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Science and Conflict of Interest in Bioelectromagnetics

[Presentazione datata, ma certamente utile da leggere.]

7 March 2015 – “betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com”

Science and Conflict of Interest in Bioelectromagnetics

Key-note presentation of Dariusz Leszczynski at the Jubiläums-Generalversammlungof the Swiss association Gigaherz, celebrating its 15th anniversary of the existence, Thalvil (near Zurich) on March 7, 2015.

Gigaherz’s report from the event [in German]

[English language was corrected in the PowerPoint presentation on March 9, 2015]

Video recording of the presentation will be made available shortly.

To watch the presentation, please click on the following image/Per guardare la presentazione, cliccare sulla seguente immagine:


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