Tag: telefono cordless



Edited by I. R. Petrov

Translation of “Vliyaniye SVCh-Izlucheniya na Organizm Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh. II”
“Meditsina” Press, Leningrad, 1970


Click on the picture below to access the PDF file of the research report/Cliccare sulla immagine sottostate per accedere al file PDF del rapporto:


A Survey on the Impact of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) from Wireless Devices on Information Technology (IT) Professionals

[Commento di Giorgio Cinciripini (Blog “e-smogfree”):

Gli informatici si scoprono elettrosensibili 

Interessante lavoro di ricercatori indiani che hanno elaborato un questionario che è stato diffuso presso professionisti della informatica.

Questi per professione e per abito mentale sono dei grandi utilizzatori dei vari device:  in primis smartphone, ma anche forni a microonde ed altri gadget con Bluetooth.

Guarda caso vengono rilevati i disturbi tipici della elettrosensibilità, senza ovviamente nominarla! 

See more at: http://e-smogfree.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/gli-informatici-si-scoprono.html#sthash.ibmywWCZ.dpuf]

European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2016, 6(4) 51-46):4: 46-51.


Sivani Saravanamuttu* and Sudarsanam Dorairaj

Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Article history
Published in European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2016

Radiofrequency; electromagnetic fields; frequency; wireless; electrohypersensitive


An enormous growth in the telecommunication industry has led to an increase in the usage of a number of wireless

devices. The impact of working in an environment saturated with wireless radiation needs to be exploreed.
 A questionnaire was prepared based on 18 non-specific health symptoms and medical conditions. It was circulated among professionals (n=200) in the Information Technology (IT) companies and the data was statistically analyzed.
Both male and female IT professionals possessed cell phones (100%), 19.66% used cordless phones and 2.25% of them used the landline telephones. When compared to the males, it was found that 80.4% of the females used wireless computer networks (p>0.01), 27.2% used the microwave ovens (p>0.01) and 47.8% used Bluetooth devices (p>0.001).
Significant non-specific symptoms (p>0. 001) seen in females were headaches, tremors, depression, blurred vision, irritability,
difficulty concentrating, chronic pain, pain in teeth and deteriorated fillings, and dryness of lips, tongue, mouth and eyes.
The males had poor short-term memory, difficulty sleeping and fatigue. Significant medical conditions noted in the females were allergies and asthma at 18.5% (p>0.001) and skin problems at 26.1% (p>0.01), and in the males were eye-related problems at 21.1% (p>0.01).

Non-thermal effects of wireless radiationneed to be investigated globally in the coming years.

Full-text/Testo completo:


‘Wi-fi, cellulari & co’: i rischi dell’elettromagnetismo sulla nostra salute

12 luglio 2016 – “www.casalenews.it”

Interessanti spunti di riflessione nella serata organizzata da Mammeincerchio, L’Albero di Valentina e Passi di vita

Chi era presente venerdì scorso all’Auditorium Santa Chiara per l’incontro su “Wifi, cellulari & co” ha capito che ‘indossare’ un telefonino (perché tale è l’intimità raggiunta con questo strumento di comunicazione) può provocare danni alla salute, anche se il mondo scientifico non lo ha ancora dimostrato.

Nell’incontro organizzato da Mamme in cerchio, Albero di Valentina e Passi di vita Onlus, avente per oggetto proprio l’informazione sui rischi provocati dalla prolungata esposizione a onde elettromagnetiche,  autorevoli esperti si sono espressi e confrontati sull’entità e sulla peculiarità delle conseguenze di tale esposizione.

Ha aperto la serata l’epidemiologo Corrado Magnani, che ha richiamato i risultati degli studi scientifici ufficiali, per i quali non ci sono evidenze di una pericolosità delle onde elettromagnetiche ai livelli di esposizione attualmente consentiti, benché le correlazioni con gravi malattie siano in fase di approfondimento.

Terminato il suo intervento, si è voltata pagina: il dottor Orio, vice-presidente dell’Associazione Elettrosensibili, ha riconosciuto i risultati divulgati dalla ricerca scientifica, ma ha dato conto di evidenze medico-sanitarie rilevanti: a fronte della diffusione rapidissima di cellulari e tecnologie wi-fi, i danni al sistema neurologico di bambini e adulti sono aumentati,  e con loro disturbi all’apparato riproduttivo maschile.

