Tag: telefono cellulare

Sesto, il video-denuncia: “Qui l’elettrosmog uccide”

“Controcorrente: vite appese ad un filo”, diventa un documentario il caso di via Sottocorno: 30 malati di cancro nei due palazzi che convivono coi tralicci

13 gennaio 2016 – “www.ilgiorno.it”, di Laura Lana

elettricitySesto San Giovanni (Milano), 13 gennaio 2015 – Ci sono malati di elettrosmog che raccontano il loro linfoma allo stadio avanzato, i 36 cicli dichemioterapia, un doppio trapianto e un po’ di interventi chirurgici, «che mi hanno permesso di essere qui oggi». Ci sono gli esperti, i medici, che spiegano come sia «possibile che per l’esposizione ai campi magnetici alcune cellule si trasformino incellule tumorali». C’è anche chi soffre dielettrosensibilità, con un conseguente effetto di smarrimento. Alcuni sono «casi» limite: vivono in mezzo alle foreste, due amiche francesi si sono trasferite in una caverna e non sono mancati i suicidi.

Infine, non manca Sesto San Giovanni con la suavia Sottocorno, i tralicci dell’alta tensione che corrono accanto alle case e gli oltre 30 casi di cancro contati in due palazzi, «4 o 5 decessi solo negli ultimi sei mesi. Tutti per tumori», come raccontava due anni faMassimiliano Corraini, portavoce dell’associazione Sottocorno, alle telecamere di Marco Puelli, Claudia Mingardi, Marcella Vezzoli e Francesco Berlucchi.

I quattro, circa un anno e mezzo fa, hanno realizzato la video-inchiesta «Controcorrente: vite appese ad un filo», un documentario sulla questione irrisolta dell’elettrosmog e delle sue conseguenze sulla salute di chi è esposto. Il lavoro, che tratta anche il caso sestese, è trasmesso in questi giorni da Tele Ambiente(canale 78 o 218 del digitale terrestre) e in streaming sul sito della televisione: dopo le prime visioni di ieri e lunedì, il documentario è in programma domani alle 22,30 e sabato notte alle 2. «Dovremmo essere noi a seppelire i cavi e non più i cavi a seppelire noi», dice un anziano nel corso del film.

Tuttavia, a oggi, il progetto per interrare un elettrodotto, che attraversa i campi di Cascina Gatti, è ancora fermo al palo. Lo stesso vale per l’indagine epidemiologica, per verificare l’eventuale incidenza dei fattori di inquinamento sulla salute dei residenti. Nel 2014 Asl, Arpa e i due Comuni interessati, Sesto e Milano, avevano concordato e annunciato un progetto con tanto di stima dei costi e cronoprogramma per un’analisi nella zona tra le vie Sottocorno e Adriano.

«A ottobre 2015 era fissata la data di chiusura. Peccato che non sia nemmeno partita: non è stato steso nessun programma né presentato un protocollo – rivela Corraini –. Capiamo i vari cambiamenti, anche politici e istituzionali, che ha affrontato in questi mesi Palazzo Marino, ma non si è fatto alcun passo avanti». Tutto è in stand by. Gli unici documenti risalgono ancora alle indagini strumentali, condotte da Arpa e concluse ormai oltre un anno fa.

«L’associazione ha avuto degli incontri con Asl per l’analisi dei dati, ma da agosto non ci sono più stati aggiornamenti – continua Corraini –. Dopo il tavolo di luglio e gli incontri di agosto, abbiamo ricevuto un’unica comunicazione a dicembre: una raccomandata del direttore generale Walter Locatelli, con cui si conferma l’impegno dell’Asl a effettuare l’indagine epidemiologica in collaborazione con il dipartimento di Medicina Preventiva della fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Ca Granda».



“Controcorrente: vite appese ad un filo” – finalmente in TV

Controcorrente: vite appese ad un filo” è un video inchiesta sull’Elettrosmog e i suoi effetti dannosi sulla salute umana, realizzato circa due anni fa da Marco Puelli, Claudia Mingardi, Marcella Vezzoli e Francesco Berlucchi con la collaborazione della nostra e di altre Associazioni.

Verrà finalmente trasmesso nei prossimi giorni da TeleAmbiente nella nuova puntata di “AttivAmbiente” (http://www.teleambiente.it/attivambiente/), con le seguenti modalità:

canali 78 (Roma, Napoli, Pescara, Perugia) e 218 (Milano) del digitale terrestre
streaming sul sito della tv (http://www.teleambiente.it/),

nei giorni:

LUNEDÌ 11/01/16 ALLE ORE 16.30
MARTEDÌ 12/01/16 ALLE ORE 11.30
GIOVEDÌ 14/01/16 ALLE ORE 22.30
SABATO 16/01/16 ALLE ORE 02.00.

Nell’attesa, potete vederne il trailer al seguente link:

Switzerland: Zurich: The First European Refuge for Electrosensitive People

[Articolo un po’ datato che tratta del primo rifugio Europeo per persone affette da Elettrosensibilità e Sensibilità Chimica Multipla, costruito a Zurigo e completato nel dicembre del 2013.]

15 August 2014 – “mieuxprevenir.blogspot.co.uk”

We do not wish to discourage the initiator of this project, but it seems that the site is badly polluted with cell phone tower radiation.  The article, however, describes well the plight of people living with chemical and electromagnetic sensitivities.

In Zurich, the first European refuge for electrosensitive people
by Solène Cordier, Le Monde, 12 August 2014 (translated by the Editor of this blog)

At first glance, nothing distinguishes this apartment building in the suburbs of Zurich from those surrounding it. Located on the heights of the quiet neighborhood of Leimbach, its sand-colored walls are surrounded by a vast garden of tall grasses. The big trees of the forest of Entlisberg, perched on the adjacent mountain, extend their refreshing shade to the surrounding area.

It is because of the particular setting that the building, destined to welcome people suffering from multiple chemical hypersensitivity (MCS) and electrosensitivity, has been constructed in this location. “Five sites were studied in the beginning,” says Christian Schifferle, the initiator of the project. “Measurements showed that this site was radiated very little thanks to the nearby mountain which offers a protective environment.” The absence of antennas was also a precondition for construction, as well as air quality.

Headaches, chronic fatigue, difficulties concentrating, respiratory problems, depression, food intolerances… the list of disorders of the 14 residents is long. “We do not tolerate fumes from chemical products and electromagnetic wave emissions coming from wireless networks,” says Mr. Schifferle.

At age 59, he says he has been hyper-allergic and electrosensitive since childhood. His suffering has constrained him to live for long periods alone in the forest in a caravan with walls covered in aluminum foil. At that time, all odors assaulted him: perfumes, cleaning products, paints, cigarette smoke… At age 35, he discovered in the press that other people suffered the same symptoms which, when they reached a critical level, constrained these sick people to interrupt all professional and social life. With only his disability pension, Christian decided to fight for recognition of his pathology.

« Today, this building symbolizes our emergence from invisibility, » he says with emotion, « even if in Switzerland as in France, MCS and electrohypersensitivity are not recognized officially as diseases.

A total cost of 4.9 million euros

Completed in December 2013, this first anti-allergic apartment building in Europe cost 6 million Swiss francs (4.9 million euros), the materials and technologies used raising the cost around 25% compared to the usual apartment building in Zurich. The cooperative presided over by Christian Schifferle has benefited from the support of the city which furnished the land of 1,200 square meters and financial aid.

When one goes inside the building, some details betray its specificity. The walls of the common areas painted with lime, the ceilings of raw concrete, and the floor in stone leave an impression of being unfinished. The natural materials were given preference by the architects, who received the support of a chemist during construction. “It is the plaster used for the walls which posed the most difficulty. It was necessary to reduce the additives in order that for it to be tolerated by the residents,” explains the architect, Andreas Zimmermann.

