Tag: elettrosmog

Studies that Show a Risk of Cancer from Exposures to Cellphone Radiation

[Bella presentazione di Lloyd Morgan sugli effetti delle radiazioni emesse dal telefono cellulare in termini di carcinogenesi (a livello cerebrale e del nervo acustico – gliomi e neurinomi, della ghiandola parotide, della mammella ed altri)  e di detrimento sulla spermatogenesi.]

2nd Neuroscience Stereology and Scientific Writing
15 March 2016, Arusha Tanzania

L. Lloyd Morgan
Sr. Research Fellow
Environmental Health Trust


Click on the picture below to access the file/Cliccare sulla immagine sottostante per accedere al file:




Why men should NEVER put their phone in their pocket: Study shows how prolonged exposure to radiation steadily destroys sperm


Una recente revisione di 21 studi (che presto pubblicheremo sul nostro sito) ha trovato un legame tra emissioni dei cellulari e conta degli spermatozoi.
E’ risultato che l’esposizione prolungata alle radiazioni distrugge lo sperma in modo permanente.

La sanità pubblica pare riluttante a dire che i telefonini sicuramente danneggiano gli spermatozoi – non vi è attualmente alcun modo per dimostrare esattamente come le radiazioni e il numero di spermatozoi siano legati – ma gli esperti avvertono che questa revisione fornisce prove abbastanza convincenti del perché gli uomini non dovrebbero tenere i loro telefoni cellulari in tasca!

Non possiamo e non dobbiamo aspettare di conoscere nel dettaglio i meccanismi patogenetici del danno da Microonde per iniziare a prendere precauzioni, in quanto potrebbe essere troppo tardi!

Per questo motivo, ci permettiamo di dire che la stessa cosa deve valere per le donne, le quali non dovrebbero tenere dispositivi Wireless vicino alle loro gonadi e soprattutto vicino alla loro pancia quando sono gravide.

Gli effetti dei danni, che purtroppo si stanno verificando inesorabilmente ogni giorno, ancora non si vedono, ma fra qualche anno il conto da pagare sarà elevatissimo.]

9 September 2016 – “www.dailymail.co.uk”, by MIA DE GRAAF FOR DAILYMAIL.COM

  • New review of 21 studies found link between phones and sperm count
  • Public health are hesitant to say phones definitely harm sperm – there is currently no way to prove exactly how radiation and sperm count are tied
  • But experts warn this review provides compelling enough evidence that men should not keep their cell phones in their pockets 

Despite all the fears about cell phones and radiation, most of us still put our phones in our jean pockets.

It’s easy, convenient, and any bad effects are impossible to see.

But a new study warns there is conclusive evidence that men in particular need to find another storage spot.

A systemic review of 21 research papers on radiation shows phones placed close to a man’s genitals for a prolonged period of time steadily drive down sperm count.

Danger: A review of years of evidence shows men are putting themselves at risk by storing their phones in their front pockets
Danger: A review of years of evidence shows men are putting themselves at risk by storing their phones in their front pockets

And among the studies, many suggest surviving sperm could be DMA-damaged.

The biological phenomenon is currently under fierce debate since scientists have no way to explain how non-ionizing radiation influences the body.

Without that link, many public health investigators are hesitant to say definitively that cell phones harm sperm.

However, a new review by a team at Australia’s University of Newcastle has collated years of evidence in an attempt to both emphasize the trend, and to identify potential causes.

And since 14 per cent of the world struggle to conceive – with male infertility involved 40 per cent of the time – they warn a small detail such as where one stores their phone could be crucial.

‘While this subject remains a topic of active debate, this review has considered the growing body of evidence suggesting a possible role for RF-EMR [radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation] induced damage of the male germ line,’ the authors write.

‘In a majority of studies, this damage has been characterized by loss of sperm motility and viability as well as the induction of ROS generation and DNA damage.’

The authors reviewed 27 studies. Twenty-one of them showed a causal link between cell phone radiation and sperm damage.

Ten studies were examined including 1,492 human sperm samples.

Exposure to mobile phones was found to be associated with a significant eight per cent reduction in sperm motility and nine per cent reduction in sperm viability.

