Tag: ipersensibilità elettromagnetica

EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2015


Last Updated: Wednesday, 23 December 2015 18:45
Published: Friday, 11 December 2015 14:33

The EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2015, published on 27th November 2015 in the Journal Reviews on Environmental Health,
has been withdrawn by the authors on 11th December 2015 for editorial reasons.

It is intended to submit a revised EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016. We ask for patience.

Interested parties can subscribe to our newsletter to get informed about the new release.



Tyler Hoffmann – Colwood, BC [another negative story about Wi-Fi in schools]

[Una storia un po’ datata che vale comunque la pena di leggere.]

August 15, 2013 – “electroplague.com”, by Kim Goldberg

8-year-old Tyler Hoffmann (Photo by Janis Hoffmann)

Eight-year-old Tyler Hoffmann has energy to burn. And his backyard trampoline, bike, basketball, and hockey stick each get a thorough workout on the afternoon I visit him at his grandmother’s home near Victoria, BC.

But in April 2012, a different story was unfolding. Tyler began coming home from Sangster Elementary School in the Sooke School District with extreme headaches and fatigue. And he was having trouble sleeping at night.

When asked to touch the part of his head that hurt, he would point to the top, his mother Lori recalls. But as the headaches grew worse over the next few weeks—to the point of nausea—Tyler was no longer able to touch the source of it, stating it was now in the middle of his head.

“After a few weeks of using Advil and Tylenol to alleviate the severe pain in Tyler’s head, we knew something was seriously wrong,” Lori says.

The following month, she discovered what it was.

“We accidently discovered, through another parent, that the school district had just finished installing commercial wi-fi networks throughout every school,” Lori explains. “This was done without informing parents. We were denied any opportunity for input,” she adds.

Tyler’s pediatrician recommended that the school shut off the wi-fi router closest to Tyler’s classroom, so that Tyler could remain in school and complete Grade 2 with his friends.

The school’s wi-fi routers, all active and transmitting day and night, were not being used at the time (and still aren’t) because there were no computers to connect them to. So the request from a doctor to turn off a single unused router seemed simple enough, Lori thought. The Sooke School District did not agree.

School District usurps parental choice on wireless radiation

“The Assistant Superintendent told us that the router would not be turned off but would stay on 24/7 because they did not want to set a precedent,” Lori recalls. “I don’t have a cell phone, wireless router, cordless phone, wireless keyboard, wireless mouse or any other wireless devices in my home because I have made the choice of not exposing my children or myself to microwave radiation. The school district has now decided for me that Tyler will be exposed to it,” she says.

Tyler Hoffmann - back to normal once removed from his wi-fi'ed school. (Photo © Kim Goldberg)

Lori pulled Tyler out of school that same day rather than risk his health any further. And upon doing so, she was promptly informed by the school principal that Tyler’s teacher was under no obligation to give Tyler homework, marking, or evaluation so that he could complete Grade 2.

“After we removed Tyler from school, his headaches and associated nausea completely stopped,” says Lori.

In September 2012, his mother enrolled Tyler in an elementary school in the neighboring Victoria School District, where there would be no wi-fi router in his classroom.

Free from the toxic effects of commercial wi-fi in the classroom, Tyler performed at the top of his math and reading classes at his new school.

Tyler Hoffmann (Photo by Janis Hoffmann)

But transferring Tyler to an out-of-district school is, at best, a temporary solution, and does nothing to help the 8,500 other students in the Sooke School District. So Tyler’s family along with the Jeskes (another local family with electrosensitive children) have launched a legal challenge in an attempt to make Sooke School District classrooms safe for all children. Read their legal brief here.

The Hoffmann and Jeske families seek, at the very least, to bring the Sooke School District into compliance with the policies adopted in 2012 by the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils, which call for a moratorium on installation of further wi-fi in BC schools plus a minimum of one school at each level in each district to be free of wi-fi to accommodate electrosensitive students.

“unlawful to experiment on children”

Tyler & his sister Julianna with both be attending schools in the Victoria School District to avoid wi-fi in classrooms. (Photo © Kim Goldberg)

“It is unethical and unlawful to experiment on children,” says Tyler’s grandmother Janis Hoffmann. “Wi-fi is an unregulated technology that has not been tested for safety for children in schools,” she adds. “Parents have not been informed of the risks and have never been asked to sign a consent form. Ironically, the student field trips are explained in great detail, requiring parents to sign a permission slip before children are permitted to attend.”

