Tag: PFA-100

Acute effects of 30 minutes of exposure to a smartphone call on in vitro platelet function.

[Questo studio dimostra che le emissioni in Radiofrequenza degli smartphone (nello specifico a 900 MHz) inducono una significativa perturbazione della struttura e della funzione delle piastrine, fornendo così ulteriore sostegno alle preoccupazioni riguardo l’uso eccessivo dei telefoni cellulari.

Attenzione dovrebbe anche essere posta nei confronti dei prodotti del sangue contenenti piastrine, che dovrebbero essere tenuti lontani da telefoni cellulari e smartphone in tutta la sequenza di produzione e nel periodo di conservazione.]

Blood Transfus. 2016 May 6:1-5. doi: 10.2450/2016.0327-15. [Epub ahead of print]


Lippi G1, Danese E1, Brocco G1, Gelati M1, Salvagno GL1, Montagnana M1.

1Section of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.


Article history
Published in Blood Transfusion (“www.bloodtransfusion.it”), May 2016

mobile phone, radiofrequency, platelets, PFA-100


BACKGROUND: Significant concerns are now regularly raised about the safety of excessive mobile phone use. This study was aimed to assess the acute effects of radiofrequency waves emitted by a commercial smartphone on platelet function.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two sequential citrated blood samples were collected from 16 healthy volunteers recruited from laboratory staff. The first sample was placed in a plastic rack, 1 cm distant from a commercial smartphone receiving a 30-min call and emitting 900 MHz radiofrequency waves. The second sample was placed in another plastic rack, isolated from radiofrequency wave sources, for the same period. The platelet count and the mean platelet volume were then assessed in all blood samples, whereas platelet function was evaluated using the platelet function analyser-100 (PFA-100).

RESULTS: A 30-min exposure of citrated blood to smartphone radiofrequency waves induced significant prolongation of collagen-epinephrine aggregation (median increase, 10%) and a considerable increase of mean platelet volume (median increase, 5%), whereas collagen-adenosine diphosphate aggregation and platelet count remained unchanged.

DISCUSSION: This study demonstrates that smartphone radiofrequency waves induce significant perturbation of platelet structure and function, thus providing further support to concerns regarding excessive use of mobile phones. Caution should also be taken with regards to blood products containing platelets, which should be kept far away from mobile phones and smartphones throughout the production pipeline and storage period.



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