In order to provide protection from electromagnetic waves, fiberglass was used in place of the usual metallic frame. At the entrance of each apartment, a sealed-off area has been foreseen to remove clothes that have too much of an odor and each room is equipped with a system of air purification. In the basement, next to the communal washing machine, there are authorized detergents and cleaning products, all labeled, “odorless” and “without dyes”.

The day before our arrival, Mr. Schifferle explained the rules: no cell phone, no smoking, no perfume is tolerated inside the building. “I have two smartphones but they are nearly all the time in “airplane” mode. I use them to take photos, one of my passions,” says Christian. For communication related to his activity as president of the cooperative and of a foundation for recognition of MCS and electrosensitivity, he uses a corded telephone and a computer connected by cable to the Internet.

Moreover, a special shielding covers all the electric cables in the building which has a minimum number of outlets. Differing from other electrosensitive people, the intolerance of the residents to waves concerns only high frequencies (mobile phones and Wi-Fi).

An inexistent social life

For Christian as well as his 13 neighbors, this place serves as a refuge. Conceived as a Faraday cage, it allows each person to recharge his/her batteries and hope to again return to normal activities.

Marc (his first name has been changed) is 32 years old. Originally from Fribourg, he moved here in April. Like Christian, he receives a disability pension for reasons other than electrosensitivity and MCS. However, after several experiments, he arrived at the conclusion that his exhausted state was very likely due to exposure to waves and chemical products. “They diagnosed me with anxiety disorder, but I believe that this is not the cause but a consequence of my fragility,” he explains.

The victim of severe digestive disorders, chronic exhaustion and food allergies since childhood, Marc had to abandon his studies at age 22. He has never succeeded in holding down a job for more than several months. A year ago, he discovered that his condition substantially improved when he was not in contact with waves. “I slept on many occasions in the cellar of my parents, then I went to live for some time at a farm in the Jura,” he confided, before learning through his brother of the existence of an apartment building project in Leimbach and submitting his application.

Since settling in, he has the impression that his state of health has slightly improved. To his great surprise, in arriving in Leimbach, he met several persons his age. His neighbors include a 28-year-old woman who has been living there since the beginning of the year with her companion who does not suffer from any pathology.

With the exception of the latter person, in order to obtain an apartment, all the residents of the building have had to justify their symptoms by presenting a medical certificate. Certain social criteria are also required to benefit from an apartment whose monthly rent is between 1,300 and 1,600 Swiss francs (1,000 and 1,400 euros), in great part borne by the city of Zurich.

The city of Zurich is awaiting the results of an evaluation conducted by the University of Bern of the inhabitants of this pilot project for an eventual repetition of the experiment. Christian Schifferle has already looked at land in the Ticino and in France on the Côte d’Azur. “For people like us, it would be wonderful to imagine being able to go on vacation”, he says, smiling.

Solène Cordier, Le Monde journalist

Original article/Articolo originale:




Finnish education professor’s warning: Wireless technology in schools may lead to a global epidemic of brain damages.

– “www.emfacts.com”

From Agenta Jonsson who has been in contact with Finnish professor Rainer Nyberg. The following is a current update from a Jan 14, 2014 interview with Professor Rainer Nyberg

Finnish education professor’s warning: Wireless technology in schools may lead to a global epidemic of brain damages.
“We must protect children and youth more than we do today.”

Yle Arenan. Yle Nyheter, Finland Jan. 24, 2014

Translated by Agneta Jonsson
Revised by Rainer Nyberg. Nov. 27, 2015

Professor Rainer Nyberg changed his opinion of wireless technology in March 2013. At that time he had been lecturing in Finland and Sweden for many years and had written books about the uses and benefits of online learning. In this interview, for TV-Finland’s Channel, he explains how he found out about the health risks directly linked to wireless emissions from the technology he had assumed would only have positive effects.

What started your interest in wireless technology and its effects on health?

It actually began with my deep interest and involvement in new technology. As a teacher-trainer at the Faculty of Education I also started projects on IT-pedagogy and e-Learning. This resulted, among other things, in two books. One was How To Teach Online Education, another was a 350 page Research Guide, with 120 pages on how the Internet can be used to search for scientific information.

So your starting point was about the benefits, and not about the harmful effects?

Yes, definitely. I could only see the benefits then. I had been using cellphones for a long time and wifi-gadgets too. While I was working intensively on the fifth edition of the Research Guide I used both a wireless keyboard and mouse, but started getting a prickling sensation in my fingers. I wondered, why is this happening? Around that time, just before Christmas 2012, I read my grandchild’s letter to Santa Claus, “Please, please Santa, most of all I want to have an iPad.”

How did you react to that wish?

I thought it was great, really great that my grandchild wanted to use computers. At that time I had no idea there could be problems too. I just wanted to promote it, so I bought her an iPad.

Now you have explored the research available in this field, and learned about the injurious health effects. Are you surprised about what you found out from different research studies?

Yes, very surprised. Actually it started with my sister sending me a newspaper article from Sweden about how cellphones and iPads may be harmful to health. That’s silly, I thought. How could that be? Everyone’s using them. But I also thought, I may as well look into it. So in March 2013 I spent three weeks researching. I had been teaching information retrieval and had just written 120 pages in the Research Guide, so I knew how to do online research. We have easy access to fantastic tools at the university, the NELLI portal, where we can search many large scientific databases for free, as well as retrieve and print articles very fast.

What was your first impression? What did you find?

The first thing that really made an impression on me was the warning by the Council of Europe. In 2011 they called on all of the member states of the European Union by basically saying: you must warn all your citizens that there is a danger to cellphone technology and wireless internet. Children especially need to be warned, because they are particularly sensitive. Their cranium is thinner and more susceptible because they’re still growing. I got the message. Yes, protect the children. The warning from the Council of Europe also made it clear that if we don’t do something now, it could lead to devastating human and economic costs.

So you became absorbed in this new knowledge. What happened then?

I became quite concerned and continued looking deeper into scientific reports. The recommendation from the Council of Europe is from a socio-political standpoint but based on science. So I thought I’d better read up on the science. Among many findings I read the new BioInitiative Report of 2012 that included 1800 reviewed studies. The scientists concluded: If we don’t do something now, we may soon see a global epidemic of brain damage. Children are most vulnerable to the effects of pulsed electromagnetic radiation. And of course I thought of my grandchild, to whom I had just given an iPad.

I take it that’s quite challenging for a senior educator to hear?

That’s when I became very troubled about the technology I had been promoting in my books and lectures. I now understand that wired connectivity causes fewer problems and wireless creates many kinds of problems. Millions of people are affected.

Injuries to the brain’s blood vessels have been discovered as well. In our brains we have about 600 km of blood vessels. They have to feed 60-100 billion nerve cells with oxygen and glucose. Even if each nerve cell is extremely small, every nerve cell has many microscopic branches. The longest branch from each neuron (nerve cell), which includes axons (nerve fibers), is between one millimeter and 20 cm. The average is less than a millimeter. However, if we were to connect all these neurons and use only the longest branch from each one and put all neurons in a line, it would reach four times around the equator. Each neuron can have contacts (synapses) to more than thousands of other neurons.

With this context I started to understand why the brain was particularly sensitive. The blood vessels in the brain are far-reaching and extremely thin, and that’s where one problem lies. As it turns out, the thin blood vessels in the brain have walls that are even thinner. When someone is exposed to a cellphone or other wireless radiation, the walls of the blood vessels start to leak. A protein from the blood (albumin) can also leak out to the brain cells and has the potential to kill nerve cells. This has been shown in pictures in research reports from Sweden, published by professors Bertil Persson and Leif Salford in Lund. They studied the effects of active cellphone radiation in close vicinity to a box where rats ran freely. They found that even weak radiation causes damage to the blood vessels and the brain cells in the rats after only 2 hours of exposure. Imagine what can happen to children and adults who hold cellphones close to their ears and brains for several hours every week for years?

Your lecture today is about health consequences from staying too long in wireless environments. What steps have you personally taken to solve this problem?

