do so all the while funding as little science as possible.

“It Just Happens Again and Again”

To many observers, Cleary’s tumor cell proliferation study was an obvious candidate for follow-up funding, both for Cleary to extend and others to repeat. Carlo strung Cleary along, but he quickly wrote off the body of work on proliferation (Cleary’s as well that of others), as lacking coherence. By the summer of 1995, Cleary was angry and frustrated. “It’s so obvious what is going on,” he told me at the time. “If they cannot explain an effect, they ignore it. They just ignore anything of potential concern.” He added, “It’s been going on for 30 years. It just happens again and again.” Cleary then reeled off all the areas of research that Carlo’s WTR was conveniently ignoring.

Cleary asked that Microwave News not publish his comments about Carlo’s modus operandi (we didn’t). He explained that his chief lab assistant, who had been with him for over 20 years, had just found out that his wife was expecting twins and Cleary did not want to say anything on the record that might jeopardize funds that would allow him to keep the assistant on staff. In the end, it didn’t matter. Carlo never gave Cleary a dime for research. Motorola did ask someone to repeat the experiment, but nothing much came of it and the results were never published. To this day, the Cleary results stand untested.

Cleary retired from VCU in 2002. He walked away from microwave research and never looked back.





Scott M. Bolen

Rome Laboratory.
Air Force Material Command.
Griffiss Air Force Base, NY.

August, 1994

Click on the picture below to access the PDF file of the research report/Cliccare sulla immagine sottostate per accedere al file PDF del rapporto:


You may also be interested in reading this/Potrebbe anche interessarvi leggere questo:




Edited by I. R. Petrov

Translation of “Vliyaniye SVCh-Izlucheniya na Organizm Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh. II”
“Meditsina” Press, Leningrad, 1970


Click on the picture below to access the PDF file of the research report/Cliccare sulla immagine sottostate per accedere al file PDF del rapporto:


Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation – 1969

Symposium Proceedings

Richmond’.Virginia, September 17-19, 1969

Edited by Stephen F. Cleary
Department of Biophysics
Virginia Commonwealth University

sponsored by
Virginia Commonwealth University

with the support of
Bureau of Radiological Health

Public Health Service
Environmental Health Service

Click on the picture below to access the PDF file of the research report/Cliccare sulla immagine sottostate per accedere al file PDF del rapporto:


Acute effects of 30 minutes of exposure to a smartphone call on in vitro platelet function.

[Questo studio dimostra che le emissioni in Radiofrequenza degli smartphone (nello specifico a 900 MHz) inducono una significativa perturbazione della struttura e della funzione delle piastrine, fornendo così ulteriore sostegno alle preoccupazioni riguardo l’uso eccessivo dei telefoni cellulari.

Attenzione dovrebbe anche essere posta nei confronti dei prodotti del sangue contenenti piastrine, che dovrebbero essere tenuti lontani da telefoni cellulari e smartphone in tutta la sequenza di produzione e nel periodo di conservazione.]

Blood Transfus. 2016 May 6:1-5. doi: 10.2450/2016.0327-15. [Epub ahead of print]


Lippi G1, Danese E1, Brocco G1, Gelati M1, Salvagno GL1, Montagnana M1.

1Section of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.


Article history
Published in Blood Transfusion (“www.bloodtransfusion.it”), May 2016

mobile phone, radiofrequency, platelets, PFA-100


BACKGROUND: Significant concerns are now regularly raised about the safety of excessive mobile phone use. This study was aimed to assess the acute effects of radiofrequency waves emitted by a commercial smartphone on platelet function.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two sequential citrated blood samples were collected from 16 healthy volunteers recruited from laboratory staff. The first sample was placed in a plastic rack, 1 cm distant from a commercial smartphone receiving a 30-min call and emitting 900 MHz radiofrequency waves. The second sample was placed in another plastic rack, isolated from radiofrequency wave sources, for the same period. The platelet count and the mean platelet volume were then assessed in all blood samples, whereas platelet function was evaluated using the platelet function analyser-100 (PFA-100).

RESULTS: A 30-min exposure of citrated blood to smartphone radiofrequency waves induced significant prolongation of collagen-epinephrine aggregation (median increase, 10%) and a considerable increase of mean platelet volume (median increase, 5%), whereas collagen-adenosine diphosphate aggregation and platelet count remained unchanged.

