Meccanismi degli effetti neuropatologici prodotti dalle microonde – Martin L. Pall, agosto 2015
Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression
By Martin L. Pall
- • Microwave EMFs activate voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) concentrated in the brain
- • Animal studies show such low level MWV EMFs have diverse high impacts in the brain
- • VGCC activity causes widespread neuropsychiatric effects in humans (genetic studies)
- • 26 studies have EMFs assoc. with neuropsychiatric effects; 5 criteria show causality
- • MWV EMFs cause at least 13 neuropsychiatric effects including depression in humans
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Martin Pall Manuscript – Danni neuropatologici da microonde – agosto 2015
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