Nowadays I keep the cellphone in flight mode 99% of the time to reduce emissions. I don’t use this ’smart’ technology much anymore, even though I always had my phone with me and on me for many years. Now I mostly leave it at home, or have it turned off, but check for messages. At home I use wired internet and a wired keyboard and mouse. I also replaced the wireless DECT phone with a traditional wired phone, and I avoid places with high levels of electromagnetic radiation.

As a guest lecturer, what will your key message be today?

First of all I will give a brief overview of how important an instrument our brain is. It’s the most complex structure in our world. It is more complex than any aircraft and so on. It’s very sensitive to electromagnetic pulses. All communication in our brains and bodies is also dependent on electric pulses, which are much weaker than man-made digital electromagnetic pulses. In airplanes you are not allowed to use cellphones because it might disturb the electronic equipment on board. Yet most people still think that a cellphone could not harm the brain, which is much more complex than an airplane and runs on much weaker electric pulses. I will also talk about various damages caused by wireless gadgets, but above all how to protect yourself and how to avoid being exposed to too much electromagnetic radiation.

Based on what you have said so far, your recommendation is that it pays to use traditional cable connectivity and just use wireless networks when we have no other choice. Is that about right?

Yes, it’s much better to use cable internet whenever possible, but you can’t use cable for cell phones, tablets and iPads, because they only function on wireless networks. All digital communication uses high frequencies. Tablets are not held to the ear, but you sit with them in your lap, maybe even while holding a child. Boys and men often keep their smartphone in their pockets. Research shows that sperm die from such exposure, and the sperm that survive is of less quality.
One experiment (by A. Balmori) found a marked difference between two containers of tadpoles placed 140 meters from a celltower. One container was shielded by a Faraday cage. In that container only 4% died, but 90% of the tadpoles died in the unprotected one, and deformities were found among the remaining 10%. No wonder then that sperm die or are damaged if you carry a smartphone in a pants pocket. Frogs, people and birds have also been studied, and the results show that they were also negatively affected by celltowers. This is not just about cancer. Immediate injury is noticeable on EEG, brain activity changes, and also damages to the DNA.
So there are many different types of damage. That’s why it’s so important to protect children and not install wireless networks and iPads in the schools. The worst scenario is when many tablets are in use at the same time and in the same room, as in schools, because they continually search to connect to the same wifi-modem. It’s like every iPad is shouting at the same time to the modem and this electromagnetic smog just gets louder and louder. That’s when it becomes particularly harmful. How would kids know if their teachers do not understand the risks?

Lots of important issues to talk about today. Thank you so much for this interview, and
I wish you all the best with your lecture.
Thank you too.





Reported Health Effects From Non-Ionizing RF Radiation

[I seguenti studi indicano l’esistenza di effetti biologici per livelli di esposizione a radiazioni in Radiofrequenza del telefono cellulare che sono molto al di sotto di quello che può essere spiegato con i cosiddetti “effetti termici”, e ben all’interno del range cui le persone sono comunemente esposte quotidianamente durante l’uso dei loro telefoni cellulari.

NOTA: La maggior parte dei livelli di esposizione indicati qui sotto sono ben al di sotto degli attuali standard per la sicurezza negli Stati Uniti, che si basano solo sugli “effetti termici”.]

Reported Biological Effects From Non-Ionizing Radio-frequency RF Radiation

Low Level RF Radiation Health Concern

The following studies indicate biological effects at cell phone rf radiation exposure levels which are far below what can be explained by “thermal effects”, and well within the range people are commonly exposed to every day on their cell phones.

NOTE: Most of these below exposures levels are FAR BELOW the current advisory exposure standards in the US, which are based on thermal effects only.  Click here to learn why SAR levels should not be used as a safety standard

Studies by Increasing Power Density

Studies by Increasing Specific Absorption Rate

Standards and Background Levels

Listing of Full Citations


Note: For an effect to be considered truly “nonthermal”, that is, a “microwave effect”, they must be experimentally distinguishable from heating effects due to absorbed RF energy as measured with SAR Testing.


One more strong point to validate that SAR testing is not adequate for judging a cell phone users safety.

With SAR testing, Dummy heads are filled with solutions to simulate brain conductivity and probed to measure depth and intensity. Amazingly enough regulatory agencies have not deemed it necessary to measure exposure to eyes.  Eye’s are unprotected by the skull and comprised of cells that are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic energy.


RF Radiation Hazards

Studies by Increasing Power Density

Power Density Reported Biological Effects References
0.1 µW/cm2
(0.001 W/Kg SAR)
EEG brain waves are altered when exposed to cell phone signal Von Klitzing, 1995
0.16 µW/cm2 Motor function, memory and attention of school children affected (Latvia) Kolodynski, 1996
0.168 – 1.053 µW/cm2 Irreversible infertility in mice after 5 generations of exposure to cell phone signals from antenna park Magras & Xenos, 1997
0.2 – 8 µW/cm2 Two-fold increase in childhood leukemia from AM-FM exposure Hocking, 1996
1.3 – 5.7 µW/cm2 Two-fold increase in leukemia in adults from AM RF exposure Dolk, 1997
2.4 µW/cm2 Interference with medical devices at least up to 1000 MHz Joyner, 1996
2 – 4 µW/cm2 Direct effect of RFR on ion channels in cells/opening of acetycholine channels D’Inzeo, 1988
4 – 10 µW/cm2 Visual reaction time in children is slowed//lower memory function in tests Chiang, 1989
5 – 10 µW/cm2 Impaired nervous system activity Dumanski, 1974
10 µW/cm2 Significant differences in visual reaction time and reduced memory function Chiang, 1989
10 – 25 µW/cm2 Changes in the hippocampus of the brain Belokrinitskiy, 1982
30 µW/cm2
(0.015 W/Kg SAR)
Immune system effects – elevation of PFC count (antibody producing cells) Veyret, 1991
50 µW/cm2 An 18% reduction in REM sleep (important to memory and learning functions) Mann, 1996
100 µW/cm2 Changes in immune system function Elekes, 1996
100 µW/cm2 A 26% drop in insulin Navakatikian, 1994
120 µW/cm2 A pathological change in the blood brain barrier (915 MHz) Salford, 1993

RF Radiation Hazards

Studies by Increasing Specific Absorption Rate

SAR Reported Biological Effects References
0.000021 – .0021 W/Kg Changes in cell cycle and cell proliferation (960 MHz GSM cell phone signal) Kwee, 1997
0.0004 W/Kg Pulsed cell phone RF caused changes in blood-brain barrier that protects brain from outside harmful chemicals and toxins (915 MHz GSM cell phone) Salford, 1997
0.001 W/Kg EEG brain waves are altered when exposed to cell phone signal at 0.1 µW/cm2 Von KIitzing, 1995
0.0317 W/Kg Decrease in eating and drinking Ray & Behari, 1990
.005 to .05 W/Kg Calcium efflux Dutta et al, 1989
0.14 W/Kg Elevation of immune response at 100 µW/cm2 Elekes, 1996
0.13 – 1.4 W/Kg Lymphoma cancer rate is 2.4 times normal with two 1/2 hour exposures per day of cell phone exposure (pulsed digital mobile phone signal 900 MHz) Repacholi, 1997
0.26 W/Kg Harmful effects to the eyes/ certain drugs can sensitize eyes to RFR Kues, 1992
0.4 W/Kg Statistically significant increase in malignant tumors at 480 µW/cm2 Guy, 1984
0.58 – 0.75 W/Kg Biological effect on the development of brain tumors at 18% of standard (836 MHz TDMA digital cell phone signal) Adey, 1996
0.6 and 1.2 W/Kg DNA single and double strand breaks from RF exposure (2450 MHz) Lai, 1995
2.4 mW/Kg to 24 mW/Kg Digital cell phone (836 TDMA) at very low intensities cause DNA effects in human cells. DNA effects are direct DNA damage and the rate at which DNA is repaired. Is equal to about 800 µW/cm2 power density Phillips, 1998
2-3 W/Kg Cancer acceleration in skin and breast tumors at 50 – 75% of standard Szmigielski, 1982