Eloquenti le immagini mostrate: le parti a contatto con il telefonino subiscono l’aggressione di onde elettromagnetiche in una forma inedita fino ad oggi.

Sono poi emersi altri aspetti – oggetto di studi indipendenti – che rafforzano l’idea di dover essere prudenti quando ci affidiamo alla connessione wireless, perché, come il professor Magnani ha suggerito,  si tratta di una tecnologia entrata nelle nostre case prima di averne sperimentato e ‘pesato’ gli effetti.

Effetti nefasti, li conoscono bene gli elettrosensibili: persone che – con intensità diverse – registrano l’impossibilità di maneggiare apparecchi come cellulari, computer, microonde.

Alcuni erano presenti all’incontro e hanno portato testimonianze toccanti. È verosimile aspettarsi un aumento di elettrosensibili, e ci si augura che la tecnologia migliori la schermatura degli apparecchi e che la vocazione per il wi-fi venga soppiantata da sistemi più inequivocabilmente sicuri per la salute.

Una serie di consigli dispensati dal professor Sergio Crippa ha, a questo proposito, semplificato la materia: accorgimenti casalinghi praticabili e utili.

Il materiale raccolto dalle associazioni promotrici, che hanno avuto il sostegno e il patrocinio del Comune di Casale e dell’Ordine dei Farmacisti di Alessandria, per la serietà con cui è stata impostata la serata e per la capacità di coinvolgere personalità di prim’ordine, è a disposizione di chi volesse approfondire il tema e per chi – in attesa di evidenze scientifiche (per le quali occorre tempo, quale che sia l’esito) – volesse divulgare l’invito alla prudenza nell’utilizzo del wi-fi. Internet e cellulari si’, ma non a discapito della salute.

Associazioni Mamme in Cerchio – L’Albero di Valentina – Passi di vita onlus



“CELLULARI, WIFI & Co”, 8 luglio 2016 – serata informativa


Venerdì 8 luglio 2016
dalle ore 21:00

Auditorium Santa Chiara
via F. Cane, 31 – Casale Monferrato (AL)

Serata informativa sull’uso consapevole di cellulari, wifi, ecc.,
e i rischi potenziali per la salute.

Organizzata dalle associazioni
Mamme in Cerchio, L’Albero di Valentina, Passi di Vita Onlus,
con il patrocinio
del Comune di Casale  Monferrato e dell’Ordine dei Farmacisti della provincia di Alessandria.

con la partecipazione
del Dr. Paolo Orio e del Dr. Sergio Crippa
Associazione Italiana Elettrosensibili

[Per maggiori dettagli, vedere la locandina qui sotto.
Cliccare sulla immagine per ingrandirla.]


Una presentazione della serata su “Il Monferrato”, di Marco Bertoncini.

[Cliccare sulla immagine per ingrandirla.]


Ulrich Weiner RAI Italienisch – La storia di Ulrich Weiner sulla tv Italiana

[Difficilmente viene detto come stanno realmente le cose, ma in questo video viene fornita una descrizione puntuale della attuale situazione e di quello che ci aspetta se non verranno presi provvedimenti seri per ridurre la esposizione della popolazione alle Radiofrequenze/Microonde.

Questo perché le Radiofrequenze/Microonde sono realmente pericolose.
Gli studi che ne provano la pericolosità sono moltissimi, ma in merito alla questione vengono fatte circolare informazioni pilotate e nebulose con lo scopo di favorire l’industria tranquillizzando la popolazione, così nessuno si preoccupa di documentarsi in modo adeguato poiché il pericolo non viene percepito.

L’uso che si sta facendo delle Radiofrequenze/Microonde, non per emergenza quando si è fuori casa, ma dentro casa e per scopi ludici, è assolutamente improprio e deleterio.

Le malattie derivanti dalla esposizione alle Radiofrequenze/Microonde sono gravi e reali.

La Elettrosensibilità, in seguito ad esposizioni prolungate, diventa una condizione di invalidità permanente, per il sopraggiungere di danni organici multipli ed irreversibili.

Gli Elettrosensibili non sono assolutamente soggetti paranoici e tecnofobici, anzi, spesso sono professionisti che hanno lavorato nell’ambito delle nuove tecnologie e, per esposizione professionale ai Campi Elettromagnetici, si sono ammalati in modo anche grave.