Tyler and his five-year-old sister Julianna will each attend school in the Victoria School District in September 2013 where they will not be exposed to wireless radiation from commercial wi-fi routers in their classrooms.

To donate to the legal fund for electrosensitive children sickened by wi-fi in schools, go here.

Text and images © Kim Goldberg 2013 (unless images are otherwise credited)

(Tyler Hoffmann’s story will be included in Kim Goldberg’s forthcoming book REFUGIUM: Wi-Fi Exiles and the Coming Electroplague, due out in 2014. Read more people’s stories here.)




4 dicembre 2015 – “sottocorno.blogspot.it”, di 

Morire a 15 anni perché elettrosensibile, questa è la storia incredibile di Jenny Fry , una ragazza come tante altre , come tua figlia ,tua nipote o semplicemente come una tua amica , raccontata dall’articolo del dailymail (leggi QUI l’articolo in lingua inglese), e questo è solo l’apice di un problema che sta diventando sempre più frequente anche qui in Italia tra gli adolescenti che frequentano i licei (fino a qualche anno fa era limitato agli studenti universitari) perché oggi valutiamo le scuole per le loro connessioni internet non per i loro programmi o capacità.


La notizia è di qualche giorno, ci siamo presi del tempo per verificare la veridicità di tale informazione, che ci è stata confermata dall’Associazione Eletttrosensibili

L’ elettrosensibilità è una malattia, una sindrome immuno-tossica che compromette diverse funzioni dell’organismo, nel caso di Jenny ha dato problemi alla vescica , stanchezza cronica e mal di testa  (immaginatevi di essere celiaci e di essere costretti a mangiare sempre e tutto a base di glutine), ancora oggi , non viene riconosciuta (anche se qualche tribunale afferma il contrario) e qualche paese in Europa (Francia e Svezia) hanno adottato leggi più cautelative delle nostre ,

Ma noi abitiamo in un paese dove la stampa è più preoccupata delle interferenze che possono generare le luci degli alberi di natale agli effetti generati dalle reti WI-FI, non ci stupiamo quindi come questa notizia venga coperta mediaticamente.

Si proprio il Wi-Fi , ultimo ritrovato della nostra società, che ci permette di essere connessi sempre e ovunque (ma poi per quale ragione !!), abbiamo immesso nella nostra società una tecnologia senza nemmeno porci il ben che minimo dubbio se facesse male o no, prendendo per scontato che le alte frequenze , come le basse , essendo non ionizzanti non fanno male.

A questo si aggiunge l’ignoranza di molti , qualcuno in buona fede e qualcun altro magari mascherando un conflitto d’interessi, non si fanno scrupolo di arrecare danni ai malati con i loro comportamenti scriteriati assumendo posizioni quasi “medioevali”.

Le emissioni Wireless, costituite da microonde, danneggiano l’organismo anche di chi non è in grado di percepirne gli effetti dannosi, proprio come succede se accendiamo un forno a microonde, visto che entrambi i dispositivi hanno le stesse frequenze di funzionamento  ovvero operano sulla banda di frequenza pari a 2,4 Ghz. con la differenza che il  forno ( che è schermato solo sul vetro ) serve a cuocere i cibi, il Wi-Fi a connetterci ad internet , ma la domanda che sorge è : cosa succede al nostro organismo ?

Ammettere la pericolosità significherebbe ammettere che i Campi Elettromagnetici in alta e bassa frequenza (tradotto antenne radio base , Wi-Fi , cellulari , elettrodotti ecc…) sono in grado di arrecare danni all’organismo e questo causerebbe un problema politico ed economico enorme, e allora, per molti  è  meglio stare in silenzio negando anche l’evidenza, far soffrire “l’altro”, sempre che l’altro un giorno non si trasformi in te stesso o in tuo figlio o qualche tuo parente o amico, perché allora l’egoismo personale che ha regolato il tuo stile di vita muta drasticamente.
Crediamo che si possa vivere in modo differente dal modo attuale, senza necessariamente abbandonare tale tecnologia, e per chi è preoccupato degli effetti delle luci di natale consigliamo di non accenderle quando è connesso così come consigliamo vivamente di spegnere il WI-FI quando non lo si usa.
Alla famiglia di Jenny va la nostra solidarietà e la nostra vicinanza come va a tutti gli elettrosensibili che devono vivere nascosti perché frutto di un effetto indesiderato di una tecnologia imposta che a ben guardare, forse, non ci serve e la verità forse è troppo scomoda ( leggi QUI l’articolo di  microwavenews in lingua inglese)




30 novembre 2015 – “www.leggo.it”

Si toglie la vita a soli 15 anni a causa di una rara allergia. Jenny Fry, una studentessa inglese, si è impiccata dopo aver scoperto di essere allergica al wifi a causa della sua elettrosensibilità.