RF Radiation Hazards

Standards and Background Levels

SAR Standards
0.2 W/Kg IEEE standard for whole body SAR for general public (1/6 of an hour) IEEE
1.6 W/Kg FCC (IEEE) SAR limit over 1 gram of tissue (cell phone to ear) FCC, 1996
Power Density Standards
579µW/cm2 800-900 MHz Cell Phone Signal Standard ANSI/IEEE
1000µW/cm2 PCS STANDARD for public exposure (as of September 1, 1997) FCC, 1996
5000µW/cm2 PCS STANDARD for occupational exposure (as of September 11997) FCC, 1996
Background Levels
0.003 µW/cm2 Ambient background RF exposure in cities and suburbs in the 1990’s Mantiply, 1997
1 – 10 µW/cm2 Ambient RF exposure within 100-200 feet of cell/PCS antenna array (or roughly 0.2 to 0.5 mW/Kg SAR in the human body’) Sage, 1998, unpublished

RF Radiation Hazards

Listing of Full Citations Referenced Above

Study Description
Adey, WR., et. al., 1996. Brain tumor incidence in rats chronically exposed to digital cellular telephone fields in an initiation-promotion model. Bioelectromagnetics Society 18th Annual Meeting, Proceedings, Abstract A-7-3.
Belokrinitskiy, VS., 1982. “Destructive and reparative processes in hippocampus with long-term exposure to nonionizing radiation.” In U.S.S.R. Report, Effects of Nonionizing Microwave Radiation, No. 7, JPRS 81865, pp. 15-20.
Chiang, H., et. al., 1989. Health effects of environmental electromagnetic fields. Journal of Bioelectricity, 8: 127-131
Chou, CK., & Guy, AW., 1992. Long-term low level microwave irradiation of rats. Bioelectormagnetics 13:469-496
D’Inzeo, G., et. al., 1988. Microwave effects on acetycholine-induced channels in cultured chick myotubes. Bioelectromagnetics 9; 363-372.
Dolk, H., et. al., 1997. Cancer incidence near radio and television transmitters in Great Britain. Am J Epidemiology 145(1) P 1-9 Jan 1997.
Dumanski, J.D., and Shandala, M.G., 1974 “The Biological Action and Hygenic Significance of Elecromagnetic Fields of Superhigh and Ultrahigh frequencies in Densely Populated Areas,” from Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Warsaw 15-18 October, 1973, Polish Medical Publishers, Warsaw, 1974.
Dutta, SK., et. al., 1989. Radiofrequency radiation-induced calcium ion efflux enhancement from human and other neuroblastoma cells in culture. Bioelectromagnetics 10: 197-202.
Elekes, E., 1996. Effect on the immune system of mice exposed chronically to 50 Hz amplitude-modulated 2.45 GHz microwaves. Bioelectromagnetics 17:246-8.
Hocking, B., et. al., 1996. Cancer incidence and mortality and proximity to TV towers Med J Aust 165(11-12) P. 601-5 Dec 2-16, 1996.
Joyner, K., et. al., 1996. Mobile telephones interfere with medical electrical equipment. Australas Phys Eng Sci Med 1994 Mar. 17(1). P 23-7.
Kolodynski, AA., Kolodynska VV, 1996. Motor and psychological functions of school children living in the area of the Skrunda radio location station in Latvia. Sci Total Environ 1996;180:87-93
Kues, HA., 1992. Increased sensitivity of the non-human primate eye to radiation following opthalmic drug pretreatment. Bioelectromagnetics 13:379-93.
Kwee, 1997 The biological effects of microwave radiation. Abstract in Proceedings of the Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Bologna, Italy, June 1997.
L. Salford (1993) “Experimental studies of brain tumor development during exposure to continuous and pulsed 915 MHz radio frequency radiation,” in Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Vol. 30: pg. 313-318.
L. Von Klitzing “Low-Frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields influence EEG of man.” Physica Medica, Vol. 11, No. 2, pps 77-80, April-June 1995.
Lai, H., and Singh, NP., 1995. Acute low intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single strand breaks in rat brain cells, Bioelectromagnetics 1995;16:207-10.
Lai, H., & Singh, NP., 1996. Single and double strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. Int J Radiat Biol 1996;69:513-21.
M.A. Navakatikian and L.A. Tomashevskaya “Phasic Behavioral and Endocrine Effects of Microwaves of Nonthermal Intensity,” by Carpenter DO and Ayrapetyan S, editors. Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields. Volume 1, published by Academic Press
Magras, IN., & Zenos, TD., 1997. RF Radiation-induced changes in the prenatal development of mice. Bioelectromagnetics 18:455-461.
Mann, K., et. al., 1996. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep. Neuropsychobiology 1996;33:41-7.
Phillips, J., et. al., 1998. DNA damage in molt-4 lymphoblastoid cells exposed to cellular telephone radiofrequency fields in vitro. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 45:103-110.
Ray, S., & Behari, J., 1990. Physiological changes in rats after exposure to low levels of microwaves. Radiat Res 123: 190-202
Repacholi, M., et. al., 1997. Lymphomas in Eµ-Pim1 transgenic mice exposed to pulsed 900 MHz electromagnetic fields. Radiat Res. 1997; 147:31-40.
Salford, 1997 Blood brain barrier permeability in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields from a GSM wireless communication transmitter. Abstract in Proceedings of the Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Bologna, Italy, June 1997.
Salford, LG., et. al., 1993. Permeability of the blood brain barrier induced by 915 MHz electromagnetic radiation;continuous wave and modulated at 8, 16, 50 and 200 Hz. Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 1993;30:293-301.
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Reported Health Effects From Non-Ionizing RF Radiation

Life of jail inmates at risk – High cell phone signal strength

[L’articolo espone alcuni concetti inerenti la pericolosità dei Campi Elettromagnetici in Alta Frequenza, che si possono riassumere come segue:

esperti di medicina e studi internazionali hanno detto che l’aumento della potenza del segnale dei ripetitori per la telefonia mobile, come si è evinto da osservazioni fatte in diverse prigioni del Punjab, possono causare il cancro tra la gente del posto;

secondo uno studio condotto in Brasile, oltre l’81% delle persone che muoiono a Belo Horizonte per specifici tipi di cancro, vive a meno di 500 metri da 300 antenne di telefonia mobile identificate in città;

un numero crescente di organizzazioni e molti altri studi sostengono le conclusioni dello studio Brasiliano;

sebbene lo studio condotto in Brasile riguardi una sola città, anche i residenti di altre città in Brasile e nel resto del mondo sono vulnerabili alle radiazioni emesse dalle Stazioni Radio Base;

i ricercatori dicono che anche le antenne stesse dei dispositivi mobili sono pericolose;

oltre al cancro, le antenne della telefonia mobile possono causare alcune altre malattie e condizioni mediche, tra cui mutazioni genetiche, disturbi della memoria, compromissione dell’apprendimento, Sindrome da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività, insonnia, disturbi cerebrali, squilibri ormonali, infertilità, demenza e complicazioni cardiache;

un medico professore di Radiologia che vuole rimanere anonimo, ha detto che anche se le radiazioni dei ripetitori di telefonia mobile sono meno dannose dei raggi X e Gamma, l’aumento della loro quantità nell’ambiente potrebbe danneggiare il corpo umano.]

Apart from cancer, cell phone antennas can cause certain other diseases and medical conditions including genetic mutations, memory disruptions, hindered learning, ADD, insomnia, brain disorders, hormonal imbalances, infertility, dementia and heart complications.

8 January, 2016

LAHORE – Increased signal strength of cell phone towers at different jails of the Punjab can cause cancer among the locals, said medical experts and international studies. Cellular companies have increased signal strength of their antennas installed near jails to counter the cell phone jammers installed at different jails of the province by the jail management. As per a study conducted in Brazil, more than 81 percent of people who die in Belo Horizonte by specific types of cancer live less than 500 meters away from the 300 identified cell phone antennas in the city. Scientists found between 1996 and 2006 in Belo Horizonte, a total of 4,924 victims within 500 meters and 7,191 within 1,000 meters died of cancer types that may be caused by electromagnetic radiation, such as tumors in the prostate, breast, lung, kidneys and liver.