The data are hardly surprising, the authors say, given the 'unique vulnerability of the highly specialized sperm cell'
The data are hardly surprising, the authors say, given the ‘unique vulnerability of the highly specialized sperm cell’

The effects on sperm concentration were more equivocal.

The results were consistent across experimental laboratory studies and correlational observational studies.

The data are hardly surprising, the authors say, given the ‘unique vulnerability of the highly specialized sperm cell’.

But by continuing to store phones in pockets, the male population is ignoring ‘the future health burden that may be created if conception proceeds with defective, DNA-damaged spermatozoa’.

Dr Joel Moskowitz, of UC Berkeley’s public health school, explained to Daily Mail Online that this review is a pivotal step towards broader global understanding about the dangers of our phones.

In 2011, the World Health Organization classified cell phone radiation as a possible 2B carcinogen.

It was the first major recognition that cell phones could have a detrimental effect on our bodies.

However, while studies have shown a correlation between sperm count depletion and cell phone radiation, there is a lack of research and concrete findings into the link between the two.

Regardless, Dr Moskowitz warned, the University of Newcastle review is clear evidence that ‘men should not store their cellphones near their genitals’.

‘In this line of research more intense cellphone radiation leads to more sperm damage,’ he added.




Spain: High Court of Madrid Ruling Recognizes “Electrosensitivity” as Grounds for Total Permanent Disability

[Altro articolo sulla importante recente sentenza spagnola che ha riconosciuto una disabilità totale e permanente ad un malato di Elettrosensibilità.]

4 August 2016 – “mieuxprevenir.blogspot.it”, by 

UPDATE 29 August 2016:   An auto-translation of the legal decision in the High Court of Madrid, which found in favor of an EHS sufferer, an ex-employee at Ericsson, is included in a post published on Dave Ashton’s blog, “Being Electrosensitive”:
“Spain – EHS Legally Recognised”.

A statement considers for first time “electrosensitivity” as grounds for total permanent disability
by Patricia Esteban, noticias.juridicas.com,

3 August 2016
[Note:  Google translation – we corrected the grammar only in the sub-headings and where very evident.  We are seeking a person fluent in English and Spanish to provide a better translation of this article.]A statement considers first the “electrosensitivity” as grounds for total permanent disability

A recent ruling by the High Court of Madrid, No. 588/2016 dated 6 July 2016 (rapporteur Mr. Miguel Moreiras Cabellero) has recognized for the first time a situation of total permanent disability for the exercise of the profession of a telecommunications engineer suffering from a rare syndrome, “electrosensitivity syndrome (EHS)”, which prevents him from working in environments with electromagnetic fields. It does not recognize, however, an absolute permanent disability.

This little known syndrome causes a number of symptoms (headaches, sleep disorders or muscle aches, even aggressive), now recognized for justice as incapacitating, whose origin is exposure to electromagnetic fields.The engineer suffering from this syndrome had appealed the sentence in supplication Instance Labour Court No 11 of Madrid, which dismissed his petition and acquitted the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), which had denied the economic benefit.

Now the Supreme Court of Madrid has given reason: his illness prevents him from working as an engineer in telecommunications, but believes that he can work in environments that do not present electromagnetic pollution. But, we wonder, what office currently has no wifi?

He was denied a disability benefit

The appellant, who worked in a known technology multinational, had initiated a sick leave for temporary disability due to common illnesses, and subsequently record of permanent disability.

An initial medical reported that “it is not possible to establish definitive functional limitations electrosensitivity syndrome” and proposed no qualification of the worker as permanently disabled by not presenting anatomical or functional reductions that reduce or remove his working capacity.

In view of these reports, the INSS issued a resolution dated June 6, 2014, by which it remembered deny the actor disability benefits, not reach the injuries suffered by a sufficient degree of reduced working capacity, for constituting a permanent disability.

The Social Court No 11 of Madrid dismissed the claim, considering that his case could not be considered as “absolute permanent disability” requested by the actor.

