Mese: Settembre 2016

Juhi Chawla opposes Maharashtra CM’s Wi-Fi plans

[L’attrice di Bollywood Juhi Chawla si è fortemente opposta al progetto del primo ministro Devendra Fadnavis di rendere Mumbai completamente coperta dal segnale Wi-Fi entro maggio 2017, alla luce dei numerosi possibili rischi, soprattutto per la salute, derivanti da una simile operazione.

Al suo fianco si è schierato il prof. Girish Kumar dell’Indian Institute of Technology di Bombay (IIT-Bombay), il quale ha detto:

…EMF radiation is nothing but “slow poison”.]

5 September 2016 – “”/Mumbai, by Vivek Bhavsar

Juhi Chawla
Juhi Chawla

Bollywood actress and social worker Juhi Chawla has strongly opposed chief minister Devendra Fadnavis’ plan to make Mumbai completely Wi-Fi-enabled by May 2017, saying the move would have harmful effects on the human body. Ms Chawla said that she is not against technological advancements in general, but was against wire-free technology until it is proved beyond doubt that electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation is totally safe. She also said that complete Wi-Fi connectivity could lead to information being hacked, apart from helping terrorists send anonymous messages.

Meanwhile, prof Girish Kumar of IIT-Bombay has supported Ms Chawla’s stand, saying EMF radiation is nothing but “slow poison”.

On August 6, Mr Fadnavis had announced that Mumbai would be made Wi-Fi-enabled by May 1, 2017, with more than 1,200 hotspots being installed across the island city. But Ms Chawla said that though Wi-Fi access anywhere and everywhere will help people stay connected and informed, there would be a possibility of information on social sites — apart from financial transactions including bank account and credit and debit card details — being hacked. Ms Chawla also said: “Via the Wi-Fi platform, we could be aiding terrorist groups to communicate effortlessly with the added bonus of anonymity.”

When asked whether these were the only reasons why she was opposed to Mumbai being Wi-Fi-enabled, Ms Chawla said: “People living close to the hotspots would be exposed to constant and intense radiation from Wi-Fi and also from the existing mobile tower antennae that are sometimes located an arm’s length away from citizens’ bedrooms.”

She added that mobile phones, iPads, wireless computers, bluetooth devices and mobile tower antennae function thanks to microwaves, which could adversely affect the human body. “These waves could harm any part of the human anatomy that is vulnerable, especially in the case of pregnant women, children and elderly people,” Ms Chawla said.

She added: “I am not against technology, but am certainly against wire-free technology until it is proved beyond doubt that EMF radiation is totally safe. Where are the studies to prove its safety when it comes to pregnant women, children, the elderly and the infirm?”

Echoing Ms Chawla, prof Kumar said that the effects of EMF radiation take some time to be visible. “EMF radiation is a slow and silent poison that affects not only humans, but also other biological beings such as birds, bees and plants,” he said, adding that he had been badly affected after working in conditions with EMF radiation for the past 35 years. Prof Kumar teaches electrical engineering at IIT-Bombay.

He said: “Wi-Fi connectivity will certainly affect the human body. Hence, switching off hotspots during the night is the only solution to avoid sustained damage through microwave radiation.”

Meanwhile, Ms Chawla has sent a letter to the CM, as well as to the PM, voicing her concerns about free Wi-Fi access for citizens.



Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Study: U.S. National Toxicology Program Presentation to NIEHS June 2016.

[Il 27 maggio 2016, il U.S. National Toxicology Program, degli U.S. National Institutes of Health, ha pubblicato un rapporto con i risultati parziali del loro ampio studio sulla cancerogenicità della Radiazione in RadioFrequenza (RFR, nota anche come Radiazione a Microonde) nei ratti maschi e femmine, e nei topi.