The researcher claims that the antennas of the devices themselves are also dangerous. But cellular companies in Punjab have installed their antennas much closer to jails premises. A representative of National Radio and Telecom Corporation (NRTC) said that normal signal strength of a cell phone tower is -60 db but most of the companies have increased this strength to -30 db only to counter the jammers installed at different jails.
Adilza Condessa Dode, UFMG researcher and coordinator of the Brazilian study, also recommended the use of a cellular headset by keeping the unit away from the body, and to banning the use of mobile phones by children and in places such as schools and hospitals.

A growing number of organisations and many more studies support the conclusions of the Brazilian study. This study covers just one city but residents of other cities in Brazil and elsewhere in the world too are vulnerable the radiation emitting towers. The International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC), based upon findings from research conducted by an international think tank, came to the conclusion that radio frequency radiation, including the radiation spewing from cell towers, is a possible carcinogen – a radiation, substance or radionuclide that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer.

Apart from cancer, cell phone antennas can cause certain other diseases and medical conditions including genetic mutations, memory disruptions, hindered learning, ADD, insomnia, brain disorders, hormonal imbalances, infertility, dementia and heart complications. A jail officer said that there are number of cell phone antennas installed much closer to jails premises and only in Lahore two antennas are installed within just 30 meters from the jails while six antennas are installed within 100 meters perimeter. Punjab Inspector General Prisons Mian Farooq Nazir said that cellular companies had increased their signals strength at Sheikhupora jail where mobile phone services were also affected in adjacent premises of district courts. The issue was taken up with Punjab government and after that signal strength was made normal by the cellular companies.

He said that earlier jail management had installed imported phone jammers at Kotlakhpat jail which could not function any longer. Ultimately Punjab government purchased the same from NRTC Haripur. IG Prisons said that government has formed a committee to monitor the functioning of jammers which comprises representatives from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), Frequency Allocation Department (FAD), (NRTC), Prisons department and Punjab Information Technical Board (PITB). A professor doctor in Radiology seeking anonymity said that there was insufficient research done on effect of electromagnetic fields on human body. He however, said though rays of cell phone towers were less harmful than that of X-rays and Gama Rays, their increased amount could harm the human body.

Published in The Nation newspaper on 08-Jan-2016



Effects of GSM modulated radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation on permeability of blood-brain barrier in male & female rats.


Sırav B1, Seyhan N2

1Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Ankara, Turkey; Gazi Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Center, Ankara, Turkey. Electronic address: bahriyes76@gmail.com.
2Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, Ankara, Turkey; Gazi Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Center, Ankara, Turkey.


Article history
Available online: 23 December 2015
In Press, Corrected ProofNote to users

Blood–brain barrier (BBB)
Evans blue (EB)
Radio frequency radiation (RFR)
Mobile phones


• Exposure to the pulse modulated radio-frequency radiation could lead to increase in the permeability of blood–brain barrier.

• New researches are needed to discuss the effects of radio-frequency radiation on children.

• Efforts have to be made to understand the mechanisms of the interaction of radio-frequency radiation and the central nervous system.


With the increased use of mobile phones, their biological and health effects have become more important. Usage of mobile phones near the head increases the possibility of effects on brain tissue. This study was designed to investigate the possible effects of pulse modulated 900MHz and 1800MHz radio-frequency radiation on the permeability of blood-brain barrier of rats. Study was performed with 6 groups of young adult male and female wistar albino rats. The permeability of blood-brain barrier to intravenously injected evans blue dye was quantitatively examined for both control and radio-frequency radiarion exposed groups. For male groups; Evans blue content in the whole brain was found to be 0.08±0.01mg% in the control, 0.13±0.03mg% in 900MHz exposed and 0.26±0.05mg% in 1800MHz exposed animals. In both male radio-frequency radiation exposed groups, the permeability of blood-brain barrier found to be increased with respect to the controls (p<0.01). 1800MHz pulse modulated radio-frequency radiation exposure was found more effective on the male animals (p<0.01). For female groups; dye contents in the whole brains were 0.14±0.01mg% in the control, 0.24±0.03mg% in 900MHz exposed and 0.14±0.02mg% in 1800MHz exposed animals. No statistical variance found between the control and 1800MHz exposed animals (p>0.01). However 900MHz pulse modulated radio-frequency exposure was found effective on the permeability of blood-brain barrier of female animals. Results have shown that 20minutes pulse modulated radio-frequency radiation exposure of 900MHz and 1800MHz induces an effect and increases the permeability of blood-brain barrier of male rats. For females, 900MHz was found effective and it could be concluded that this result may due to the physiological differences between female and male animals. The results of this study suggest that mobile phone radation could lead to increase the permeability of blood-brain barrier under non-thermal exposure levels. More studies are needed to demonstrate the mechanisms of that breakdown.

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Effect of man-made electromagnetic fields on common Brassicaceae Lepidium sativum (cress d’Alinois) seed germination: a preliminary replication study / Efecto de campos magnéticos artificiales en la germinación de Lepidium sativum (Brassicaceae): un estudio preliminar

[Il presente lavoro è stato condotto in conseguenza dell’esperimento svolto da un gruppo di ragazze Danesi (Lea Nielson, Mathilde Nielsen, Signe Nielsen, Sisse Coltau e Rikke Holm) alla Hjallerup Skole, sotto la supervisione del loro insegnante di biologia il sig. Kim Horsevad.
Queste ragazze hanno presentato il suddetto esperimento come parte di una fiera/concorso della scienza nazionale per gli studenti delle scuole superiori, del quale maggiori informazioni possono essere trovate al seguente sito: 
Tutto è iniziato quando le ragazze si sono accorte di avere difficoltà di concentrazione durante le lezioni e pensarono che la causa di queste (ed anche dei loro disturbi del sonno) potesse essere in relazione con il fatto di tenere il cellulare acceso di fianco al letto durante la notte.
Così hanno esposto dei semi di crescione alle emissioni elettromagnetiche tipiche dei cellulari per valutarne gli effetti biologici.

Cammaerts e Johansson hanno utilizzato i semi della Brassicacea Lepidium sativum (crescione d’Alinois), appurando che sotto gli effetti di alti livelli di radiazione (70-100 W / m2 = 175 mV / m)  non sono germinati.
Infatti, il primo passo della germinazione dei semi – ad esempio le imbibizioni delle cellule germinali – non ha potuto verificarsi in presenza della radiazione, mentre all’interno del compost umido tali imbibizioni si sono verificate e le radici si sono esilmente sviluppate.
Quando rimossi dal campo elettromagnetico, i semi sono germinati normalmente.

Quindi la radiazione è stata molto probabilmente la causa del mancato verificarsi delle imbibizioni e germinazioni dei semi.

In entrambi i casi deve essersi senz’altro trattato di EFFETTO NOCEBO: d’altra parte è ben nota a tutti la incredibile suscettibilità psicologica dei semi di crescione  😉 !]

Phyton, International Journal of Experimental Botany ISSN 0031 9457 (2015) 84: 132-137

Cammaerts MC (1) & O Johansson (2)

(1) Faculté des sciences, DBO, CP 160/12, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 50, Av. F. D. Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
(2) The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden.
Address Correspondence to: Marie-Claire Cammaerts, e-mail: mtricot@ulb.ac.be


Article history
Received: 27 March 2014
Accepted: 19 May 2014
Published: 2015

Imbibitions; Seeds; Water; Wireless waves


Under high levels of radiation (70-100 µW/m2 =175 mV/m), seeds of Brassicaceae Lepidium sativum (cress d’Alinois) never germinated. In fact, the first step of seeds’ germination ‒ e.g. imbibitions of germinal cells ‒ could not occur under radiation, while inside the humid compost such imbibitions occurred and roots slightly developed. When removed from the electromagnetic field, seeds germinated normally. The radiation was, thus, most likely the cause of the non-occurrence of the seeds’ imbibitions and germination.