The key to the favorable judgment: a report of public health

The applicant had in his favor with an expert report Hospital of Guadalajara, in which the patient’s symptoms were described to work “in the presence of this exposure to electromagnetic fields”. Symptoms such as headache, tinnitus, insomnia and other disorders such as mood changes, nervousness, irritability or aggression, etc., that “improved by moving away from their exposure.”

Reducing exposure to electromagnetic pollution 

The court finds that “total permanent disability of the claimant for his usual profession of Telecommunications Engineer because of chemical sensitivity that have or electromagnetic hypersensitivity the Spanish Ministry of Health has called in its version of the International Classification syndrome is reasonably accredited ICD-9-CM disease within the group of non-specific allergies. ”

As stated in the contested judgment, the appellant is required by his profession to work in sensitive environments, being in constant daily contact with computers in an environment where there are electromagnetic fields, radio frequency wireless and mobile connections.

Talking by mobile caused tinnitus  

This syndrome, according clarifies the court in its judgment, is an allergy that causes in those who suffer loss induced tolerance, for most recurrent outbreaks, “the radio pollution, cordless phones, mobile phone antennas, WIFI, requiring who affects to minimize their exposure in the home and work environments and avoid places with electromagnetic pollution “.

Unable to work as ‘teleco’

Therefore, the court finds that he is unable to work at his workplace (a multinational dedicated to providing telecommunications equipment and solutions).

Proved circumstances, lead, continued the judge, “a reasonable decision to declare the applicant in a situation of total permanent disability for his usual profession of Telecommunications Engineer derived from common illness entitled to receive the corresponding financial benefit under the provisions Article 137.4 of the General Social Security Law. ”

“White zones”

The court, however, considers that it can not appreciate a complete inability, because although the plaintiff is unable to work in environments with electromagnetic pollution, this situation does not occur in all sorts of places, so he can work in so-called unpolluted “white zones”.

Furthermore, with regard to multiple chemical sensitivity that also suffers syndrome, as discussed in the Background of Fourth Law of the judgment of the Court, ” it is not possible to establish permanent sequelae , ” and this lack of permanent limitations prevents estimate its claim to be declared in absolute permanent disability pursuant to the provisions of article 136.1 of the General Social Security Law.

Pioneer judgment

Recognition of little known syndromes as a cause of work disability has in recent years battle in court. Conditions that cause a high impact on people who have it, and do not seem to receive the public attention it requires.

The case of telecommunications engineer at the High Court of Madrid has recognized incapacity for suffering electrosensitivity is relevant to be the first time that this condition is considered as the main cause of disability.

Previously, courts had recognized, but associated with other syndromes (chronic fatigue, environmental sensitivity ..). Thus, for example, Case 213/2016 the Supreme Court of Castilla y Leon dated April 6, 2016 or judgment of the Supreme Court 4675/2014 Catalonia dated June 27, 2014.

The case of “fibromyalgia”

Although this condition was included in the International Classification of Diseases by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1991, it has long been considered as “sham” and not a real disease.

The most recent case law, especially in Catalonia (Judgments TSJ Catalonia June 23, 2014, to February 24, 2015, to June 5, 2015, or November 3, 2015) has begun to recognize the importance of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome as a cause of declaration of incapacity for work.

In these judgments underlying the idea that the disability must be understood as the loss of capacity for serious anatomical or functional reductions that reduce or nullify the labor capacity, and without that would inhibit the rating the possibility of recovery of working capacity when it present as uncertain or very long term.

Original article in Spanish:



Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years

[Una nuova analisi di statistiche del Governo Britannico effettuata dai ricercatori della organizzazione di beneficenza “Children with Cancer UK” ha rilevato che il numero di giovani con diagnosi di cancro  è aumentato del 40 per cento negli ultimi 16 anni, e senza dubbio fattori ambientali sono da ritenersi responsabili.
Tra questi, ci sono i Campi Elettromagnetici.]

3 September 2016 – “The Telegraph”/Science, by 

A polluted London road 
Air pollution, obesity and a rise in electrical and magnetic fields is blamed for the surge in childhood cancer

Modern life is killing children with the number of youngsters diagnosed with cancer rising 40 per cent in the past 16 years because of air pollution, pesticides, poor diets and radiation, scientists have warned.
New analysis of government statistics by researchers at the charity Children with Cancer UK found that there are now 1,300 more cancer cases a year compared with 1998, the first time all data sets were published.