DISCUSSION: This study demonstrates that smartphone radiofrequency waves induce significant perturbation of platelet structure and function, thus providing further support to concerns regarding excessive use of mobile phones. Caution should also be taken with regards to blood products containing platelets, which should be kept far away from mobile phones and smartphones throughout the production pipeline and storage period.



Full-text/Testo completo:


A Survey on the Impact of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) from Wireless Devices on Information Technology (IT) Professionals

[Commento di Giorgio Cinciripini (Blog “e-smogfree”):

Gli informatici si scoprono elettrosensibili 

Interessante lavoro di ricercatori indiani che hanno elaborato un questionario che è stato diffuso presso professionisti della informatica.

Questi per professione e per abito mentale sono dei grandi utilizzatori dei vari device:  in primis smartphone, ma anche forni a microonde ed altri gadget con Bluetooth.

Guarda caso vengono rilevati i disturbi tipici della elettrosensibilità, senza ovviamente nominarla! 

See more at: http://e-smogfree.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/gli-informatici-si-scoprono.html#sthash.ibmywWCZ.dpuf]

European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2016, 6(4) 51-46):4: 46-51.


Sivani Saravanamuttu* and Sudarsanam Dorairaj

Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Article history
Published in European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2016

Radiofrequency; electromagnetic fields; frequency; wireless; electrohypersensitive


An enormous growth in the telecommunication industry has led to an increase in the usage of a number of wireless

devices. The impact of working in an environment saturated with wireless radiation needs to be exploreed.
 A questionnaire was prepared based on 18 non-specific health symptoms and medical conditions. It was circulated among professionals (n=200) in the Information Technology (IT) companies and the data was statistically analyzed.
Both male and female IT professionals possessed cell phones (100%), 19.66% used cordless phones and 2.25% of them used the landline telephones. When compared to the males, it was found that 80.4% of the females used wireless computer networks (p>0.01), 27.2% used the microwave ovens (p>0.01) and 47.8% used Bluetooth devices (p>0.001).
Significant non-specific symptoms (p>0. 001) seen in females were headaches, tremors, depression, blurred vision, irritability,
difficulty concentrating, chronic pain, pain in teeth and deteriorated fillings, and dryness of lips, tongue, mouth and eyes.
The males had poor short-term memory, difficulty sleeping and fatigue. Significant medical conditions noted in the females were allergies and asthma at 18.5% (p>0.001) and skin problems at 26.1% (p>0.01), and in the males were eye-related problems at 21.1% (p>0.01).

Non-thermal effects of wireless radiationneed to be investigated globally in the coming years.

Full-text/Testo completo:


Modern Electronic Devices: An Increasingly Common Cause of Skin Disorders in Consumers.

Dermatitis. 2016 May-Jun;27(3):82-9. doi: 10.1097/DER.0000000000000184.


Corazza M1, Minghetti S, Bertoldi AM, Martina E, Virgili A, Borghi A.

1From the *Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Sezione di Dermatologia e Malattie Infettive, Università di Ferrara; and †Dermatological Clinic, Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Torrette, Ancona, Italy.


Article history
Published in Dermatitis, Vol 27,  May/June 2016


The modern conveniences and enjoyment brought about by electronic devices bring with them some health concerns. In particular, personal electronic devices are responsible for rising cases of several skin disorders, including pressure, friction, contact dermatitis, and other physical dermatitis. The universal use of such devices, either for work or recreational purposes, will probably increase the occurrence of polymorphous skin manifestations over time. It is important for clinicians to consider electronics as potential sources of dermatological ailments, for proper patient management. We performed a literature review on skin disorders associated with the personal use of modern technology, including personal computers and laptops, personal computer accessories, mobile phones, tablets, video games, and consoles.



Full-text/Testo completo:


‘Wi-fi, cellulari & co’: i rischi dell’elettromagnetismo sulla nostra salute

12 luglio 2016 – “www.casalenews.it”

Interessanti spunti di riflessione nella serata organizzata da Mammeincerchio, L’Albero di Valentina e Passi di vita

Chi era presente venerdì scorso all’Auditorium Santa Chiara per l’incontro su “Wifi, cellulari & co” ha capito che ‘indossare’ un telefonino (perché tale è l’intimità raggiunta con questo strumento di comunicazione) può provocare danni alla salute, anche se il mondo scientifico non lo ha ancora dimostrato.