La mattina della morte, come riporta il Mirror, aveva mandato un messaggio a un suo amico dicendo che non sarebbe andata a scuola, poi il tragico ritrovamento.

Dal 2012 aveva iniziato a soffrire di cefalea, stanchezza paralizzante e altri sintomi della sua allergia. La sua vita era cambiata e anche il semplice andare a scuola era diventato problematico. «Non penso che volesse togliersi la vita», ha raccontato la madre, «si sentiva frustrata ed esasperata e ha commesso un drammatico errore».



Jenny Fry, allergica al wi-fi, si impicca a 15 anni

1 dicembre 2015 – “www.blitzquotidiano.it”, di redazione Blitz

LONDRA – Si suicida a 15 anni perché allergica al wi-fi. Una allergia che le rendeva impossibile frequentare regolarmente la scuola. La connessione wirelles ad internet, infatti, alla ragazza, Jenny Fry, inglese, procurava terribili mal di testa e una continua stanchezza.

Di questa allergia soffre anche la madre, Debra, che adesso, intervistata dal tabloid britannico The Mirror, accusa la scuola: “Loro sapevano dell‘allergia di Jenny. Noi stavamo benissimo in casa, dove avevamo tolto il wi-fi. Ma quando lei andava a scuola riprendeva a stare male. Ne avevo parlato con i suoi insegnanti, ma loro mi avevano detto che c’erano tante prove dell’esistenza di danni da wi-fi quante ve ne erano del fatto che non fosse affatto nocivo”.

Erano ormai tre anni che Jenny stava male per questa allergia, che aveva modificato completamente la sua vita. “Non penso che volesse togliersi la vita”, ha detto la madre al Mirror, “si sentiva frustrata ed esasperata e ha commesso un drammatico errore”.

Ma qualche giorno fa Jenny ha mandato un sms ad un amico, dicendo che quel giorno non sarebbe andata a scuola. Poi è andata in un parco non distante da casa, a Chaldington Oxon, e si è impiccata ad un albero.



Parents of Colliers Wood Willows Pre-School nursery children fear radiation sickness, burns and cancer from proposed phone mast

9 December 2015 – “www.wimbledonguardian.co.uk”, by Craig Richard

Dozens of parents and neighbours of a recreation ground have signed a petition opposing a 15metre phone mast next to a nursery over health fears.

Wimbledon Guardian:

Children enjoying the outdoors play area at Willows Pre-School in Colliers Wood

Plans for the mast to be built in the recreation ground next to Willows Pre-School in Colliers Wood is in pre-planning stages.

More than 80 concerned parents of children aged between two and five have signed a petition against what they say is the potential threat of non-ionising radiation from the mast.

But their local councillor believes all available research suggests there is no long-term risk from the same kind of radiation that is emitted by the sun, mobile phones and computers.

Non-ionising radiation energises electrons, but cannot removed them from an atom or molecule.

It is commonly found in microwaves, infrared and radio waves.

Exposure can cause burns, radiation sickness, cancer, and genetic damage.

Wimbledon Guardian:

Children from the Willows Pre-School in Colliers Wood enjoy a day out

Dr Kevin Rigley, owner and manager of Willows Pre-School at Colliers Wood recreation ground, objects to the erection of a mobile phone mast near the nursery on potential health risks.

He said: “It is a relatively new technology and all of the studies have been a short time frame. We don’t know what the long-term implications are.

“The fact that they do not know means they should err on the side of caution.”

Colliers Wood councillor Nick Draper played down parents’ fears and said the average person willingly exposes themselves to more concentrated forms of non-ionising radiation every day.

Coun Draper said: “The radiation that comes from a phone mast is a much, much less concentrated version of the radiation that comes out of phones themselves and out of computer screens.

