Tag: cancro

L’allarme del Ramazzini: “Legame tra cancro e campi magnetici”

10 marzo 2016 – “www.radiocittadelcapo.it”, di Giovanni Stinco

Cavi alta tensione - foto flickr Enrico Matteucci CC BY 2.0

Foto flickr Enrico Matteucci CC BY 2.0

Bologna, 10 mar. – Macchinisti di elettrotreni, taxisti con auto elettriche, ma anche e soprattutto tutti coloro che vivono, lavorano o vanno a scuola nelle vicinanze di cavi dell’alta tensione e di linee elettriche. Sono le categorie potenzialmente a rischio secondo i risultati di uno studio ultradecennale dell’Istituto Ramazzini di Bologna.

La ricerca sperimentale ha rilevato come il campo magnetico della corrente elettrica a 50hz possa promuovere l’insorgenza di tumori maligni. I risultati sono stati pubblicati on line in questi giorni dalla rivista International Journal of Radiation Biology. “Il campo magnetico attraversa alberi e muri, continuare a costruire elettrodotti senza tenere conto della possibile esposizione dei residenti è un comportamento non adeguato alle esigenze di protezione del cittadino”, spiega il responsabile della ricerca, il dottore Morando Soffritti.

Lo studio è stato condotto su 650 ratti esposti e 1001 ratti di controllo, e ha dimostrato come gli animali esposti a una singola dose di radiazioni ionizzanti gamma e a CM-50Hz per tutta la vita (dal periodo prenatale fino alla morte naturale) hanno sviluppato un significativo aumento dell’incidenza di tre tipi di tumore: cancro mammario, leucemia ed un raro tumore del cuore chiamato Schwannoma maligno. “L’eccesso significativo di un tumore così raro come il cancro mammario nei ratti maschi è molto importante – ha spiegato Soffritti – in quanto potrebbe contribuire a ritenere plausibile anche nell’uomo il legame tra cancro mammario ed esposizione a campi elettromagnetici in alcune categorie di lavoratori, cosa tutt’oggi non riconosciuta”.



Children rap Wi-Fi…594,309 cell towers blast neighborhoods…wireless burglar alarms are dangerous…

[Le fonti di inquinamento elettromagnetico sono sempre più numerose e cresce la preoccupazione a livello internazionale per la salute dei cittadini.
Il pericolo è ormai non solo per le strade e nei luoghi pubblici, ma anche dove la sicurezza dovrebbe essere garantita: scuole, ospedali e soprattutto abitazioni.

La causa di tutto questo è l’uso inappropriato ed incontrollato delle tecnologie Wireless: apparati Wi-Fi, telefoni DECT, ripetitori di telefonia mobile e di segnali radio-televisivi digitali posizionati in prossimità delle abitazioni, allarmi satellitari ed apparati di videosorveglianza Wireless, ecc.

Le persone sono sempre più stanche e si ammalano con maggiore facilità, invecchiano anzi tempo e manifestano sempre più precocemente le malattie un tempo tipiche dell’età avanzata.

La domanda è sempre la stessa: quando verranno prese precauzioni?]

1 March 2016 – “www.odwyerpr.com”, by 

Students, among the biggest victims of excess Wi-Fi radiation, are starting to speak up. Kill Zone USA notes there are now 594,309 cell towers emitting pulsed radiation. Wireless burglar alarms are a no-no.

A high school student asked the Montgomery County Board Feb. 9 how it could allow virtually every classroom to have Wi-Fi connected computers at each desk “turning the school into a giant microwave” when the wired option makes this “simply unnecessary.”

“I feel extremely uncomfortable going to school every day, supposedly a safe haven, and seeing my friends sitting directly under the transmitters,” she said. “Renowned scientists all over the world have shown the possible side effects of radiation including brain cancer, tumors, blood/brain barrier deterioration and other effects,” she added.

“It is a violation of the rights of students and teachers,” she said.

Also on the same posting of Safe Tech for Schools Maryland are videos of mothers and fathers asking for the schools to switch to wired equipment.

Ontario H.S. Students Rap Wi-Fi

Students at a high school in Ottawa have petitioned the government to remove Wi-Fi from schools. They have the support of Frank Clegg, president of Microsoft Canada for 14 years who is now CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology.

“The Parliamentary Health Committee has already heard evidence and unanimously agreed that more caution is required particularly in schools, so I agree with the students it’s time the Prime Minister makes the health of every student in Canada a higher priority,” he said.

Cell tower near house

“I did not consent to this level of risk,” said Apurva Dixit, a high school student in Mississauga. “The school board has been informed that our Wi-Fi system puts us at risk of infertility and breast cancer but it’s choosing not to protect us,” she said, noting the World Health Organization classifies radiation from Wi-Fi and cellphones as a “Class 2B Possible Carcinogen.”

Kill Zone USA Counts 594,309 Cell Towers

Kill Zone USA, using stats of antennasearch.com, says there are 594,309 cellphone towers equipped with 1,805,623 antennas “delivering relentless wave carcinogens to 321 million Americans.

Not included are millions of Wi-Fi antennas nor the “huge number of military and other radar installations.”

Wi-Fi signals bombarding this reporter’s NYC apartment.

New York City is one of the most heavily radiated cities, says Kill Zone. Within one square mile of City Hall in New York, there are 1,248 wireless antennas. Times Square has 178 cell towers and 2,510 antennas.

