Tag: problemi di fertilità

7 ways your WiFi could be causing you harm

[Articolo che arriva dalla Nigeria, a testimonianza del fatto che la consapevolezza della pericolosità di WiFi, cellulari, e Wireless in generale, è diffusa a livello planetario .

7 modi in cui il Wireless può causare danni: insonnia, danni allo sperma, effetti sulla crescita cellulare, compromissione dello sviluppo dei bambini, riduzione della attività cerebrale nelle femmine, effetti sulla fertilità, stress cardiaco.]

27 September 2016 – “lifestyle.thecable.ng”, by SAMINU MACHUNGA


Many are on edge because they can’t imagine a world without the internet. But every good thing has it’s bad side and it’s better to educated yourself to be safe.


When exposed to electromagnetic radiation, you will have more difficulty falling asleep. So when you can’t sleep maybe you should just turn off your phone.

Neutralizes sperm

Wireless radiation reduces sperm movement and fragments your DNA.

Affects cell growth

Sleeping with your phone next to your head can affect your ability to concentrate.

Experiment:  One set of plants was grown in a room free of wireless radiation; the other group grew next to two routers that released the same amount of radiation as a cell phone.

Result: The plants closest to the radiation didn’t grow.

Damage to child development

This radiation has the ability to alter and stunt to growth of body tissue. Young children are more likely to be affected during their developmental stages.

Reduces brain activity in females

Experiment: A group of 30 healthy volunteers, 15 men and 15 women, were given a simple memory test. First, the entire group was tested without any exposure to Wi-Fi radiation and the results were fine.

Then, they were exposed to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi from a wireless access point for about 45 minutes.

Result: During that portion of the testing, brain activity was measured and the women had a noticeable change in brain activity and energy levels.

Effects on fertility 

Results of experiments on animals show that some specific wireless frequencies can prevent egg implantation. According to the Global Healing Center, during the study, mice exposed 2 hours a day for 45 days had significantly increased oxidative stress levels.

Cardiac stress

Your heart reacts when surrounded by wireless networks including 3G and LTE phones. Your heart rate increases as if you are under stress. You may have not noticed this because you weren’t aware of the dangers.

All this seems scary but the use of your wireless networks can be regulated.

Every time you’re not using your wireless device you can put it away. You don’t necessarily have to turn it off, but ensure you switch off your mobile data and any wireless routers in the house.

It is more important to do so before you sleep and avoid sleeping with your phone under your pillow.



Talk too long on cellphone? Your sperm may be at risk, Israel researchers find

2 February 2016 – “www.jpost.com” Health & Science, by JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH

mobile phone

Men who speak on their cellphone for more than one hour a day or keep their phone close to their groin risk significant damage to the quality of their sperm and their ability to father a child, according to researchers at Haifa’s Technion- Israel Institute of Technology and Carmel Medical Center.

Dr. Yulia Sheinfeld and colleagues in the division of fertility and in-vitro fertilization of the obstetrics/gynecology department at Carmel published their findings in Reproductive BioMedicine Online.

Between 30 percent and 40% of all infertility cases involve male fertility problems. Some studies have shown a continuous decline in semen quality in recent decades. One postulated contributing factor is radio frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted from cellphones.

For the current study, questionnaires assessing demographic data and characteristics of cell phone usage were completed by 106 men referred for semen analysis.

The researchers found that talking on cellphones for an hour a day or more and talking on the devices while they are charging are behaviors that are associated with higher rates of abnormal semen concentration. Among men who reported holding their phones within 50 centimeters of the groin, a higher rate of abnormal sperm concentration was found. Semen concentration was abnormal among 47% of those who stored their phone in their pants pockets, while it was abnormal in only 11% of the general male population.

Other factors in reducing fertility included smoking.

The authors said the study was small and urged that large-scale studies be carried out. However, in the meantime, they recommended male users to speak less on cellphones, as well as to avoid sleeping next to them, carrying them near the groin area, or speaking on the devices while they are charging.

Instead, the researchers suggest using earphones or a speaker phone.

