Electromagnetic Radiation : ‘Wake-Up Call’ For Everyone
Mobile phones have been called “The Cigarettes of 21st Century”. It took more than 150 years to prove that smoking tobacco is injurious to health. Are we waiting for more conclusive data than we already have on the harmful effects of radiation ?
04 January 2016 – “health.economictimes.indiatimes.com”
The year 2015 saw the launch of one of the most important flagship programmes by the Government of India – The Digital India initiative. In order to support this, the Indian telecom and mobile industry is making huge investments and innovations in order to cater to the growing mobile ecosystem. While these efforts are sure to transform the way we communicate and lead to ease of doing business, we also need to wake up to the adverse impact technology can have on our health. The alarming truth is that with the use of more and more wireless technology and devices, our exposure to harmful Electromagnetic Radiation is going to continuously increase.
On May 11, 2015, 190 scientists from 39 countries submitted an “International EMF Scientist Appeal” to His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. These scientists have collectively published over 2,000 peer-reviewed papers on the biological and health effects of radiations. “We are scientists and engineers, and I am here to tell you – we have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control! Putting it bluntly, they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely” says Dr. Martin Blank, heading the committee of Scientists and from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, USA.
The New National Legislation and agency for health in France has passed a law this year, banning the use of Wi-Fiand all wireless devices in nursery schools. The Federal Public Health Regulations in Belgium has put a total advertising ban on cell phones aimed at children younger than 14. The Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health of the House of Commons issued a report titled “Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians” in June 2015 making recommendations including an awareness campaign on reducing exposure and improved policy measures regarding the marketing of radiation emitting devices to children under the age of 14. On May 12, 2015 Berkley adopted the cell phone “Right to Know” ordinance on a unanimous vote. It is the first city in USA to require cell phone retailers to provide those who purchase a new phone an informational fact sheet which informs buyers to read the user manual to learn the cell phone’s minimum separation distance from the body.
In March 2015, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) started conducting a multi-disciplinary study to find out adverse effects of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR). These efforts are definitely appreciable, but can we afford to wait till they publish their findings in a few years from now to take preventive action, when WHO has already classified the radio frequency electromagnetic radiations emitted from mobile devices as ‘possibly carcinogenic’?
Mobile phones have been called “The Cigarettes of 21st Century”. It took more than 150 years to prove that smoking tobacco is injurious to health and for governments to take legislative steps to force cigarette manufacturers to issue a warning to consumers. Are we ready to wait for even 15 years to get any more conclusive data than we already have on the harmful effects of radiation and legislation from the governments to issue warnings? Radiations from mobile devices have the potential to cause more serious damage than smoking because people are starting to use wireless technologies and devices at a much younger age!
Organizations are also oblivious to the fact that ‘Geopathic Stress’ (Earth’s natural sources of Radiation) is a major reason for the phenomenon of ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ (SBS). These natural forms of radiation affect our health and productivity. A study carried out on 600 office workers in the USA showed that 20% of the employees experience symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) – suffering from frequent headaches, high stress levels, loss of concentration, depression and fatigue. Other estimates reported that up to 30% of new and refurbished buildings across the globe may be affected by this syndrome (WHO, 1983 and 1986). These radiations are also found to have an adverse impact on industrial machinery and equipment, leading to frequent breakdowns and therefore huge losses.
The awareness about the effects from Geopathic stress is gaining momentum. One of the BJP offices in Hyderabad was recently relocated due to the presence of Geopathic stress at the earlier location. Companies all across the globe are making every effort to make their organizational health robust on all accounts.
Radiation management is a new field of work which has emerged globally and in India over the last few years. Various solutions gave emerged to mitigate the risks posed by the different forms of Radiation present all around us, without having to relocate or change the way we live or work. These solutions are being implemented not only by individuals, but by large organizations in the private as well as public sector.
Organizations have seen a great improvement in the productivity of their employees, lower level of attrition rates, enhanced interpersonal relationships at the workplace and decreased machinery breakdown in plants by implementing these radiation management solutions. In India, more than 200 organizations and 1,800 establishments have experienced positive change by implementing these solutions which take care of the natural (Geopathic Stress) radiations in buildings, as well as the man-made sources of Radiation from Wi-Fi enabled devices and other gadgets. All the oil refineries owned by Indian Oil, HPCL & BPCL have got the correction of Geopathic Stresses done to improve their efficiency. The newly opened Terminal 2 at Mumbai Airport is the world’s first ‘Radiation Friendly’ terminal building. Mumbai International Airport Ltd. (MIAL) has got all types of natural as well as man-made radiations corrected at this Terminal as part of their Sustainability initiative.
Pranav Poddar, Director, Syenergy Environics Limited, a Radiation Management and Solutions Company