Questo studio, il più grande, il più ben progettato al mondo nel suo genere, e con un costo di 25 milioni di dollari, ha trovato un aumento dell’incidenza di tumori cerebrali rari chiamati gliomi nei ratti maschi e aumenti nei tumori dei nervi chiamati Schwannomi di cuore, timo e mediastino sia nei ratti maschi che nei ratti femmina esposti per due anni a due tipi di Radiazione in RadioFrequenza comunemente usati – Global System for Mobile (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

I risultati pubblicati sono definiti “parziali” perché più risultati sui ratti e tutti i risultati degli studi nei topi saranno disponibili entro il 2017.

Il video che segue è una presentazione del suddetto studio al National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) tenutasi il 15-16 giugno 2016.

Potete trovare ulteriori informazioni nei link riportati sotto al video.]


Pubblicato il 21 ago 2016

This $25 Million Dollar Study found increased cancer in rats exposed to wireless radiation for two years. FAQS at

This video is found online at

British bar installs Faraday cage to block all phone signals

[Considerato che, a quanto pare, la salute non ha alcun valore, spegnete cellulari e router WiFi per preservare almeno le vostre relazioni sociali!

Un bar britannico pare essersi preoccupato di questo aspetto e ha deciso di schermare totalmente la struttura per impedire l’utilizzo dei gadget wireless, costringendo così i clienti ad interagire tra loro.]

3 August 2016 – “”, by 

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to disconnect. The smartphone we all carry will usually find a signal, be it 3G, 4G, or WiFi meaning you’re always connected and able to receive messages, chat, or surf the web in your own insular bubble. Getting away from that is tough and most of us wouldn’t want to anyway, but one British bar is forcing the disconnect on its patrons.

The Gin Tub cocktail bar in Hove is owned by Steve Tyler and he dislikes what the smartphone has done to social gatherings. So he decided to do something about it in his own bar by installing a Faraday cage that blocks all phone signals. The Gin Tub is a dead zone.


A Faraday cage is basically a mesh of conductive materials that blocks electric signals passing through it. Tyler has built his mesh into the walls of the Gin Tub so you can’t see it and it doesn’t ruin the look of the bar. It’s also legal unlike the phone jammers you can buy, so nobody will be able to take action against him for installing it. Instead they can just choose to drink elsewhere.

Tyler’s aim is not to upset anyone, though, it’s to get them talking and enjoying the experience of going out instead. The older readers among you may remember when going out was done without an always-connected device in your pocket. We are fast approaching an age where the youngest legal drinkers have always had a phone to pull out of their pocket, so socializing without it is an unknown.


The Gin Tub experiment will be watched closely by other drinking establishments to see how well it works. I’m also hoping movie theaters take note and carry out the same experiment. If they do, I may start visiting them regularly again.


Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations.

[Difficile pensare che gli alberi temano dei possibili effetti nocivi dovuti alle Microonde e per questo si ammalino.
Conseguentemente, le evidenze riscontrate nello studio che segue, nello specifico evidenti danni in alberi siti in prossimità di Stazioni Radio Base, sono da ritenersi un fatto oggettivo.
Non si tratta quindi di Effetto Nocebo, bensì di reale nocività dei Campi Elettromagnetici in Alta Frequenza.
Se succede questo agli alberi, si possono escludere effetti negativi sui residenti in prossimità delle Stazioni Radio Base, pur nell’ambito dei limiti di legge? Decisamente no, ma qualcuno ancora lo nega…

La traduzione in Italiano dell’Abstract segue la versione in lingua originale.]

Sci Total Environ. 2016 Aug 20;572:554-569. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.045. [Epub ahead of print]


Waldmann-Selsam C1, Balmori-de la Puente A2, Breunig H3, Balmori A4.

1Karl-May-Str. 48, 96049 Bamberg, Germany.
2C/Navarra, 1 5°B, 47007 Valladolid, Spain.
3Baumhofstr. 39, 37520 Osterode, Germany.
4Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León, C/Rigoberto Cortejoso, 14 47071 Valladolid, Spain.