The rise is most apparent in teenagers and young adults aged between 15 and 24, where the incident rate has risen from around 10 cases in 100,000 to nearly 16.

Researchers say that although some of the rise can be explained by improvements in cancer diagnoses and more screening, the majority is probably caused by environmental factors.

Dr Denis Henshaw, Professor of Human Radiation Effects at Bristol University, the scientific adviser for Children with Cancer UK, said air pollution was by far the biggest culprit, accounting for around 40 per cent of the rise, but other elements of modern lifestyles are also to blame.

Among these are obesity, pesticides and solvents inhaled during pregnancy, circadian rhythm disruption through too much bright light at night, radiation from x-rays and CT scans, smoking during and after pregnancy, magnetic fields from power lines,  gadgets in homes, and potentially,  radiation from mobile phones.

Two girls play with an iPad
Children are surrounded by electrical fields, warn scientists

“When you look at cancers such as childhood leukaemia there is no doubt that environmental factors are playing a big role,” said Dr Henshaw. “We were shocked to see the figures, and it’s modern lifestyle I’m afraid.

“Many items on the list of environmental causes are now known to be carcinogenic, such as air pollution and pesticides and solvents. There has been good research to suggest a mother’s diet can damage DNA in cord blood. Light at night we know is very disruptive for the body, which is why shift workers have such bad health.

“Burnt barbecues, the electric fields of power lines, the electricity supply in your home. Hairdryers. It’s all of these things coming together, and it seems to be teenagers and young people that are most affected.

“What’s worrying is it is very hard to avoid a lot of these things. How can you avoid air pollution? It sometimes feels like we are fighting a losing battle.”

More than 4,000 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year in Britain, and cancer is the leading cause of death in children aged one to 14.

Diagnoses of colon cancer among children and young people has risen 200 per cent since 1998, while thyroid cancer has doubled. Ovarian and cervical cancers have also risen by 70 per cent and 50 per cent respectively.

The charity estimates that the rise in cases now costs the NHS an extra £130 million a year compared with 16 years ago.

But experts believe many cancers could be prevented with lifestyle changes such as allowing children to attend nursery to boost their immune system, not painting children’s rooms with oil-based paints, avoiding night shift work and processed meats in pregnancy.

The figures were released ahead of the Children with Cancer UK conference which is taking place in London this week.

Other cancer experts said they had also noticed a rise in cancer diagnoses but warned it was too early to draw firm conclusions on the causes.

The jury is out on whether phones can cause cancer but scientist fear it could be contributing to a rise in cases 
The jury is out on whether phones can cause cancer but scientist fear it could be contributing to a rise in cases

Nicola Smith, Cancer Research UK’s senior health information officer, said: “Any rise in childhood cancers is worrying but it’s important to remember that less than one per cent of cancer cases in the UK occur in children.

“It’s not yet clear exactly what causes cancer in childhood and research has not shown a link with environmental factors like air pollution and diet during pregnancy. There are some factors which can increase the risk of childhood cancer like inherited genetic conditions and exposure to radiation – but these are usually not avoidable and no one should feel blamed for a child getting cancer.

“Evidence has shown that there are lots of things adults can do to reduce cancer risk and it’s always a good idea to set up healthy habits as a family, like eating healthily, being active and enjoying the sun safely.”

Kate Lee, chief executive of children’s cancer charity CLIC Sargent, said that a child cancer diagnosis places a huge emotional and financial burden on the whole family.

“Over the last year CLIC Sargent provided support for more than 7,100 families, more than ever before, but we know that we can still only reach two out of three of those children and young people diagnosed with cancer,” she added.

“As more young cancer patients are diagnosed every year, we know each of those families will need support and are working hard to one day be able to provide those services for every young patient.”

Despite the increase, around 80 per cent of child cancer patients now survive for at least five years. But the aggressive treatments they have as children can have a major impact on their future health, even if they survive.