Las semillas de Lepidium sativum, Brassicaceae, nunca germinaron bajo altos niveles de radiación (70-100 µW/m2 =175 mV/m). En realidad, el primer paso en la germinación de las semillas – ej. imbibición de las células germinales – no ocurrió bajo radiación, mientras que tal imbibición ocurrió dentro del compost húmedo y las raíces desarrollaron un poco. Cuando las semillas fueron removidas del campo magnético, las mismas desarrollaron normalmente. La radiación fue obviamente la causa que no ocurriera la imbibición y la germinación de las semillas.


The present work was undertaken consequently to that performed by a group of Danish girls (Lea Nielson, Mathilde Nielsen, Signe Nielsen, Sisse Coltau and Rikke Holm), at Hjallerup Skole, under the supervision of their biology teacher Mr. Kim Horsevad. These girls made an experiment as a part of a national science fair/competition for high school pupils about which more information can be found at the website
All started when the girls had difficulties concentrating in their lessons. “We all thought we experienced concentration problems in school if we slept with our mobile phones at the bedside, and sometimes we also found we had difficulties sleeping”. The five girls took 400 cress seeds and randomly spread them into 12 trays. They then placed the trays in two different rooms, at the same temperature, six in each room.
They gave to the trays the same amount of water and sunlight over 12 days, but exposed six of the trays to mobile phone radiation. In other words, six trays of seeds were placed in a room with no radiation, while six were placed in another room alongside two activated routers emitted roughly the same type of radiation as a common mobile phone. The results were obvious: the cress seeds alongside the routers did not grow at all, and some even seemingly mutated or died.
The students repeated their experiment twice. The results in both were equally dramatic, and showed a dose-response effect between the two batches. The statistical significance of the biomass reduction in the students’ tests with a p-value (2-tail) of <0.000005 is thought-provoking!
Great effort was made to characterize and measure the premises’ background electromagnetic fields and the climatic conditions. No obvious confounders were then found that could give rise to – and explain – the different growth of the irradiated and the non-irradiated seeds.
It would be tempting to just discard such observations since they have not been performed under controlled conditions, thus not following all the rules of sciences. But often, observations done outside of the regular laboratory environments are the start of new discoveries. So, we decided to try to replicate the girls’ work.
Man-made electromagnetic waves have actually largely been shown to have adverse effects on living organisms. They affect, for instance, mammals (Adang et al., 2006; Benlaidi & Kharroussi, 2011), birds (Everaert & Bauwens, 2007), amphibians (Balmori, 2006), bees (Kimmel et al., 2007, Sharma & Kumar, 2010; Favre, 2011), ants (Cammaerts et al., 2012, 2013), fruit flies (Panagopoulos et al., 2004; Panagopoulos, 2012), and even protozoa (Cammaerts et al., 2011). In fact, they act firstly and essentially on the cellular membrane and so affect any living organism (Cammaerts et al., 2011). Such waves have also been shown to impact plants (Roux et al., 2008; Haggerty, 2010), at physiological and ecological levels.
In order to bring some new information on the subject, we here examine if man-made electromagnetic waves impact plants’ germination and more precisely the first events occurring at the beginning of that germination. We are conscious that our observations are only preliminary ones and that further studies (replication, cytological observations, and physiological studies) are necessary to verify the present finding and to understand what is actually and exactly occurring in germinal cells under radiation.


Four identical series of seeds of Brassicaceae Lepidium sativum (cress d’Alinois) (same quantity, quality, origin, age) were deposited on identical compost (same initial sample), each one in an identical tray (20 cm x 15 cm x 4 cm). Compost is the commonly used material for obtaining germination of seeds. The compost was humidified with same quantity (100 ml) of the very same tap water. Two of these trays were set at a place where the electromagnetic field reached an intensity of 70 – 100 µW/m2 (= about 175 mV/m), this being mainly due to the presence of two communication masts at about 200 meters of distance (Fig. 1). The two other trays were set at another place where the electromagnetic field had an intensity of about 2 – 3 µW/m2 (= 30 mV/m). These two series of seeds, set under low radiation level, were used as the control sample.
Since the existing electromagnetic fields were generated by communication masts, the frequencies of the emitted waves were 900 MHz and/or 1,800 MHz. The intensity of the electromagnetic fields was measured using an HF 35 C radiation intensity meter for frequencies from 800 MHz to 23 GHz (Gigahertz solutions GmbH, Am Galgenberg 12, D-90579 Langenzenn, Germany). All the other environmental conditions were near-identical for each of the two double series of seeds (temperature = 20 °C, humidity = 70%, luminosity ≈ 300 lux). The seeds were then observed after four, seven and ten days, and tap water was poured on the compost, equally for each series of seeds, at regular intervals. When obvious differences were surprisingly observed between the seeds set under the two different levels of electromagnetism exposition, samples of seeds were removed, attentively observed and examined under a stereomicroscope. Seeds which had been maintained under two different levels of radiation were drawn using a camera lucida (magnification = 25x), and via these drawings, their length and their width (two orthogonal segments) were measured in mm. The means of the obtained values were established and the distributions of values (for the length on one hand, for the width on the other hand) corresponding to each two kinds of seeds were statistically compared using the nonparametric χ² tests, the level of probability being set at p<0.05 (Siegel & Castellan, 1989). After these assessments, samples of each kind of seeds were set under the lower exposure and observed once more after two days.

Cammaerts &amp; Johansson 2015

Germination did not occur under 70 – 100 μW/m2. After four days, the seeds set under the two different electromagnetic field strengths already differed: those under the lower level had begun to germinate while those under the higher level of electromagnetic field had not at all done so. After seven days in total, many seeds maintained under low level of exposure had completed their germination and other ones were in the process of their germination while the seeds set under the higher level of exposure appeared unchanged (when looking at them from above) (Fig. 2 A). The experiment was continued until a total of 10 days with, at that time, the same results as above: normal germination for the seeds under low radiation, apparently no germination for those set under the higher radiation.

In the humid compost, roots development occurred.  Ten days after the beginning of the experiment, seeds set under the higher exposure (having not germinated) as well as seeds maintained under low exposure (being in the process of their germination) were collected, i.e. taken using small pins and put into cups. First, they were visually examined, and after that, observed under the stereomicroscope.
First, while doing this manipulation, we clearly detected some external difference between the two kinds of seeds.
Those kept under higher radiation were dry, not clinging at all while those kept without nearly no radiation were wet, clinging, and often attached to one another.
Secondly, very surprisingly, inside the humid compost, small roots of seeds set under radiation had developed, nearly like for seeds kept without radiation, with the difference that, in the latter case, the roots were somewhat more developed (Fig. 2B). It might be possible that, inside the compost and the water it contains, the electromagnetic field either had a lower intensity (through shielding effects) or had its adverse effects decreased or even countered (compared to the situation existing above the compost). Of course, if the effects we see are dependent only on the radiation, the most sensitive plant parts would be the ones above the soil, and they would be the first to be affected/retracted/not developed.

Seeds’ imbibitions did not occur under 70 – 100 μW/m2. The two kinds of seed, collected as related above, were observed under a stereomicroscope, drawn (Fig. 2 C), and measured as explained in the ‘Material and methods’ section. For seeds set under 2 – 3 µW/m2, the two variables on average equaled 0.51 mm and 0.27 mm while for seeds set under 70 – 100 µW/m2, these variables on average equaled 0.45 mm and 0.21 mm. Statistically, 0.45 mm turned out only slightly different from 0.51 mm (χ² = 3.34; df = 1; p ≈ 0.05) while 0.21 mm strongly differed from 0.27 mm (χ² = 10.77; df = 1; p ≈ 0.001). The more affected variable was thus the seeds’ width. Consequently, it could be presumed that without radiation, seeds normally went through the expected imbibitions phenomenon (the first step of the plants’ germination) while under radiation, seeds were no longer able to go through this essential first step of their germination.