“I was contacted by a parent using a mobile phone asking me to sign.

“If everyone signing the petition does so on the basis that they do not use any mobile phone or computer technology, I would be happy to sign.”

Electrohypersensitivity: a functional impairment due to an inaccessible environment.

[In Svezia l’Elettrosensibilità è riconosciuta come un danno funzionale causato dall’ambiente in cui si vive.
Ai malati vengono forniti protezione giuridica massima ed una serie di aiuti, con l’obiettivo semplice e unico di consentire a questi soggetti di vivere una vita alla pari degli altri in un società basata sull’uguaglianza.

In Italia, soprattutto coloro che sono affetti dalle forme più gravi di Elettrosensibilità, sono costretti a vivere in condizioni fortemente lesive dei diritti umani: per la sofferenza fisica continua derivante dalla impossibilità di evitare ciò che li fa stare male, per l’isolamento sociale obbligato, per il disagio economico conseguente alla loro inabilità al lavoro e per la totale mancanza di aiuti e tutele.

La versione PDF completa dell’articolo è scaricabile dal link in calce alla pagina.]

Rev Environ Health. 2015 Dec 1;30(4):311-21. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0018.


Johansson O.


Article history
Received: 14 July 2015
Accepted: 2 November 2015

Electrohypersensitivity; Functional impairment; Immunohistochemistry; Skin; UN Convention.


In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity is recognized as a functional impairment which implies only the environment as the culprit. The Swedish view provides persons with this impairment a maximal legal protection, it gives them the right to get accessibility measures for free, as well as governmental subsidies and municipality economic support, and to provide them with special Ombudsmen (at the municipality, the EU, and the UN level, respectively), the right and economic means to form disability organizations and allow these to be part of national and international counterparts, all with the simple and single aim to allow persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity to live an equal life in a society based on equality. They are not seen as patients, the do not have an overriding medical diagnosis, but the ‘patient’ is only the inferior and potentially toxic environment. This does not mean that a subjective symptom of a functionally impaired can not be treated by a physician, as well as get sick-leave from their workplace as well as economic compensation, and already in the year 2000 such symptoms were identified in the Internal Code of Diagnoses, version 10 (ICD-10; R68.8/now W90), and have been since. But the underlying cause still remains only the environment.



Versione PDF completa scaricabile al seguente link:


Una joven se quita la vida debido a las alergias que le producían las ondas del WiFi de su instituto

La exposición de las ondas provocaron a Jenny Fry, una joven de 15 años, cansancio, dolor de cabeza y problemas de vejiga


2 diciembre 2015 – “www.elnortedecastilla.es”

Jenny Fry tomó una cruel decisión. Se quitó la vida porque ya no soportaba más las reacciones alérgicas que le estaban provocando las ondas del WiFi de su centro escolar. El cuerpo sin vida de esta joven de 15 años fue encontrado ahorcado en una zona boscosa próxima a su casa, en la localidad de Chadlington, en Reino Unido.

Jenny, que estudiaba en la escuela Chipping Norton, de Oxfordshire, padecía el síndrome de hipersensibilidad electromagnética. Ante tal patología, los padres advirtieron al centro de que la exposición de su hija a las ondas le provocaba cansancio, dolor de cabeza y problema de vejiga, según confirma el ‘Daily Mail’.

Debra, la madre de la joven, aseguraba que cada vez que su hija ponía pie en el centro era un tormento. De ahí que buscara zonas donde podía estar totalmente tranquila lejos de las ondas del WiFi. A pesar de estos problemas, los padres han reconocido que no habían sometido a Jenny a un examen médico que determinara el porqué de la dolencia.

Jenny, antes de quitarse la vida, envió diferentes mensajes a amigos suyos que no pudieron evitar su muerte.



EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2015 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses

[Articolo free access il cui PDF completo è scaricabile dal link in calce alla pagina.

E’ una panoramica delle attuali conoscenze in materia di rischi per la salute da esposizione ai campi elettromagnetici (CEM).

In esso vengono riportate le Linee Guida dell’Accademia Europea di Medicina Ambientale per la prevenzione, la diagnosi ed il trattamento delle patologie da CEM, redatte da numerosi ed affermati ricercatori indipendenti.  

Evidenziamo quanto segue:

The primary method of treatment should mainly focus on the prevention or reduction of EMF exposure, that is, reducing or eliminating all sources of EMF, if possible.”]