Tomorrow, Children with Cancer UK launches a five-point plan calling on the Government and the science and medical community to ensure that all children diagnosed with cancer in the UK have access to precision medicine by 2020.



Accommodation Ideas for Electromagnetic Sensitivity

[Il Job Accommodation Network (JAN) negli Stati Uniti è un leader nella assistenza tecnica gratuita e riservata in merito a questioni lavorative e problemi occupazionali in caso di disabilità.
E’ un referente dell’O.D.E.P., Office of Disability Employment Policy, del Dipartimento del Lavoro degli Stati Uniti (U.S. Department of Labor).
Sul suo sito ufficiale esiste una sezione dedicata al problema della Elettrosensibilità.
Nonostante la esposizione dei concetti sia a tratti un po’ imprecisa, è significativo il fatto che venga prestata attenzione alla malattia e alla tutela dei malati, che spesso purtroppo nel nostro paese sono costretti a rinunciare alla attività lavorativa per l’impossibilità di permanere a lungo in ambienti inquinati da Campi Elettromagnetici e, nel caso dei soggetti sia elettro- che chemio-sensibili, da sostanze chimiche.]

From “JAN” (Job Accomodation Network) website (http://askjan.org/):


There are people who report a sensitivity to electromagnetic sensitivity. Although it has been difficult for the environmental health and medical communities to define, individuals with electromagnetic sensitivity report various symptoms including but not limited to fatigue, weakness, neurological issues, immunological issues, gastrointestinal issues, increased irritability, lack of ability to think clearly and quickly, sleep disturbance, overall malaise, and anxiety.

Despite the medical community’s difficulty in defining electromagnetic sensitivity, individuals with the condition may benefit from job accommodations. The following is a quick overview of some of the accommodations that might be useful. To discuss an accommodation situation with a consultant, contact JAN directly.

Accommodation ideas for individuals with electromagnetic sensitivity:

  • Allow communication via typewriter or handwritten notes rather than via computer or cover the computer with Plexiglas or other shielding material
  • Provide headset/handset extenders or alternate headsets to lengthen the distance between devices that trigger symptoms and the employee’s body
  • Change the employee’s shift to allow for less exposure to others’ devices
  • Relocate workplace away from areas where symptoms are triggered.  This may include limiting certain types of devices in the vicinity of the employee’s workstation
  • Allow telework  (Note: regarding work at home, unless the employee wants to work at home, other options should be explored first to keep the employee in the workplace)
  • Allow the employee to meet with others in areas where triggers are minimized or allow remote access to meetings or activities that must take place in areas that trigger symptoms.
  • Provide wired telephones and network connections
  • Provide building-wide and/or workspace shielding of equipment and devices, for example add filters to fluorescent lights and tape electrical cords
  • Individuals with electrical sensitivity may also experience limitations from fragrance sensitivity and/or photosensitivity



Juhi Chawla opposes Maharashtra CM’s Wi-Fi plans

[L’attrice di Bollywood Juhi Chawla si è fortemente opposta al progetto del primo ministro Devendra Fadnavis di rendere Mumbai completamente coperta dal segnale Wi-Fi entro maggio 2017, alla luce dei numerosi possibili rischi, soprattutto per la salute, derivanti da una simile operazione.

Al suo fianco si è schierato il prof. Girish Kumar dell’Indian Institute of Technology di Bombay (IIT-Bombay), il quale ha detto:

…EMF radiation is nothing but “slow poison”.]

5 September 2016 – “www.asianage.com”/Mumbai, by Vivek Bhavsar

Juhi Chawla
Juhi Chawla

Bollywood actress and social worker Juhi Chawla has strongly opposed chief minister Devendra Fadnavis’ plan to make Mumbai completely Wi-Fi-enabled by May 2017, saying the move would have harmful effects on the human body. Ms Chawla said that she is not against technological advancements in general, but was against wire-free technology until it is proved beyond doubt that electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation is totally safe. She also said that complete Wi-Fi connectivity could lead to information being hacked, apart from helping terrorists send anonymous messages.

Meanwhile, prof Girish Kumar of IIT-Bombay has supported Ms Chawla’s stand, saying EMF radiation is nothing but “slow poison”.