Però adesso stanno aumentando i malati più in conseguenza della esposizione ambientale/domestica che professionale, perché sempre più antenne per la telefonia mobile stanno venendo installate in prossimità delle abitazioni e gli ambienti di vita sono saturi di radiazioni in Alta Frequenza di ogni genere (Wi-Fi, Cordless, Wi-Max, ecc.).

Soprattutto deleteria è la tecnologia 4G, che presenta fattori di rischio per la salute maggiori rispetto alle tecnologie precedenti.]

Caricato il 14 agosto 2010


LOCANDINA – consigli per ridurre la esposizione alle Radiofrequenze

ElettrosensibiliRealizzata con il patrocinio dell’Ordine dei Farmacisti della Provincia di Lecce dal Comitato Lecce Via Cavo, insieme alle Associazioni Consumatori Codacons e Codici, a Csv Salento e all’Associazione Italiana Elettrosensibili, questa locandina nasce dalla necessità di informare la popolazione sui possibili rischi per la salute derivanti dall’uso di cellulari, smartphone, tablet, telefoni cordless, apparecchiature Wi-Fi e Wireless in genere, anche per livelli di esposizione alle Radiofrequenze/Microonde inferiori ai limiti di legge.

Le Radiofrequenze/Microonde, utilizzate dalle apparecchiature Wireless, sono state classificate nel 2011 come “possibile cancerogeno per l’uomo” dall’Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro (I.A.R.C.), afferente all’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (O.M.S.).

Da più parti è stato invocato il Principio di Precauzione, secondo il quale, in attesa di ulteriori informazioni, è importante adottare misure pratiche per ridurre l’esposizione a queste fonti di inquinamento ambientale.

Numerose sono le evidenze scientifiche (vd. la nostra sezione Riferimenti scientifici, dove ne viene riportata una parte) che correlano l’esposizione alle Radiofrequenze/Microonde con: danni al DNA, insorgenza di tumori maligni al cervello, malattie neurologiche e neurodegenerative, alterazioni del ritmo cardiaco, deficit di apprendimento e di memoria, disturbi cognitivi, mal di testa, insonnia, sintomi di Elettrosensibilità, infertilità, diminuzione dell’udito e tinnito, autismo nei bambini e molto altro.
Sono tra l’altro recentemente stati pubblicati i primi risultati di un importante studio condotto dall’ente governativo statunitense National Toxicology Program, costato finora ben 25 milioni di dollari, dai quali si evince un incremento significativo di due tipi di cancro nei ratti esposti alle Radiofrequenze/Microonde: Glioma (tumore della glia del cervello) e Schwannoma (tumore maligno del cuore).

I bambini andrebbero maggiormente tutelati, perché sono particolarmente vulnerabili agli effetti dannosi delle Radiofrequenze in quanto la loro gracile costituzione e la loro esposizione precoce determinano un rischio maggiore di manifestare tumori e malattie neurodegenerative in età adulta.

La locandina sarà diffusa nelle farmacie di Lecce e provincia, in altri esercizi commerciali e negli studi medici.

Chiunque può contribuire alla sua diffusione scaricando e stampando il file in alta qualità il cui link trovate in calce alla pagina.
Il formato consente una stampa ottimale anche di locandine di grandi dimensioni (A3-A2).


Health Canada’s Worst-Ever Crime Against Humanity!


Canadians are being lied to about ‘Microwave Sickness’, now called “Electro-Hypersensitivity” (EHS), first identified in 1932 and is now a growing, world-wide problem.


Ai Canadesi si sta mentendo riguardo alla ‘Malattia da Microonde’, adesso chiamata “Elettro-Ipersensibilità” (EHS), identificata per la prima volta nel 1932 e oggi un problema crescente a livello mondiale.

All’articolo di cui all’oggetto, segue una serie di altri articoli in merito al crescente problema dell’Elettrosmog.]

26 March 2016 – “Omega News”, by James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn

March 18, 2016

Doctors and Nurses Can Stop Health Canada’s Worst-Ever Crime Against Humanity

Time is running out for Canada’s senior medical authorities to wake up and realize the very real harm which they – like Canada’s Prime Minister, his Health Minister, every member of his government and the entire general public – are continuously exposed to from today’s endless sources of man-made radiation (See below). This unthinkably cruel crime against an entire country would be impossible were it not for a sinfully silent news media oligopoly!