Reviews on Environmental Health. Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 337–371, ISSN (Online) 2191-0308, ISSN (Print) 0048-7554, DOI: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0033, November 2015


Igor Belyaev1 / Amy Dean2 / Horst Eger3 / Gerhard Hubmann4 / Reinhold Jandrisovits5 / Olle Johansson6 / Markus Kern7 / Michael Kundi8 / Piero Lercher9 / Wilhelm Mosgöller10 / Hanns Moshammer8 / Kurt Müller11 / 12 / Peter Ohnsorge13 / Peter Pelzmann14 / Claus Scheingraber15 / Roby Thill16

Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; and Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

2American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Wichita, Kansas, USA

3Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Bavaria, Medical Quality Circle “Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine – Diagnostic, Therapy, Environment”, Naila, Germany

4Center for Holistic Medicine “MEDICUS”, Vienna, Austria; and Wiener Internationale Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin (GAMED), Vienna, Austria

5Medical Association Burgenland, Environmental Medicine Department, Eisenstadt, Austria

6The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

7Medical Quality Circle “Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine – Diagnosis, Treatment and Environment”, Kempten, Germany; and Kompetenzinitiative zum Schutz von Mensch, Umwelt u. Demokratie e.V, Kempten, Germany

8Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria

9Medical Association Vienna, Environmental Medicine Department, Vienna, Austria

10Institute of Cancer Research Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria

11European Academy for Environmental Medicine, Kempten, Germany

12Department of Public Health, Government of Land Salzburg, Austria

13European Academy for Environmental Medicine, Würzburg, Germany

14Department of electronics and computer science engineering, HTL Danube City, Vienna, Austria

15Working Group Electro-Biology (AEB), Munich, Germany; and Association for Environmental- and Human-Toxicology (DGUHT), Würzburg, Germany

16Association for Environmental Medicine (ALMEN) Beaufort, Luxembourg


Article history
Received: 1 October 2015
Accepted: 13 October 2015
Published Online: 27 November 2015

Accessability measures; Alternating; Alzheimer’s; Cancer; Chronic multisystem illnesses (CMI); Diagnosis;electric; Electromagnetic field (EMF); Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS); Functional impairment; Infertility; Leukemia; Magnetic; Medical guideline; Nitrosative stress; Nonionizing; Oxidative stress; Peroxynitrite; Prevention; Radiation; Static; Therapy; Treatment


Chronic diseases and illnesses associated with unspecific symptoms are on the rise. In addition to chronic stress in social and work environments, physical and chemical exposures at home, at work, and during leisure activities are causal or contributing environmental stressors that deserve attention by the general practitioner as well as by all other members of the health care community. It seems certainly necessary now to take “new exposures” like electromagnetic field (EMF) into account. Physicians are increasingly confronted with health problems from unidentified causes. Studies, empirical observations, and patient reports clearly indicate interactions between EMF exposure and health problems. Individual susceptibility and environmental factors are frequently neglected. New wireless technologies and applications have been introduced without any certainty about their health effects, raising new challenges for medicine and society. For instance, the issue of so-called non-thermal effects and potential long-term effects of low-dose exposure were scarcely investigated prior to the introduction of these technologies. Common EMF sources include Wi-Fi access points, routers and clients, cordless and mobile phones including their base stations, Bluetooth devices, ELF magnetic fields from net currents, ELF electric fields from electric lamps and wiring close to the bed and office desk. On the one hand, there is strong evidence that long-term-exposure to certain EMF exposures is a risk factor for diseases such as certain cancers, Alzheimer’s disease and male infertility. On the other hand, the emerging electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is more and more recognized by health authorities, disability administrators and case workers, politicians, as well as courts of law. We recommend treating EHS clinically as part of the group of chronic multisystem illnesses (CMI) leading to a functional impairment (EHS), but still recognizing that the underlying cause remains the environment. In the beginning, EHS symptoms often occur only occasionally, but over time they may increase in frequency and severity. Common EHS symptoms include headaches, concentration difficulties, sleeping problems, depression, lack of energy, fatigue and flu-like symptoms. A comprehensive medical history, which should include all symptoms and their occurrences in spatial and temporal terms and in the context of EMF exposures, is the key to the diagnosis. The EMF exposure can be assessed by asking for typical sources like Wi-Fi access points, routers and clients, cordless and mobile phones and measurements at home and at work. It is very important to take the individual susceptibility into account. The primary method of treatment should mainly focus on the prevention or reduction of EMF exposure, that is, reducing or eliminating all sources of EMF at home and in the workplace. The reduction of EMF exposure should also be extended to public spaces such as schools, hospitals, public transport, and libraries to enable persons with EHS an unhindered use (accessibility measure). If a detrimental EMF exposure is reduced sufficiently, the body has a chance to recover and EHS symptoms will be reduced or even disappear. Many examples have shown that such measures can prove effective. Also the survival rate of children with leukemia depends on ELF magnetic field exposure at home. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, the broad range of other environmental factors that contribute to the total body burden should also be addressed. Anything that supports a balanced homeostasis will increase a person’s resilience against disease and thus against the adverse effects of EMF exposure. There is increasing evidence that EMF exposure has a major impact on the oxidative and nitrosative regulation capacity in affected individuals. This concept also may explain why the level of susceptibility to EMF can change and why the number of symptoms reported in the context of EMF exposures is so large. Based on our current understanding, a treatment approach that minimizes the adverse effects of peroxynitrite – as has been increasingly used in the treatment of multisystem disorders – works best. This EMF Guideline gives an overview of the current knowledge regarding EMF-related health risks and provides concepts for the diagnosis and treatment and accessibility measures of EHS to improve and restore individual health outcomes as well as for the development of strategies for prevention.