On August 6, Mr Fadnavis had announced that Mumbai would be made Wi-Fi-enabled by May 1, 2017, with more than 1,200 hotspots being installed across the island city. But Ms Chawla said that though Wi-Fi access anywhere and everywhere will help people stay connected and informed, there would be a possibility of information on social sites — apart from financial transactions including bank account and credit and debit card details — being hacked. Ms Chawla also said: “Via the Wi-Fi platform, we could be aiding terrorist groups to communicate effortlessly with the added bonus of anonymity.”

When asked whether these were the only reasons why she was opposed to Mumbai being Wi-Fi-enabled, Ms Chawla said: “People living close to the hotspots would be exposed to constant and intense radiation from Wi-Fi and also from the existing mobile tower antennae that are sometimes located an arm’s length away from citizens’ bedrooms.”

She added that mobile phones, iPads, wireless computers, bluetooth devices and mobile tower antennae function thanks to microwaves, which could adversely affect the human body. “These waves could harm any part of the human anatomy that is vulnerable, especially in the case of pregnant women, children and elderly people,” Ms Chawla said.

She added: “I am not against technology, but am certainly against wire-free technology until it is proved beyond doubt that EMF radiation is totally safe. Where are the studies to prove its safety when it comes to pregnant women, children, the elderly and the infirm?”

Echoing Ms Chawla, prof Kumar said that the effects of EMF radiation take some time to be visible. “EMF radiation is a slow and silent poison that affects not only humans, but also other biological beings such as birds, bees and plants,” he said, adding that he had been badly affected after working in conditions with EMF radiation for the past 35 years. Prof Kumar teaches electrical engineering at IIT-Bombay.

He said: “Wi-Fi connectivity will certainly affect the human body. Hence, switching off hotspots during the night is the only solution to avoid sustained damage through microwave radiation.”

Meanwhile, Ms Chawla has sent a letter to the CM, as well as to the PM, voicing her concerns about free Wi-Fi access for citizens.



Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Study: U.S. National Toxicology Program Presentation to NIEHS June 2016.

[Il 27 maggio 2016, il U.S. National Toxicology Program, degli U.S. National Institutes of Health, ha pubblicato un rapporto con i risultati parziali del loro ampio studio sulla cancerogenicità della Radiazione in RadioFrequenza (RFR, nota anche come Radiazione a Microonde) nei ratti maschi e femmine, e nei topi.

Questo studio, il più grande, il più ben progettato al mondo nel suo genere, e con un costo di 25 milioni di dollari, ha trovato un aumento dell’incidenza di tumori cerebrali rari chiamati gliomi nei ratti maschi e aumenti nei tumori dei nervi chiamati Schwannomi di cuore, timo e mediastino sia nei ratti maschi che nei ratti femmina esposti per due anni a due tipi di Radiazione in RadioFrequenza comunemente usati – Global System for Mobile (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

I risultati pubblicati sono definiti “parziali” perché più risultati sui ratti e tutti i risultati degli studi nei topi saranno disponibili entro il 2017.

Il video che segue è una presentazione del suddetto studio al National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) tenutasi il 15-16 giugno 2016.

Potete trovare ulteriori informazioni nei link riportati sotto al video.]

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Qs6mCvmZc[/embedyt]

Pubblicato il 21 ago 2016

This $25 Million Dollar Study found increased cancer in rats exposed to wireless radiation for two years. FAQS at http://ehtrust.org/science/facts-national-toxicology-program-cellphone-rat-cancer-study/

This video is found online at http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/about/org/bsc/meetings/docs/2016/june/videos.html

British bar installs Faraday cage to block all phone signals

[Considerato che, a quanto pare, la salute non ha alcun valore, spegnete cellulari e router WiFi per preservare almeno le vostre relazioni sociali!

Un bar britannico pare essersi preoccupato di questo aspetto e ha deciso di schermare totalmente la struttura per impedire l’utilizzo dei gadget wireless, costringendo così i clienti ad interagire tra loro.]