Cammaerts &amp; Johansson 2015 - 2

According to the previous observation (see previous paragraph), it may be added that the germinal cells of the roots, located inside (surrounded by) humid compost, could realize such imbibitions.

Seeds exposed were still alive. The two kinds of collected seeds were then taken out of their initial location and set, each one, in a small tray (10 cm x 5 cm x 4 cm), the two trays then being deposited side by side, in a room where the level of radiation was low (2 µW/m2). The seeds having begun their germination went on doing so and those having not germinated began to do so, this becoming apparent after two days (Fig. 2 D).


The fact that man-made electromagnetic waves probably have adverse effects on living organisms is actually more and more realized and admitted. Reviews on the subject exist (Pakhomov & Murphy, 2000; Fragopoulou et al., 2010; Sivani & Sudarsanam, 2012; Cucurachi et al., 2013). However, first, the mechanism underlying such adverse effects are not yet fully understood so it is difficult to counteract these effects while still going on using any wireless technology. Secondly, the revealed adverse effects apparently do not worry public health authorities, parliaments, governments, and – thus – not the general public who is not fully informed. Indeed, the wireless technology is actually more and more used, both for human work tasks and hobbies. Users are not worried probably because the revealed adverse effects appear not to be emergent for human beings, i.e. effects on Protozoan’s locomotion (Cammaerts et al., 2011), on Drosophila’s reproduction (Panagopoulos, 2012, Panagopoulos et al., 2004), on ants’ memory (Cammaerts et al., 2012) and response to pheromones (Cammaerts et al., 2013), on bees’ collection of pollen (Sharma & Kumar, 2010), on amphibian’s embryogenesis (Balmori, 2006), on rat’s memory (Adang et al., 2006), and so on, although they -of course- are! Here, we reveal yet an impact of man-made electromagnetic waves on a very important phenomenon: the germination of the seeds of plants. We show that the first essential step of the germination (= the imbibitions) seemingly does not occur under radiation and that the electromagnetic waves are the only likely cause of such a non-occurrence. We presume that the cellular membrane organization, the water and ions transfer through that membrane are perturbed. Indeed, we have previously shown that the cellular membrane is strongly affected by electromagnetism (Cammaerts et al., 2011), which explains, in our mind, the impact of such electromagnetism on nervous cells, reproduction and behavior. Other data are also in favor of such an assumption (see the review of Marino and Carrubba, 2009). Let us add that seeds are often deposited onto the ground and not set inside the earth, and are so potentially maximally exposed to electromagnetism. On the other hand, such electromagnetism has been shown to impact, among others, the health of plants (Belyavskaya, 2004; Roux et al., 2008; Haggerty, 2010; and four Web sites in the list of references). Plants are truly and very necessary for life on earth; people should now be very conscious of this potentially emerging problem!
In conclusion, the present investigation -although preliminary in its character- indicates that the prodigious wireless technology may effectively and seriously impact nature and should urgently be used much more cautiously (see also the published work of Doyon (2008)). The present study also brings some new information on the subject -effect of electromagnetism on plants- but it must be replicated on several plants species, at different independent laboratories, as well as developed further at the cytological and physiological levels by botanists, histologists and physiologists. Finally, in essence, it clearly supports the initial findings of Lea Nielson, Mathilde Nielsen, Signe Nielsen, Sisse Coltau and Rikke Holm, at Hjallerup Skole, under the supervision of their biology teacher Mr. Kim Horsevad.

Conflict of Interest Statement 
The authors know of no conflict of interest related to this work.


Olle Johansson was supported for this study by the Karolinska Institute, and Einar Rasmussen, Kristiansand S, Norway, Brian Stein, Melton Mowbray, Leicestereshire, UK, The Irish Campaign against Microwave Pollution, and the Irish Doctors Environmental Association (IDEA; Cumann Comhshaoil Dhoctuiri na hEireann), are gratefully acknowledged for their general support.


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New study links cell phone tower radiation to diabetes

[Cresce sempre più in ogni parte del mondo la consapevolezza dei numerosi effetti nocivi dei Campi Elettromagnetici, i cui effetti pleiotropici possono provocare una vasta gamma di danni all’organismo.

In un recente studio, il prof. Sultan Ayoub Meo del King Saud University’s College of Medicine in Arabia Saudita, ha dimostrato la relazione tra CEM e Diabete.]

27 december 2015 – “www.arabnews.com”, by GHAZANFAR ALI KHAN

• Top KSU scientist sounds danger warning


Prof. Sultan Ayoub Meo.

RIYADH: A renowned professor of King Saud University (KSU) here has warned of radiation danger from cell phone towers, saying that the radiation emissions from towers can cause many health hazards because of their dense installations and unscientific proliferation.

In a new study, Prof. Sultan Ayoub Meo, a professor at KSU’s College of Medicine, has for the first time proved that the radiation from towers also causes diabetes mellitus.

Sultan, whose research findings on radiation from mobile phone base station towers (MPBST) has been published in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, a reputable Swiss science journal, said that “this is the first study added in the global science literature about radiation and its link with type 2 diabetes mellitus.”

The study is based on the effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Filed Radiation (RF-EMFR) generated by MPBSTs on hemoglobin.

Sultan’s new study has also raised a question mark over the safety of cell phone towers in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East countries. It is interesting to note here that the use of mobile phones has markedly increased among both gender and all age groups in the Kingdom and across the world during the last two decades. He said that “there are about 7.3 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, and this figure is more than the world’s population.” Spelling out the main findings of his study, Sultan told Arab News in an exclusive interview that “radiation generated by mobile phones and their base stations towers ranges between 400 MHz and 3 GHz.”

Mobile phone companies, Sultan said, installed towers in residential and commercial areas including on/near school buildings, which has stirred up widespread public concern about the hazards of RF-EMF radiation.

He also said that the radiation emanating from towers causes many other health hazards like headache, depression, high blood pressure and sleep disorders besides damaging nervous, cardio-vascular as well as reproductive systems.

The KSU professor said that about 382 million people globally are suffering from diabetes mellitus, and this number is expected to surge to 592 million by 2035 as per the data shared by the International Diabetic Federation. “In 2014 alone, a total of 4.9 million people died due to the complications of diabetes mellitus,” said Sultan, adding that this deadly disease took the life of one individual every seven seconds.

In this new research study, which for the first time discovered the link between cell tower radiation and diabetes; Sultan and his colleagues selected two different elementary schools in Riyadh region.

The team led by Sultan selected 159 apparently healthy students (96 from one school and 63 from another school) of the same age, gender, nationality, regional, cultural and socio-economic status.

Blood samples were collected from all the students and the HbA1c was analyzed.  The team found that the students, who were exposed to high RF-EMF generated by MPBS had significantly higher HbA1c than the students who were exposed to low RF-EMF.




4 december 2015 – “illinoisreview.typepad.com”, by Nancy Thorner


The public has been intentionally misled by industry and utility propaganda to believe that smart meters are safe because cell phones are safe. The usual defensive comment is that a smart meter will emit less Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) than a cell phone call. So why should we worry?

This link conveys the findings of Dr. George Carlo, who oversaw the comprehensive research group Wireless Technology Research (WTR) commissioned by the cell phone industry in the mid-1990s. When Carlo’s research began to reveal how there were indeed serious health concerns with cell phones, the industry sought to bury the results. Carlo’s research has since been validated by a wealth of subsequent studies and has continuing relevance given the ubiquity of wireless devices.

“The main health concern with electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless technologies is that EMF and RF cause a breakdown in the communication between cells in the body, interrupting DNA repair and weakening tissue and organ function.”