Versione PDF completa dell’articolo scaricabile al seguente link:

EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2015-reveh-2015-0033

Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder

[Importantissimo studio del prof. Belpomme, finalmente pubblicato ma non ancora open-source, che si spera metterà freno al mare di bugie dette sinora riguardo ad EHS e MCS, in quanto ha individuato dei marker di malattia e soprattutto ha messo questi ultimi rispettivamente in relazione con la esposizione ai CEM e alle sostanze chimiche. 
Ergo adesso sarà molto più difficile, per certune persone, AFFERMARE FALSAMENTE che non esistono prove delle suddette relazioni e che, nel caso della EHS, alla base di tutto ci sia l’EFFETTO NOCEBO.
Basta bugie! Perché i malati di EHS e MCS non possono continuare a pagare il fatto di avere delle malattie scomode!

La traduzione in Italiano dell’ABSTRACT segue l’ABSTRACT stesso.]

Rev Environ Health. 2015 Dec 1;30(4):251-71. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0027.

Belpomme D, Campagnac C, Irigaray P.


Article history
Received: 11 September, 2015
Accepted: 2 November, 2015

Cerebral hypoperfusion
Limbic system
Multiple chemical sensitivity


Much of the controversy over the causes of electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitività (MCS) lies in the absence of both recognized clinical criteria and objective biomarkers for widely accepted diagnosis.

Since 2009, we have prospectively investigated, clinically and biologically, 1216 consecutive EHS and/or MCS-self reporting cases, in an attempt to answer both questions. We report here our preliminary data, based on 727 evaluable of 839 enrolled cases: 521 (71.6%) were diagnosed with EHS, 52 (7.2%) with MCS, and 154 (21.2%) with both EHS and MCS.

Two out of three patients with EHS and/or MCS were female; mean age (years) was 47.

As inflammation appears to be a key process resulting from electromagnetic field (EMF) and/ or chemical effects on tissues, and histamine release is potentially a major mediator of inflammation, we systematically measured histamine in the blood of patients.
Near 40% had a increase in histaminemia (especially when both conditions were present), indicating a chronic inflammatory response can be detected in these patients. Oxidative stress is part of inflammation and is a key contributor to damage and response.

Nitrotyrosin, a marker of both peroxynitrite (ONOO°-) production and opening of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), was increased in 28% the cases. Protein S100B, another marker of BBB opening was increased in 15%.

Circulating autoantibodies against O-myelin were detected in 23%, indicating EHS and MCS may be associated with autoimmune response.

Confirming animal experiments showing the increase of Hsp27 and/or Hsp70 chaperone proteins under the influence of EMF, we found increate Hsp27 and/or Hsp70 in 33% of the patients.

As most patients reported chronic insomnia and fatigue, we determined the 24 h urine 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate (6-OHMS)/creatinin ratio and found it was decreased ( < 0.8) in all investigated cases.