Canadians are being lied to about the alleged ‘safety’ of “low-intensity, pulsed, non-thermal, non-ionizing radio frequency (RF) radiation”, which is emitted by all of today’s consumer wireless products as well as ‘Smart’ meters and ‘Smart’ appliances. See Attachment, Part One.

Canadians are being lied to about the alleged ‘safety’ of today’s extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation, i.e., the harmful electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) which are always present in anything in which 60 Hz alternating current (A/C) electricity flows, such as in high voltage transmission and residential distribution lines, substations, power transformers, ‘Smart’ meters, ‘Smart’ appliances, household electricity, appliances, etc. See Attachment, Part Two. [1]

Canadians are being lied to about ‘Microwave Sickness,’ now called “Electro-Hypersensitivity” (EHS), first identified in 1932 and is now a growing, world-wide problem. [2] [3]

Since its inception in 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) has experienced almost constant turmoil and challenges. No longer enjoying secure funding from governments, it now relies on voluntary contributions from governments and other sources. Currently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the biggest voluntary contributors to the WHO! [4]
Radiation regulatory agencies, electric power utilities, and the wireless/telecom industries have meticulously studied, learned from and improved upon the extremely successful, deceitful tactics employed by the tobacco industry for so many profitable decades.

These are unprecedented times in Canada’s history. Our own Prime Minister and his Minister of Health (herself a medical doctor) – are seemingly unaware of the historic corruption that is ongoing within the Minister of Health’s own radiation protection bureau (see attachments). Tragically for all Canadians, provincial governments have shown themselves to be willfully silent to those of us who have made many attempts to alert them over the years. Despite the existence of an ever-growing mountain of compelling
peer-reviewed evidence amassed from scientists around the world over many decades, Canada’s news media remains largely sinfully silent. For this reason, it falls to Canada’s doctors and nurses to use their national organizations to personally notify the Prime Minister, himself, and his Minister of Health of this unthinkably despicable crime against humanity!

James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn, Captain (Ret’d)
5181 Gainsberg Road
Bowser, BC, V0R 1G0

[1] Currents of Death, by Paul Brodeur, pp 312.
[2] http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/eileen-oconnor-eesc/
[4] https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Global%20Health/0213_who.pdf  




Public Safety – The Greatest threat in Canada’s History!

Dear Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Members of Parliament,

My credibility can easily be established. I’m a retired Canadian Electronic
Warfare and Signals Intelligence captain – SIN 612 227 207  (See my BIO in
the attachments).  I am trying my utmost to bring to your attention – and
that of Prime Minister Trudeau, himself – the unprecedented corruption that
is ongoing within Health Canada’s “radiation protection bureau” and their
colleagues in Industry Canada, both of whom serve – and have for decades –
a different master than the democratically-elected Government of Canada and
its people. (A virtual mountain of unassailable evidence is in both

One only has to view the “International EMF (Electric and Magnetic Field)
Scientists Appeal”  [1] which, at last count, has been signed by 220 of the
world’s top scientists from 41 countries. These non-industry, world-class
scientists urge the Secretary General of the United Nations, all UN-member
states, and the Director General of the WHO to: “Protect humans and wildlife
from the dangers of EMFs and wireless technology.” Your own Dr. Hedy Fry and
Murray Rankin can both speak about Health Canada not protecting Canadians
from radiation. But this issue is far more serious than that; it is a
diabolical threat not just to Canadians but to all mankind!


James Gerald (“Jerry”) Flynn, Captain (Retired)



Note – See the two attached Word documents (Jerry Flynn to Government) for much further technical information about the dangers of wireless radiation.




Teachers concerned over WiFi health risks

Teachers in the city of Kingston Ontario say they want the WiFi in schools turned off due to health concerns.

Two teachers unions in Kingston Ontario say WiFi radiation is on the same cancer watch-list as DDT and car exhaust and that “there is increasing evidence that WiFi in the classroom is not safe”.









During the Limestone District School Board meeting last week, Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Association President Andrea Loken made a presentation to trustees regarding concerns surrounding Wi-Fi, or radio frequency electromagnetic fields, in schools.





Schools, Unions and PTA Actions

List of precautionary actions being taken.






