Cell Towers on School Grounds Are Not Safe: George Washington University Scientific Lecture Excerpt
Dr. George Carlo and Dr. Sharma do not recommend cell towers on schools. Watch them express their opinion in the excerpt from the Q and A after a presentation at George Washington university on June 9, 2015.
Watch the full lecture at http://ehtrust.org/cell-phones-radiation-3/george-washington-university-lecture-on-science-and-policy-june-9-2015/
Dr. R.S. Sharma, Indian government Senior Deputy Director General & Scientist of the Indian Council of Medical Research, states his official recommendation is against cell towers near homes and schools. He reviews the research showing genetic damage and health effects from wireless exposures which are informing India’s new telecommunications policy in his lecture. He describes how the government is supporting efforts to reduce exposures.
Dr. Devra Davis, PhD MPH, former Clinton Presidential appointee, founding Director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the National Academy of Sciences described current research on wireless exposures to children and what people can do to protect themselves.