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Polish government prepares act on electromagnetic protection

22 April 2016 – “www.telecompaper.com”

The Polish Ministry of Digitalisation has announced its preparation of an act on the control of the effects of electromagnetic radiation from radiocommunications devices on human life and health, reports Telko.in. The first consultations are planned for the beginning of May. Discussions on public concerns related to electromagnetic radiation are conducted under the patronage of the President’s Office.

After the first round of the discussions, the ministry decided to withdraw the controversial provision on facilitating the placement of radiocommunications devices from the draft amendment of the act to support telecommunications services and network development.

The task of the new consultation group will be discussing the assumptions of the draft act with experts and the public and subsequent preparation of the draft. The group will include representatives of the public sector, the public, telecommunications operators and experts in the field of radio-communications and medicine, namely the Institute of Communications and Collegium Medicum of the University Jagiellonski.

The new acts will enforce supervision of emissions standards, tightening sanctions and increase the influence of the local community on the process of placing new radiocommunications devices.



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