3 August 2016 – “www.geek.com”, by 

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to disconnect. The smartphone we all carry will usually find a signal, be it 3G, 4G, or WiFi meaning you’re always connected and able to receive messages, chat, or surf the web in your own insular bubble. Getting away from that is tough and most of us wouldn’t want to anyway, but one British bar is forcing the disconnect on its patrons.

The Gin Tub cocktail bar in Hove is owned by Steve Tyler and he dislikes what the smartphone has done to social gatherings. So he decided to do something about it in his own bar by installing a Faraday cage that blocks all phone signals. The Gin Tub is a dead zone.


A Faraday cage is basically a mesh of conductive materials that blocks electric signals passing through it. Tyler has built his mesh into the walls of the Gin Tub so you can’t see it and it doesn’t ruin the look of the bar. It’s also legal unlike the phone jammers you can buy, so nobody will be able to take action against him for installing it. Instead they can just choose to drink elsewhere.

Tyler’s aim is not to upset anyone, though, it’s to get them talking and enjoying the experience of going out instead. The older readers among you may remember when going out was done without an always-connected device in your pocket. We are fast approaching an age where the youngest legal drinkers have always had a phone to pull out of their pocket, so socializing without it is an unknown.


The Gin Tub experiment will be watched closely by other drinking establishments to see how well it works. I’m also hoping movie theaters take note and carry out the same experiment. If they do, I may start visiting them regularly again.



Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations.

[Difficile pensare che gli alberi temano dei possibili effetti nocivi dovuti alle Microonde e per questo si ammalino.
Conseguentemente, le evidenze riscontrate nello studio che segue, nello specifico evidenti danni in alberi siti in prossimità di Stazioni Radio Base, sono da ritenersi un fatto oggettivo.
Non si tratta quindi di Effetto Nocebo, bensì di reale nocività dei Campi Elettromagnetici in Alta Frequenza.
Se succede questo agli alberi, si possono escludere effetti negativi sui residenti in prossimità delle Stazioni Radio Base, pur nell’ambito dei limiti di legge? Decisamente no, ma qualcuno ancora lo nega…

La traduzione in Italiano dell’Abstract segue la versione in lingua originale.]

Sci Total Environ. 2016 Aug 20;572:554-569. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.045. [Epub ahead of print]


Waldmann-Selsam C1, Balmori-de la Puente A2, Breunig H3, Balmori A4.

1Karl-May-Str. 48, 96049 Bamberg, Germany.
2C/Navarra, 1 5°B, 47007 Valladolid, Spain.
3Baumhofstr. 39, 37520 Osterode, Germany.
4Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León, C/Rigoberto Cortejoso, 14 47071 Valladolid, Spain.


Article history
Published: August 2016

Effects on trees; Electromagnetic radiation; Phone masts; Radiofrequencies


In the last two decades, the deployment of phone masts around the world has taken place and, for many years, there has been a discussion in the scientific community about the possible environmental impact from mobile phone base stations. Trees have several advantages over animals as experimental subjects and the aim of this study was to verify whether there is a connection between unusual (generally unilateral) tree damage and radiofrequency exposure. To achieve this, a detailed long-term (2006-2015) field monitoring study was performed in the cities of Bamberg and Hallstadt (Germany). During monitoring, observations and photographic recordings of unusual or unexplainable tree damage were taken, alongside the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. In 2015 measurements of RF-EMF (Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields) were carried out. A polygon spanning both cities was chosen as the study site, where 144 measurements of the radiofrequency of electromagnetic fields were taken at a height of 1.5m in streets and parks at different locations. By interpolation of the 144 measurement points, we were able to compile an electromagnetic map of the power flux density in Bamberg and Hallstadt. We selected 60 damaged trees, in addition to 30 randomly selected trees and 30 trees in low radiation areas (n=120) in this polygon. The measurements of all trees revealed significant differences between the damaged side facing a phone mast and the opposite side, as well as differences between the exposed side of damaged trees and all other groups of trees in both sides. Thus, we found that side differences in measured values of power flux density corresponded to side differences in damage. The 30 selected trees in low radiation areas (no visual contact to any phone mast and power flux density under 50μW/m2) showed no damage. Statistical analysis demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts is harmful for trees. These results are consistent with the fact that damage afflicted on trees by mobile phone towers usually start on one side, extending to the whole tree over time.





