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Cell phone placed in a pocket does not comply with safety limits

[Ricordate lo scandalo Volkswagen e i test truccati per far risultare le emissioni inquinanti delle automobili conformi ai limiti di sicurezza?
E se la stessa cosa stesse succedendo nell’ambito della telefonia mobile?
Nessuno si pone questa domanda, ma esiste un rischio concreto che sia proprio così.
Conseguentemente, milioni di individui (anzi miliardi) stanno venendo esposti ad emissioni ben oltre i limiti di sicurezza, già di per sé non cautelativi.
Qualora scoppiasse un simile scandalo e si scoprisse che tutti gli individui di cui sopra hanno subìto danni gravi e permanenti alla salute, pensate che la cosa potrebbe essere sanata sanzionando pesantemente produttori di telefoni cellulari e compagnie di telefonia mobile (come nel caso della Volkswagen) o risarcendo i danni agli ammalati (cosa peraltro impossibile)?
La risposta è no. Niente potrebbe rimediare ad una simile catastrofe sanitaria.]

24 January 2016, by 

Did a small Finnish company, CELLRAID, Ltd, do ‘volkswagen’ to the telecom industry by showing lack of compliance? In this story, for the first time, are shown measurements results indicating that placing a cell phone in a pocket might cause radiation exposures higher than permitted by the current safety standards.


There are very stringent exhaust limits in USA. Volkswagen cars did not meet them. So, software was added to Volkswagen cars to “help” them be “compliant” with the US EPA requirements. Discrepancy between what is doable in lab setting and what is not so easily doable in real life led Volkswagen to do what it did.

There are safety limits for radiation emission from cell phones. In cell phones used in real life and stored mostly in pockets, these safety limits would be difficult to meet. So, when the standard laboratory tests were developed for measuring radiation emissions from cell phones to assess their compliance with safety limits, a “loophole” was “somehow” introduced to the laboratory tests permitting measurements at a distance from the surface of the test dummy (= at a distance from the users body). The difference between Volkswagen software and cell phone testing loophole is that the software was illegal whereas the “loophole” is legal.

This “loophole” distance varies, not only between different manufacturers but also between different cell phone models from the same manufacturer. Some phones meet safety limits already at 1cm away from the body but others need to be 2.5cm away from the body to meet safety limits.

see more at:http://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2016/01/21/did-cellraid-do-volkswagen-to-the-telecom-industry/



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