Article history
Published: August 2016

Effects on trees; Electromagnetic radiation; Phone masts; Radiofrequencies


In the last two decades, the deployment of phone masts around the world has taken place and, for many years, there has been a discussion in the scientific community about the possible environmental impact from mobile phone base stations. Trees have several advantages over animals as experimental subjects and the aim of this study was to verify whether there is a connection between unusual (generally unilateral) tree damage and radiofrequency exposure. To achieve this, a detailed long-term (2006-2015) field monitoring study was performed in the cities of Bamberg and Hallstadt (Germany). During monitoring, observations and photographic recordings of unusual or unexplainable tree damage were taken, alongside the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. In 2015 measurements of RF-EMF (Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields) were carried out. A polygon spanning both cities was chosen as the study site, where 144 measurements of the radiofrequency of electromagnetic fields were taken at a height of 1.5m in streets and parks at different locations. By interpolation of the 144 measurement points, we were able to compile an electromagnetic map of the power flux density in Bamberg and Hallstadt. We selected 60 damaged trees, in addition to 30 randomly selected trees and 30 trees in low radiation areas (n=120) in this polygon. The measurements of all trees revealed significant differences between the damaged side facing a phone mast and the opposite side, as well as differences between the exposed side of damaged trees and all other groups of trees in both sides. Thus, we found that side differences in measured values of power flux density corresponded to side differences in damage. The 30 selected trees in low radiation areas (no visual contact to any phone mast and power flux density under 50μW/m2) showed no damage. Statistical analysis demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts is harmful for trees. These results are consistent with the fact that damage afflicted on trees by mobile phone towers usually start on one side, extending to the whole tree over time.




Negli ultimi due decenni è avvenuta l’installazione di antenne della telefonia mobile in tutto il mondo e, per molti anni, c’e’ stato un dibattito nella comunità scientifica sul possibile impatto ambientale delle stazioni radio base della telefonia mobile. Gli alberi hanno diversi vantaggi rispetto agli animali come soggetti sperimentali e lo scopo di questo studio era di verificare se ci fosse una connessione tra danni insoliti (in genere unilaterali) agli alberi ed esposizione alle radiofrequenze. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, è stato realizzato un dettagliato studio a lungo termine (2006-2015) di monitoraggio sul campo nelle città di Bamberg e Hallstadt (Germania). Durante il monitoraggio, sono state effettuate osservazioni e registrazioni fotografiche di danni agli alberi insoliti o inspiegabili, insieme a misure delle radiazioni elettromagnetiche in radiofrequenza. Nel 2015 le misurazioni dei campi elettromagnetici in radiofrequenza sono state portate a termine. Come sito dello studio è stato scelto un poligono che si estendeva attraverso entrambe le città, dove sono state effettuate 144 misure all’altezza di 1.5 metri in strade e parchi in differenti punti. Tramite l’interpolazione dei 144 punti di misura, siamo stati in grado di compilare una mappa elettromagnetica della densità del flusso di potenza in Bamberg e Hallstadt. Abbiamo selezionato 60 alberi danneggiati, in aggiunta a 30 alberi selezionati in modo casuale e a 30 alberi in aree a bassa radiazione (n=120) nell’ambito di questo poligono. Le misure presso tutti gli alberi hanno rivelato differenze significative tra il lato danneggiato che fronteggiava l’impianto di telefonia mobile e il lato opposto, come pure delle differenze tra il lato esposto degli alberi danneggiati e ambo i lati di tutti gli altri gruppi di alberi. Così, abbiamo trovato che le differenze laterali nei valori misurati di densità di flusso di potenza corrispondevano alle differenze laterali del danno. I 30 alberi selezionati nelle aree a bassa radiazione (nessun contatto visuale con impianti di telefonia mobile e densità di flusso di potenza sotto 50μW/m2) non presentavano danni. L’analisi statistica ha dimostrato che la radiazione elettromagnetica degli impianti di telefonia mobile è dannosa per gli alberi. Questi risultati sono coerenti con il fatto che il danno inflitto agli alberi dagli impianti di telefonia mobile solitamente inizia da un lato, per estendersi all’intero albero nel tempo.