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Good News from Israel – City Removed Wi-Fi from Schools for Health Reasons

20 April 2016 – Letter from Dafna Tachover

Hi All

It has been an exciting week in Israel on the fighting the wireless front, with 2 main developments that are likely related:

1) TV Documentary about Electro-Sensitivity and wireless – “HOW WE ARE KILLING OURSELVES –  WIRELESS RADIATION”

2)The City of Haifa ordered to disconnect Wi-Fi in all schools and planing to install wired Internet instead



It started with a 30 minutes TV documentary about the epidemic of Electro-Sensitivity that was aired last Tuesday at 9pm on prime time TV and which got the highest rating of the day.

The name chosen for the documentary: “HOW WE ARE KILLING OURSELVES –  WIRELESS RADIATION”  leaves no doubt about the message of the movie. Press here for the movie (it is in Hebrew but some interviews are in English)

The tv channel run constant very effective and alarming promo to the movie that created a lot of buzz and to my opinion was even better than the movie itself:-) You can see the promo on my Facebook page.

The director planned to do 10 minutes on ES as part of a film about the diseases of the 21st century, but eventually, after working with us intensely on it, they understood the extent of the problem and the lie and how important it is to give an uncompromising warning to the public and decided to do a 30 minutes documentary mainly on ES and the Wi-Fi in schools.

The host was a leading TV media person and his tone was uncompromising – no maybes, precautionary etc, the tone was – there is an epidemic out there. Wireless harms an it is time for us to wake up as it is late already. He started by saying that at least 800,000 people in Israel, i.e. 10% of the population already suffer from different levels of ES and twice aired parts of my interview in which I was saying that the rates are already higher and will continue to increase.

The two government “experts” who lied to the Israeli Supreme Court admitted on the show that the thermal safety standard is irrelevant (opposite to what they told the Supreme Court). I intend to take action now that we have them on camera admitting the opposite to what they told the Supreme Court and left no doubt that they committed perjury.

Most importantly, the movie created a lot of buzz, undoubted ES and sent a very alarming message and was another strong warning that radiation harms are not potential but existing, an in a scale of epidemic. There was no “other side”. It is ridiculous to me how anyone who does a program/article on this topic insists on bringing the “other side” – why? Journalism is about exposing the truth. If the truth is clear as it is in the wireless issue, once a journalist understand what the truth is he does not and should not let the “other side” to continue and propagate its lie!

Many participated from Israel (Amir Borenstein, Yael Levin and her daughter Noa gave testimony about what it is like to be electro-sensitive, a few parents who fight the Wi-Fi in schools, I was intervied as an expert and activist, on the medical side we had Prof. Richter and Dr. Yael Stein, and the technical side was  presented by engineer Liran Raz who did a fantastic work)and from the US : Jennifer Wood whose testimony is very powerful and Prof. David Carpenter. They also mentioned the tragic story of Jenny Fry, the 15 Y/O from England who committed suicide because of the Wi-Fi in school.

City of Haifa announced it ordered to DISCONNECT Wi-Fi from schools

This is truly a Breakthrough  – The City of Haifa in Israel announced that it is removing Wi-Fi from schools. This was announced by the mayor, Yona Yahav, who said that “When there is a doubt, when it comes to our children, there is no doubt”. He ordered to have all the Wi-Fi disconnected immediately and to start and put wired Internet instead! I guess the definite tone of the tv documentary that aired this week and the buzz it created helped the city to make the final decision. I believe that now that one city decided to stop WI-Fi the trend will continue and will reverse the pro wi-fi trend. Hope other cities will join. Haifa is the 3rd largest city in Israel.

All of this is really exciting. It seems that the hard work we put in the past few years – the supreme court case, the work on and with the media and the uncompromising message I made sure to send are finally paying off. Please everyone out there – the message should be strong. Electro-Sensitivity is an epidemic it is NOT a 3% of “sensitive population” we are now in the double digits in terms of ES – it is an epidemic and the public must be told and warned. Wi-Fi in schools is a disaster and as a person who spends every day 2-4 hours on the phone with people and children who got sick and many contemplate committing suicide I urge you all to be uncompromising. The truth, and all of it must be told.

Continued good luck to us all and thanks to anyone out there who stands up to evil and stupidity.



Dafna Tachover
Attorney (NY, Israel), MBA
US Number: (845) 251 1217
Israeli Number: 03-763 9673
Sent from my WIRED internet connection 
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