Nell’incontro organizzato da Mamme in cerchio, Albero di Valentina e Passi di vita Onlus, avente per oggetto proprio l’informazione sui rischi provocati dalla prolungata esposizione a onde elettromagnetiche,  autorevoli esperti si sono espressi e confrontati sull’entità e sulla peculiarità delle conseguenze di tale esposizione.

Ha aperto la serata l’epidemiologo Corrado Magnani, che ha richiamato i risultati degli studi scientifici ufficiali, per i quali non ci sono evidenze di una pericolosità delle onde elettromagnetiche ai livelli di esposizione attualmente consentiti, benché le correlazioni con gravi malattie siano in fase di approfondimento.

Terminato il suo intervento, si è voltata pagina: il dottor Orio, vice-presidente dell’Associazione Elettrosensibili, ha riconosciuto i risultati divulgati dalla ricerca scientifica, ma ha dato conto di evidenze medico-sanitarie rilevanti: a fronte della diffusione rapidissima di cellulari e tecnologie wi-fi, i danni al sistema neurologico di bambini e adulti sono aumentati,  e con loro disturbi all’apparato riproduttivo maschile.

Eloquenti le immagini mostrate: le parti a contatto con il telefonino subiscono l’aggressione di onde elettromagnetiche in una forma inedita fino ad oggi.

Sono poi emersi altri aspetti – oggetto di studi indipendenti – che rafforzano l’idea di dover essere prudenti quando ci affidiamo alla connessione wireless, perché, come il professor Magnani ha suggerito,  si tratta di una tecnologia entrata nelle nostre case prima di averne sperimentato e ‘pesato’ gli effetti.

Effetti nefasti, li conoscono bene gli elettrosensibili: persone che – con intensità diverse – registrano l’impossibilità di maneggiare apparecchi come cellulari, computer, microonde.

Alcuni erano presenti all’incontro e hanno portato testimonianze toccanti. È verosimile aspettarsi un aumento di elettrosensibili, e ci si augura che la tecnologia migliori la schermatura degli apparecchi e che la vocazione per il wi-fi venga soppiantata da sistemi più inequivocabilmente sicuri per la salute.

Una serie di consigli dispensati dal professor Sergio Crippa ha, a questo proposito, semplificato la materia: accorgimenti casalinghi praticabili e utili.

Il materiale raccolto dalle associazioni promotrici, che hanno avuto il sostegno e il patrocinio del Comune di Casale e dell’Ordine dei Farmacisti di Alessandria, per la serietà con cui è stata impostata la serata e per la capacità di coinvolgere personalità di prim’ordine, è a disposizione di chi volesse approfondire il tema e per chi – in attesa di evidenze scientifiche (per le quali occorre tempo, quale che sia l’esito) – volesse divulgare l’invito alla prudenza nell’utilizzo del wi-fi. Internet e cellulari si’, ma non a discapito della salute.

Associazioni Mamme in Cerchio – L’Albero di Valentina – Passi di vita onlus



US government’s premiere test program finds cancer risk from cell phone radiation: a game-changing global wake-up call

19th June 2016 – “blog.oup.com”, by Devra Davis

Have you heard that cell phones cause cancer, then they don’t, then they do? Confused enough yet? Let me break it down for you. Contrary to some claims, the new US government study by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) is hardly a shot in the dark or a one-off event. With this largest best-conducted animal study, we now have three different studies within the past six years where animals develop some of the same cancers from cell phone radiation as people. In the NTP study, male rats exposed to wireless radiation develop more unusual highly malignant brain tumors—gliomas—as well as very rare tumors of the nerves around and within the heart—schwannomas.

Rodent studies are the gold standard for testing chemicals. In fact, as the American Cancer Society notes, the NTP study comes from a world-renowned test program that involved twice the usual number of animals and triple the typical number of independent reviews of the pathology data. The NTP review process included blinded evaluations by statisticians and pathologists who did not even know the name of the ‘test agent’ they were examining.

