In memory of Anne-Marie Granath
[In ricordo di una donna che, con grande impegno e soprattutto con grande tenacia, ha perorato la causa degli Elettrosensibili e della Elettrosensibilità come compromissione funzionale, aiutando così tante persone affette da questa invalidante malattia.]
A few days ago, I have painfully learnt that one of the real heroines, Ms Anne-Marie Granath (whom I know many on my mailing list knew), on December 14, 2015, passed away at Västervik’s Hospital, here in Sweden.
Anne-Marie has been my, and many others’, tutor regarding legal and practical issues of functional impairments, especially electrohypersensitivity, for many years. She is dearly missed; she leaves a gigantic mental, philosophical and human as well as humane gap. She was always very strong, positive and filled with life and joy. She refused to step down from the barricades; her powerful, yet composed, approach helped so many persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity, as she always helped me when I felt blue. I have saved all the letters she wrote me, and they form a wall of bricks to hide behind when the opposing wind blows especially chilly and hard.
Anne-Marie had it all: intelligence, a warm heart, a very special form of clever and black humour, and a definite belief in a better future for us all; when she called me or wrote me I felt she was an equal, our detailed discussions helped me often to correctly formulate myself in public appearances as well as in scientific publications. Her belief in functional impairments as the largest and best legal umbrella for electrohypersensitive persons was kept until the very end. So you may easily imagine that it breaks my heart to witness the current trials by certain physicians and scientists to instead turn the electrohypersensitive persons into patients, thus completely violating their UN rights.
Anne-Marie Granath made a huge difference. She was a genuine Mahatma, both high-souled and revered. I will miss her voice until I meet her again, in her Heaven.
Olle Johansson, associate professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
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