In an article entitled “Radiation from Wireless Technology Affects the Blood, the Heart, and the Autonomic Nervous System” (November 2013), Dr. Magda Havas addresses the health conditions that most individuals would find a moreimminent threat than the long-term carcinogenic effects discussed in Part 1.  According to Dr. Havas, symptoms that can appear as an early-warning signal of excessive RF radiation exposure are “fatigue, sleep disturbance, headaches, feeling of discomfort, difficulty concentrating, depression, memory loss, visual disruptions, irritability, hearing disruptions, skin problems, cardiovascular problems, dizziness, loss of appetite, movement difficulties, and nausea.” Dr. Havas has coined the phrase, “Rapid Aging Syndrome” to cover many of the health effects caused by radio frequency radiation exposure.

Is Anyone Sounding the Alarm?

In May 2015, 190 scientists from 39 nations submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN member states, and the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk.  The International EMF Scientist Appeal calls upon the United Nations and the World Health Organization to address the emerging public health crisis related to cell phones, wireless devices, wireless utility [smart] meters and wireless infrastructure in neighborhoods and to substantially reduce human exposures to non-ionizing radiation.

Although it is not as well known to the public, Lloyds of London considers the risk too high to cover claims for illnesses related to RF exposure from cell phone use. The Electromagnetic Fields Exclusion 32 states, “The purpose of the exclusion is to exclude cover for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionizing radiation exposure through mobile phone usage. We will not make any payment on your behalf for any claim, or incur any costs and expenses, or reimburse you for any loss, damage, legal expenses, fees or costs sustained by you, or pay any medical expenses. This would include the microwave radiation and electromagnetic radiation emitted from Smart Meters.

An A. M. Best bulletin in 2013 is entitled, “Emerging Technologies Pose Significant Risks with Possible Long-Tail Losses.” RF (Radio Frequency) Radiation Risk is at the top of the list and mentions the “risks associated with long term use of cell phones”. “Insurance companies need to monitor the manner in which emerging technologies are deployed; the risks associated with their use; their residual or unintended impacts; and the manner in which the insurance policies may be called upon to cover losses.”

The Industry Has Ignored the Warnings over Decades

Dr. George Carlo, mentioned above, was head of the WTR which began in 1993 to research the possibility of brain tumors and any other health issues related to cell phone use. Six years later, frustrated over inactivity by the industry to inform and protect the public, Dr. Carlo wrote the following letter to the CEO of AT&T.  Below are letter excerpts:

At the annual convention of the CTIA (The Wireless Association), I met with the full board of that organization to brief them on some surprising findings from our work. My understanding is that all segments of the industry were represented. At that briefing, I specifically reported: The rate of death from brain cancer among [cell phone] users was higher than the rate of brain cancer death among those who used [non-wireless] phones;

  • The risk of acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor of the auditory nerve that is well in range of the radiation coming from a phone’s antenna, was fifty percent higher in people who reported using cell phones for six years or more, moreover, that relationship between the amount of cell phone use and this tumor appeared to follow a dose-response curve;
  • The risk of rare neuro epithelial tumors on the outside of the brain was more than doubled, a statistically significant risk increase, in cell phone users as compared to people who did not use cell phones;
  • There appeared to be some correlation between brain tumors occurring on the right side of the head and the use of the phone on the right side of the head;
  • Laboratory studies looking at the ability of radiation from a phone’s antenna to cause functional genetic damage were definitively positive.

Today, I sit here extremely frustrated and concerned that appropriate steps have not been taken by the wireless industry to protect consumers. I am concerned that the wireless industry is dealing with these public health concerns through politics, creating illusions that more research over the next several years helps consumers today, and false claims that regulatory compliance means safety. Alarmingly, indications are that some segments of the industry have ignored the scientific findings and have repeatedly and falsely claimed that wireless phones are safe for all consumers including children.

The most important measure of consumer protection is missing: complete and honest factual information to allow informed judgment by consumers about assumption of risk. I am especially concerned about what appear to be actions by a segment of the industry to [enlist] the FCC, the FDA and WHO with them in following a non-effectual course.”    

Two years before Dr. Carlo wrote his letter (January 1997), “Microwave News” published “Motorola, Microwaves and DNA Breaks: ‘War-Gaming’ the Lai-Singh Experiments”. Doctors Lai and Singh were the research team that discovered how Radio Frequency microwaves could cause DNA breaks (a precursor to Cancer). An industry media strategy was immediately devised to “war-game” the science as “it could throw previous notions of RF safety into question”.

The Industry Charade Continues Even Now

In November 2015 the “Wall Street Journal” reported on a case that is pending in the courts over cell phone radiation and brain cancer. Representatives for Motorola and the other defendants referred questions to the CTIA (the wireless industry trade group), which said in a typical industry statement: “peer-reviewed scientific evidence has overwhelmingly indicated that wireless devices do not pose a public health risk for adults or children.”

However, in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, cellphone manufacturers and wireless carriers specifically acknowledge the risk posed by health-related lawsuits. “We may incur significant expenses in defending these lawsuits,” Verizon wrote in its 2015 annual filing. “In addition, we may be required to pay significant awards or settlements.”

It has come to Thorner’s attention that brain tumors developed in each of the 5 engineers who tested cell phones.   At least 4 of the 5 have since died. “Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette” was written by Robert C. Kane, Ph.D., one of the engineers who lost his life to a brain tumor.

Dr. Kane’s book, published in 2001, “is a historical accounting of the research that has been available for forty years and has been neglected or buried by an industry that will place its absolute need to sell products above the health and well-being of its own customers. What you will find here is a litany of hundreds of research studies from the 1950s through the mid-1990s… alarming in their findings of radiation exposure, DNA damage, chromosome damage, tissue damage, radiation absorption, cataract formation, tumor formation, memory loss, motor skills degradation, and more.”

As one of the developers of cellular phones, R.C. Kane knows that “RF and microwave energy can be readily absorbed within the human body and that excessive energy absorption leads to tissue damage and death.” Plus “the frequency range most efficient at depositing Radio Frequency Radiation energy deep into muscle and brain tissue was assigned to cellular phones”(the same frequency emitted by smart meters).

Following are two quotes from Dr. Kane’s book, “Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette”:

“In 1994, work by various researchers found “that a substantial amount of the Radio Frequency Radiation is deposited into the user’s brain and converted to heat. These researchers have reported that from 50 percent to more than 90 percent of the radio frequency energy is absorbed by the user.”

“That energy absorption leads to a dangerous temperature increase. Most of the temperature rise associated with the energy absorption takes place in the first 60 to 90 seconds of exposure.” The wireless industry has suggested that users ‘concerned about the effects of radiation should make short calls to reduce the hazards of operation’. From what the research data indicates, a short call would need to be much less than one minute. In other words, based on these research findings and the industry’s warnings cell phones should not be used.”

According to Dr. Kane:  “it is known that RF energy absorption causes heating in tissue that has three primary effects: (1) tissue destruction and death; (2) inhibition of normal cell growth through depression of enzyme activity; and (3) increase in membrane permeability. Since the human brain has little, if any, sensory capability, damage or trauma occurring internally will not be felt until the effects, such as heating, are so severe that they work their way outward. So, by the time a person, exposed to radio frequency radiation, feels pain at the skin that skin is irreversibly damaged, as is the deeper tissue beneath the skin.”

The Industry Creates its Own “Belief System”

In addressing the industry agenda, Dr. Kane had this to say:

“Business as usual amounts to utilizing their substantial resources to employ the various media to broadcast the industry ‘belief system’ that renounces or buries unfavorable scientific findings. A solid body of evidence confirms that: (1) cell phones expose operators to dangerous and highly damaging levels of radio frequency energy absorption; (2) the manufacturers, service providers, government, and scientists have been aware of the hazards; and (3) the manufacturers, service providers, and government have not warned the public.”

This appropriate warning came from Dr. Carlo, spotlighted earlier as head of the WTR:

“When you put the science together, we come to the irrefutable conclusion that there is a major health crisis coming, probably already underway. Not just cancer, but also learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and psychological and behavioral problems—all mediated by the same mechanism (RFR).”

“That is why we are so worried. Time is running out.”