An op-ed from the New York Times by pediatrician Aaron Carroll questions the relevance of these animal studies for humans. Chairman of Pediatrics at Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem, Dr. Eitan Kerem, does not agree, stating that “Such findings [of cancers in a test drug] in the pharma industry may prevent further developing of a drug until safety is proven, and until the findings of this study are confirmed parents should be aware of the potential hazards of carcinogenic potential of radiofrequency radiation.”

Prof. Eitan appreciates that every agent known to cause cancer in people, also produces it in animals when well studied. More recently, studies have found significant brain changes in cell-phone exposed Zebra fish which also share important properties with humans. If we fail to heed these studies and insist on more human data, we become the bodies of evidence.

Not a single one of the NTP rat controls developed these rare brain cancers or schwannomas of the heart. Yes it is true that historical controls used in other studies have had a few brain cancers, so why should we not compare these results with that? In scientific research, we take great care to subject controls and exposed animals to the same housing, light, food, water supply, cage rotation, etc. This NTP study placed all animals in a complex reverberation chamber that existed within a metal barrier that blocked all forms of electromagnetic radiation from entering—a Farraday cage. Thus it is entirely plausible that electromagnetic exposures from wiring, ceiling fans, HVAC, or even technicians with phones in their pockets, could have affected control animals in those older studies causing this rare brain tumor and the handful of schwannomas of the heart found in the past in other controls. The fact that not a single one of the controls in this study developed these rare tumors tells us a great deal.

Why then, did brain tumors occur only in male rats? The sexes differ not only in hormones but in the ways that their DNA deals with poisons. In fact, rare precancerous abnormalities in the brain and heart were also reported in both sexes in the NTP study. For many cancer-causing agents, tumors are more common in males than in females—although in this instance, both males and females had significantly more cardiac abnormalities, pre-cancerous lesions, and malignant nerve tumors within and around their hearts.

Wait a minute. Some have claimed that these results are not a true positive, but a false one, that is to say—a false finding that wireless radiation increases cancer. By design, this study had a 97% chance of finding a true positive. Using a relatively small number of animals to study a very rare outcome, this study in fact, had a far greater chance of a falsely negative finding than of a falsely positive result.

Why then does the public know so little about the how cell phones and wireless technology impact our health? In 1994, findings that such radiation could prove a risk spawned an unusual and little-known sport—that of “war-games”—outlined in a memo from Motorola to their PR firm. That year when University of Washington scientists, Henry Lai and V.J. Singh, first showed that radiofrequency radiation (RFR) damaged brain cells in rats, they were subject to well-funded coordinated efforts to discredit their findings, their livelihood, and their integrity. Their university was asked to fire them and the journal editor where their work had been accepted was pressured to un-accept it. Similar disinformation efforts confronted the REFLEX project in 2004—a $15 million European Union multi-lab effort—after it also determined that cellphone radiation caused biological impacts on the brain.

Another paper from the NTP finding genotoxic impacts of wireless radiation is under peer-review at this time. The capacity of this radiation to open membranes is so well established that a number of technologies have been FDA approved to treat cancer relying on electroceuticals that use electromagnetic radiation at various powers, waveforms, and frequencies.

If ever there was a time to re-think our growing dependence on wireless in schools, cars, homes, and energy production, this is it. There is no other suspected cancer-causing agent to which we subject our elementary school students or place directly in front of the brain and eyes with virtual reality. It makes no sense to continue building out huge wireless systems until we have done a better job of putting the pieces of this puzzle together. This latest report from the NTP should give us all pause.

Belgium has banned cell phones for children. Over a dozen countries are curtailing wireless radiation especially for children. Reducing exposures will increase battery life, decrease demand for energy, and lower health risks. Concerted steps to reduce wireless radiation such as those recommended by the Israeli National Center for Non-Ionizing Radiation, France, the Indian Ministry of Health, and the Belgian government are in order now.

Governments have a moral obligation to protect citizens against risks that cannot otherwise be controlled. The epidemics of lung cancer today are evidence we waited far too long to control tobacco. To insist on proof of human harm now before taking steps to prevent future damage places all of us into an experiment without our consent, violating the Nuremberg Code.

Featured image credit: Cell phone in hands by Karolina Grabowska.STAFFAGE. CC0 public domain via Pexels.