Finally, considering the self-reported symptoms of EHS and MCS, we serially measured the brain blood flow (BBF) in the temporal lobes of each case with pulsed cerebral ultrasound computed tomosphygmography.
Both disorders were associated with hypoperfusion in the capsulothalamic area, suggesting that the inflammatory process involve the limbic system and the thalamus.

Our data strongly suggest that EHS and MCS can be objectively characterized and routinely diagnosed by commercially available simple tests. Both disorders appear to involve inflammation-related hyper-histaminemia, oxidative stress, autoimmune response, capsulothalamic hypoperfusion and BBB opening, and a deficit in melatonin metabolic availability; suggesting a risk of chronic neurodegenerative disease. Finally the common co-occurrence of EHS and MCS strongly suggests a common pathological mechanism.




Gran parte della controversia sulle cause di Elettro-Ipersensibilità (EHS) e Sensibilità Chimica Multipla (MCS) sta nell’assenza sia di criteri clinici riconosciuti che di biomarcatori oggettivi per una diagnosi che sia largamente riconosciuta.

Sin dal 2009, abbiamo studiato prospetticamente, da un punto di vista clinico e biologico, 1216 casi auto-riferiti di EHS e/o  MCS in successione, nel tentativo di rispondere ad entrambe le domande.
Riportiamo qui i nostri dati preliminari, basati su 727 casi valutabili di 839 registrati: 521 (71,6%) sono stati diagnosticati con EHS, 52 (7,2%) con MCS, e 154 (21,2%) sia con EHS che MCS.

Due pazienti su tre con EHS e/o MCS erano femmine; l’età media era di 47 anni.

Poichè l’infiammazione sembra essere un processo chiave derivante dagli effetti di campi elettromagnetici (CEM) e/o agenti chimici sui tessuti, e il rilascio di istamina è potenzialmente un principale mediatore dell’infiammazione, abbiamo sistematicamente misurato l’istamina nel sangue di pazienti.
Intorno al 40% aveva un aumento della istaminemia (specialmente quando entrambe le condizioni erano presenti), indicando che una risposta infiammatoria cronica può essere rilevata in questi pazienti.

Lo stress ossidativo è parte dell’infiammazione ed è un elemento chiave nel contribuire a danni e risposta. La Nitrotirosina, un marker sia della produzione di perossinitrito (ONOO ° -) che di apertura della Barriera EmatoEncefalica (BEE ), era aumentata nel 28% dei casi.
La proteina S100B, un altro marcatore di apertura BEE, era aumentata nel 15% dei casi.

Nel 23% dei casi sono stati rilevati autoanticorpi circolanti contro la O-mielina, indicativi del fatto che EHS ed MCS possono essere associate ad una risposta autoimmune.

A conferma degli esperimenti sugli animali che mostravano un aumento delle chaperonine Hsp27 e/o Hsp70 sotto l’influenza dei CEM, abbiamo trovato Hsp27 e/o Hsp70 aumentate nel 33% dei pazienti.
Poichè la maggior parte dei pazienti hanno riferito insonnia e stanchezza cronica, abbiamo determinato il rapporto 6-idrossimelatonina solfato (6-OHMS)/creatinina sulla urina delle 24 ore e trovato che era ridotto (<0,8) in tutti i casi esaminati.

Infine, considerando i sintomi auto-riferiti di EHS e MCS, abbiamo misurato in modo seriale il flusso di sangue al cervello nei lobi temporali di ciascun caso con la tomosfigmografia computerizzata cerebrale a ultrasuoni pulsati.
Entrambi i disturbi sono stati associati ad ipoperfusione nell’area capsulotalamica, suggerendo che il processo infiammatorio coinvolge il sistema limbico e il talamo.

I nostri dati suggeriscono fortemente che EHS e MCS possono essere oggettivamente caratterizzate e routinariamente diagnosticate tramite semplici test disponibili in commercio.
Entrambi i disturbi sembrano coinvolgere iper-istaminemia in relazione con l’infiammazione, stress ossidativo, risposta autoimmune, ipoperfusione capsulotalamica e apertura della BEE, e un deficit nella disponibilità metabolica di melatonina; cosa che suggerisce un rischio di malattie neurodegenerative croniche.
Infine, la comune concomitanza di EHS e MCS, suggerisce fortemente un meccanismo patologico comune.