Berkeley First in Nation to Implement – Cell Phone Right to Know


Berkeley, CA is the first city in the nation to implement a cell phone safe distance information ordinance, otherwise known as the Cell Phone Right to Know.  This ordinance mandates that retailers must hand out information to the consumer at the point of sale which is currently hidden deep in the manual or in the phone concerning carrying or using the phone while on the body.

Other cities, such as San Francisco, enacted similar laws but never implemented them because of industry lawsuits.

Berkeley has been sued by the CTIA (they are being represented by Theodore Olsen) but Berkeley’s ordinance has withstood 2 court hearings.  Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Lawrence Lessig and Dean of Yale’s Law School Robert Post are defending Berkeley pro bono. The CTIA tried stopping implementation but was unsuccessful. The CTIA has appealed.

For more information as to what the law entails please contact me or Dr. Joel Moskowitz

at j…@berkeley.edu

Thank you.

Ellie Marks

California Brain Tumor Association





India – Supreme Court to assess health hazards of cell phone towers

The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to assess the impact of cell phone towers on the health of people in the vicinity by asking PIL petitioners to produce scientific evidence in support of their contention that radiation from such towers was harmful.


A Bench headed by Chief Justice T.S. Thakur noted that retired judge P.N. Gupta, who died of cancer, had written a book that his health problem was due to remaining on cell phone calls for long hours on a regular basis.





Weak Magnetic Fields Can Promote Cancer

Weak RF fields may indeed be able to promote cancer, according to two leading members of the EMF/RF research community. Frank Barnes and Ben Greenebaum are offering theoretical arguments to explain how low-level RF radiation can alter the growth rates of cancer cells. They present their ideas in an article which has just appeared in the IEEE Power Electronics Magazine.

“Stuff is going on,” Barnes told Microwave News. “We can see changes with very small fields.” He granted that some may interpret what he is saying as “heresy.”




As Pepco Threatens to Turn the Lights Off, Chevy Chase Woman’s Nearly Two-Year Fight Against Smart Meter Fee Could End

“They’re basically asking me to pay for not having something that I don’t want,” Vollmer said Thursday. “I think if Pepco were an ethical service provider, they could just waive the fee for me and anyone else who conscientiously objects. The fees are simply coercive, exorbitant, punitive and unfair.”


On Thursday, Vollmer indicated she wasn’t willing to lose her electricity. But the retired attorney and former congressional candidate, known for her activism in the Town of Chevy Chase, has admitted to going to extreme lengths before.





Smart meter scheme could be IT disaster, says IoD

27 March 2015  –  The risks involved with “the largest UK government-run IT project in history” were “staggering”, a report said.






Estate Agent Today Country house sales may be tougher as phone mast controls ease

The sale of country houses – already tough as buyers increasingly want to live on the edge of market towns and urban areas according to some agents – may become still tougher thanks to a relaxation in planning controls over mobile telephone




Residents reject uMgeni Park cell tower

Joe Campanini, whose property lies next to the one appointed for the tower, added that his four-year-old son’s bedroom would be 12 metres away from the proposed tower.




Smart Meter Moratorium
The League of United Latin American Citizens document on smart meters.




Smithville, TX Awareness Sparks Smart Meter Backlash

No mention was made of the health effects of microwaves in the mailer, but the audience was passionately interested and the presenters delivered detailed information on current medical research and EMF exposure guidelines as they relate to the safety of exposure to smart meters. When moderator Jim Keller notified Sheila Hemphill that her time was up, a person in the audience yelled, “let her speak! People were riveted to the presentations and hungry for more information on the topic. Several people shared specific concerns about health impacts from wireless technologies, including the interference problems with pacemakers.




Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, Renowned New York City Physician, Talks About Health Risks from Electromagnetic Fields

Video interview




EMF Refugee



Fresh Concerns About Cell Tower Radiation

I appreciate fast and dependable internet service as much as the next guy and would love to have access to a fiber optics system. I think, however, that the government-protected rollout of wireless broadband across the country will eventually prove to be the wrong road taken toward 21st Century communications.








We live in a wired (wireless) world, ignoring potential threats from our devices

Phone owners assume – wrongly – that their devices already adhere to strong safety guidelines, not realizing that the current regulatory landscape is a sham.








Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space
See the attached Guards press release





Swedish party calls for removal of smart phones, tablets from pre-schools

This newspaper article – from last Friday – deals with a political demand from the right wing party, Moderaterna, in Olofström, Blekinge, to remove smart phones and tablets from the pre-schools in the municipality. I spoke recently in Ronneby, very close to Olofström.