Negli ultimi due decenni è avvenuta l’installazione di antenne della telefonia mobile in tutto il mondo e, per molti anni, c’e’ stato un dibattito nella comunità scientifica sul possibile impatto ambientale delle stazioni radio base della telefonia mobile. Gli alberi hanno diversi vantaggi rispetto agli animali come soggetti sperimentali e lo scopo di questo studio era di verificare se ci fosse una connessione tra danni insoliti (in genere unilaterali) agli alberi ed esposizione alle radiofrequenze. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, è stato realizzato un dettagliato studio a lungo termine (2006-2015) di monitoraggio sul campo nelle città di Bamberg e Hallstadt (Germania). Durante il monitoraggio, sono state effettuate osservazioni e registrazioni fotografiche di danni agli alberi insoliti o inspiegabili, insieme a misure delle radiazioni elettromagnetiche in radiofrequenza. Nel 2015 le misurazioni dei campi elettromagnetici in radiofrequenza sono state portate a termine. Come sito dello studio è stato scelto un poligono che si estendeva attraverso entrambe le città, dove sono state effettuate 144 misure all’altezza di 1.5 metri in strade e parchi in differenti punti. Tramite l’interpolazione dei 144 punti di misura, siamo stati in grado di compilare una mappa elettromagnetica della densità del flusso di potenza in Bamberg e Hallstadt. Abbiamo selezionato 60 alberi danneggiati, in aggiunta a 30 alberi selezionati in modo casuale e a 30 alberi in aree a bassa radiazione (n=120) nell’ambito di questo poligono. Le misure presso tutti gli alberi hanno rivelato differenze significative tra il lato danneggiato che fronteggiava l’impianto di telefonia mobile e il lato opposto, come pure delle differenze tra il lato esposto degli alberi danneggiati e ambo i lati di tutti gli altri gruppi di alberi. Così, abbiamo trovato che le differenze laterali nei valori misurati di densità di flusso di potenza corrispondevano alle differenze laterali del danno. I 30 alberi selezionati nelle aree a bassa radiazione (nessun contatto visuale con impianti di telefonia mobile e densità di flusso di potenza sotto 50μW/m2) non presentavano danni. L’analisi statistica ha dimostrato che la radiazione elettromagnetica degli impianti di telefonia mobile è dannosa per gli alberi. Questi risultati sono coerenti con il fatto che il danno inflitto agli alberi dagli impianti di telefonia mobile solitamente inizia da un lato, per estendersi all’intero albero nel tempo.

Campaigner wants Wifi in schools banned due to health concerns

11 August 2016 – “Braintree & Witham Times”, by Robbie Bryson, Trainee Reporter

DANGER: Martin Kingsbury wants Wifi in schools to be banned
DANGER: Martin Kingsbury wants Wifi in schools to be banned

A BUSINESSMAN is on a mission to make people aware of an invisible health danger.

Martin Kingsbury, from Braintree, wants Wifi to be banned in schools up and down the country, to prevent harm being caused by electromagnetic radiation.

He said: “Someone came to me three years ago and told me about it. At first I thought it was another scare story.

“Then I spent a bit of time and did a bit of research. I started to see things that could not be disputed.

“The man made radiation has increased hundreds of times in the last thirty years.”

Many claim that exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause people to develop Electro-Hypersensitivity – symptoms can include dizziness, headaches and sleep disturbance.

Mr Kingsbury, who owns Solar Power GB Ltd, is a member of Geovital Academy UK and got involved with the worldwide No Wifi in Schools campaign on July 31 by distributing posters across the district.

Countries such as Israel and France have already introduced Wi-Fi bands around children of a young age and Mr Kingsbury wants to see the UK government take a strong stance against electromagnetic radiation.

Mr Kingsbury said: “The problem is no one knows the information is out there.

“People need to be aware of the problems and then it is up to them what they do. But at least then they are given the opportunity to make small changes.

“I would like to see all Wifi to be removed from schools and people made aware of the harmful effects from modern technology – for people with children it is so important.”

