Tag: Suicidio

Depression and Suicide caused by exposure to wireless microwave radiation

18 April 2016 – “Mobilfunk Newsletter – EMF Omega News”, by Martin Weatherall

Attawapiskat First Nation
P0L 1A1

Re http://www.torontosun.com/2016/04/10/ontario-first-nation-community-declares-state-of-emergency-after-suicide-attempts

Dear Band Council

I am sorry to hear about the children of Attawapiskat suffering depression and their large number of suicide attempts.

There are a large number of scientific studies which indicate that wireless microwave radiation (cell phones, cordless telephones, smart meters, Wi Fi and community antennas cause serious depression problems and increased suicide.

If you have Wi Fi, cordless telephones and antennas in your community, your children are likely being exposed to powerful wireless radiation 24 hours a day.  This is quite likely to effect them neurologically and cause them to be depressed.  This is not just happening in your community, McLean’s Magazine has reported on depression and suicide at universities http://www.macleans.ca/education/uniandcollege/is-there-a-mental-health-crisis-on-campus/  and  http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/the-broken-generation/ .  Universities were some of the first places to widely use Wi Fi and new wireless technologies, the depression students suffer is most likely caused by exposure to powerful wireless radiation.

A similar problem is also being reported by Canadian school children – Young Canadians are suffering from rising levels of anxiety, stress, depression and even suicide. Close to 20 per cent – or one in five – have a mental health issue http://globalnews.ca/news/530141/young-minds-stress-anxiety-plaguing-canadian-youth/  .  These wide ranging depression problems never occurred prior to the widespread use of wireless technology.

Research over more than sixty years has clearly shown that microwave radiation, even at low exposure levels, causes significant neurological and depression problems.  This is likely to be must more severe and harmful to children whose brains are still developing.  I have attached several documents which will help you to understand the dangers and more links below so that you can do further research.  You should know that Health Canada, the government department that should be looking after your safety in this regard, are the people who are ignoring the masses of scientific research showing biological effects and they are putting Canadians in great danger.  Depression is just one of the well known health problems that wireless radiation is involved.  Heart problems, various cancers and various immune problems and auto immune diseases are also being severely effected by wireless radiation.

Here are some of the links – http://www.c4st.org/WiFiCanadianSchools   http://weepnews.blogspot.ca/    http://www.magdahavas.com/    http://microwavenews.com/   https://www.emfscientist.org/index.php/emf-scientist-appeal    http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/science/studies.asp    http://www.wifiinschools.com/index.html

Yours sincerely

Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP

Allegati (14)

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Significant Decrease of Clinical Symptoms after Mobile Phone Base Station Removal.doc

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Aschermann_Personality_Changes caused by mobil telecommunications.pdf

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Bioeffects of HF EMR final Russia and Ukraine.doc

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Biol Effects EMFs 2012 N Dr Andrew Goldsworthy.pdf

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Intensive cell phone use affects young people.doc

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J Integr Neurosci Wi Fi signals affect brain.doc

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Long term exposure to cell masts and cordless phones.doc

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10 out of 14 peer-reviewed studies on base stations.pdf

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Havas KPRDSB WiFi Open letter April 2011.doc

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34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects From Wi.doc

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British doctors letter wifi 10 July 2013(1).pdf

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Dr. David Carpenter – Submission to Wi-Fi Committee Feb 11, 2011.pdf

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