Prof. Olle Johansson, Karolinska Institute, Sweden



Informant: Martin Weatherall

Anhänge (3)

Jerry Flynn to Government Part One – RF EMF March 15, 2016..doc

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Jerry Flynn to Government Part Two – ELF EMF March 15, 2016.doc

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Wi-Fi: like a mast in your home?

Untested technology

Cordless phones, Wi-fi, digital baby monitors and other wireless products have become ubiquitous. While their health effects are largely untested, there have been numerous studies of the effects of the electro-magnetic radiation emitted from these devices. All scientists agree that this radiation is dangerous at high levels but it is hoped that the low levels emitted from these household devices are safe. We are not convinced.

Radiation 24/7

The levels of radiation emitted from mobile and cordless phones on standby, and of wi-fi routers, digital baby monitors and bluetooth are a fraction of those of a mobile or cordless phone in use on a call. But this does not mean they are safer.

The radiation exposure from wireless products is a “chronic” exposure, constantly at a low level rather than short bursts of high power. There is evidence that this type of exposure might be more damaging in the long-term. It is thought that when the body first experiences a new source of radiation, it reacts by strengthening its immune defences, but then the immune system begins to weaken progressively as the radiation exposure continues. Read more…

There is evidence that long-term chronic exposure to electro-magnetic radiation has a range of health effects. We also know that children are more vulnerable than adults.

The German and French governments have advised against the use of wireless products like wi-fi and cordless (DECT) phones at home. Read more…

A phone mast in your home?

The clearest evidence that this day-in-day-out low-level exposure might be dangerous is from thestudies of the health effects of mobile phone masts.Two studies have shown significantly increased levels of cancers amongst those living within a few hundred meters of a mobile phone mast. Other studies have demonstrated a host of other symptoms linked with exposure to mobile phone mast radiation.  One study has shown directly that wi-fi can affect children’s cognitive skills like memory, attention and reaction time.

The radiation exposure from a wi-fi router at 5 meters’ distance, a cordless DECT phone base unit at 3 meters’ distance, or digital baby monitor at less than 1 meter are all experienced at roughly the same level as a mobile phone mast only 150 meters away. If any of these are closer, for example if you sleep with a cordless phone next to the bed, it is equivalent in radiation terms to being only about 50 meters away from a mast. Read more…

There is now much annecdotal evidence of people experiencing symptoms in the short term, like headaches, nausea, dizziness and loss of concentration. Read more… For this reason, some government and public bodies have stopped the introduction of wi-fi in some public places and schools.

Read more about the health effects of cordless (DECT) phones…

Wifi may be more damaging to some people than mobile phones…

Cumulative exposure

Even if the power level of one wireless router or computer is small, a child’s environment may include many of these devices at once. Radiation exposure from a wi-fi system comes from the router and each of the computers. A cordless DECT phone emits radiation from the base stations and the handsets. A mobile phone on standby, or worse on a call, also adds to the radiation “load”. 

At school, a set of wirelessly connected computers in a classroom is known to result in exposures much higher than one computer being used alone. The radiiation level has been found to be equivalent to being in the main beam of a mobile phone mast (which official guidelines state should not fall on school grounds without the consent of parents and the school). In 2007 a BBC Panorama programme found that the readings next to a classroom laptop showed radiation at double the level experienced only 100 metres from a mobile phone mast. This exposure from wi-fi is additional to mobile phones, cordless DECT phones and bluetooth used around the children in schools.

So at any one time a child may be exposed to cumulative levels of radiation much higher than each product emits alone. They may be exposed constantly at school and at home, even when asleep.

Formative exposure

This exposure generally starts young and continues throughout children’s lives. Children are now being exposed to wireless products from a very early age and often throughout their developing childhood and teenage years. This is experimental – no-one has any idea of the cumulative effect of such long-term exposure starting at such a formative age.

We know from the scientific studies relating to mobile phones that children are more vulnerable to this type of radiation, absorbing more radiation than adults through their thinner skulls. Given the many studies that show this radiation could be very dangerous, do we not have a duty to protect children from the possibly serious future health effects of this exposure?

Read about the dangers of mobile phones…

Read more about children’s greater vulnerability…

Read more about this global experiment…

