Tag: The Doctors

The Doctors TV Show – Allergic to Wi Fi?

Allergic to Wi-Fi?

Can you be allergic to Wi-Fi? Chemical electromagnetic-sensitivity expert Dr. Lisa Nagy joins The Doctors to increase awareness about this very real condition.

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16 July 2016 – “Omega News”

The Doctors TV Show – Allergic to Wi Fi?

Aired 12 July 2016 – Can you be allergic to Wi-Fi? Chemical electromagnetic-sensitivity expert Dr. Lisa Nagy joins The Doctors to increase awareness about this very real condition.


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Thank you ‘The Doctors’ for reporting this important subject.

I suffer from this condition and I know of many other people who also suffer. Besides being called Electro Hyper-Sensitivity, it is also known as Radio Wave Sickness and Microwave Sickness and was first reported in a German Scientific Paper in 1929 when the exposure was from AM radio transmitters. The condition became more well known during the Second World War when aircraft radar technicians became ill from microwave radiation transmitted from the equipment that they were working on.

There are thousands of scientific papers which show that electro magnetic radiation causes serious biological effects and it is linked to many illnesses including several different cancers. A good place to learn more about the many adverse health effects can be found in the Bio Initiative Report www.bioinitiative.org This is a report by nineteen scientists and ten medical specialists who have researched masses of scientific reports.

Other sources of good information can be found at www.es-uk.info/www.weepinitiative.org, www.microwavenews.com/, www.magdahavas.com/

Martin Weatherall

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