Kill Zone quotes New Networks Institute as saying, “This is only a fraction of the antennas and cell sites in Time Square since neither Verizon or the Federal Communications Commission has any complete data or documentation about the number of lines or even wireless cell sites.

ABC-TV Aired “Wi-Fried” Feb. 16

ABC-TV’s science program Catalyst presented a half-hour special Sept. 16 hosted by Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., Australian science reporter, raising the question of whether wireless devices are harmful to health.

“Australia’s safety agency says there’s no evidence of harm, but that’s not the same as saying it’s safe,” says ABC-TV description of the program’s position.

Among those quoted is Devra Davis, Ph.D., an epidemiologist who has called on schools to switch from wireless to wired web access.

Dr. Darren Saunders, of the faculty of Medicine at University of New South Wales, called the program “scaremongering and pseudoscience” and a “train wreck.”

“In terms of the way the story was reported, there was very selective reporting of existing data, sensationalist headlines, and experts with potential conflicts of interest,” he said.

Wireless Burglar Alarms a Danger

Electricsense.com says that wireless burglar alarms are dangerous because they use the same type of radiation emitted by cordless telephones. Such devices give out electromagnetic radiation 24/7, says Lloyd Burrell, who operates the site.

Bellringer, alarm systems, Long Island, said about 65% of its 9,000 customers use wireless. Some use both wired and wireless, it said.




Meta-analysis of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and cancer risk: a pooled analysis of epidemiologic studies

[Metanalisi che racchiude 42 studi sulla esposizione alle basse frequenze (inclusi elettrodotti) ed il rischio di sviluppare cancro.
I ricercatori hanno trovato una correlazione statisticamente significativa soprattutto in  ambito residenziale e
negli studi condotti in Area Noramericana.
Ragioni di tipo metodologico potrebbero essere alla base delle differenze tra gli studi.

On Environment International 2015, Volume 88, March 2016, Pages 36–43
doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.12.012. [Epub ahead of print]

Yemao ZhangaJinsheng LaibGuoran RuanbChen ChenbDao Wen Wangb

a High Voltage Research Institute, China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China
b Department of Internal Medicine and the Institute of Hypertension, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China


Article history
Received: 24 September 2015
Revised: 23 November 2015
Accepted: 10 December 2015
Available: online 15 December 2015


ELF-EMFCancer riskMeta-analysis


• A significant association between ELF-EMF exposure and cancer risk was identified.
• Subgroup analysis revealed increased risk only in North America, especially in United States.
• However, the data from individual European country was contradicted with each other.
• Increased risk was only observed in residential exposure or interview-based surveys.
• Device measured studies obtained no significant association in overall effects.


Studies have suggested that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) may affect physiological functions in animal models. However, epidemiologic studies investigating the association of ELF-EMF with the susceptibility to cancer yield contradictory results. In this comprehensive analysis, we conducted a search for case–control surveys regarding the associations of ELF-EMF and cancer susceptibility in electronic databases. A total of 42 studies involving 13,259 cases and 100,882 controls were retrieved. Overall, increased susceptibility to cancer was identified in the ELF-EMF exposed population (OR = 1.08, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.15, P = 0.02). In the stratified analyses, increased risk was found in North America (OR = 1.10; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.20, P = 0.02), especially the United States (OR = 1.10; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.20, P = 0.03). However, studies from Europe contradict these results. Moreover, a higher risk was found to be statistically significantly associated with the residential exposed population (OR = 1.18; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.37, P = 0.03). Furthermore, an increased cancer risk was found in interview-based surveys (OR = 1.16; 95% CI: 1.00, 1.35, P = 0.04). In device measurement-based studies, a slight increased risk was found only in premenopausal breast cancer (OR = 1.23; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.49, P = 0.04). Our meta-analysis suggests that ELF-EMFs are associated with cancer risk, mainly in the United States and in residential exposed populations. Methodological challenges might explain the differences among studies.



The history of NASA, US Navy and US Airforce reports on HARM from Microwave Radiation

[Interessante raccolta di documenti provenienti dagli archivi di NASA, Marina e Aeronautica Militare degli Stati Uniti, che riportano l’esistenza di gravi danni all’organismo in conseguenza della esposizione alle Microonde.]

19 January 2016 – “www.mast-victims.org”

NASA Report, 1981
A NASA report published in April 1981, titled “Electromagnetic Field Interactions with the Human Body: Observed Effects and Theories,” discussed EMF and microwave RF radiation caused to humans. Effects of microwave radiation reported: headaches, sleep problems, neurological symptoms, cardiac symptoms, memory problems, increased cholesterol, gastritis, ulcers, increased fasting blood glucose, irritabiity, inability to concentrate, apprehension, and cataracts (clouding of posterior part of lens in those caused by microwave radiation instead of anterior clouding as seen with regular types). Information for the NASA report was collected from over 1,000 written sources that “included journals, conference proceedings, technical reports, books, abstracts, and news items,”http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19810017132.pdf 

Navy Report, 1971
On October 4, 1971, the Naval Medical Research Institute published a research report,“Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (‘Effects’) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation,” which was a compilation of over 2000 references on the biological responses to RF microwave radiation. It lists well over 100 negative biological effects caused by RF microwave radiation – here’s a partial list from their report: corneal damage, tubular degeneration of testicles, brain heating, alteration of the diameter of blood vessels, liver enlargement, altered sex ratio of births, decreased fertility, sterility, altered fetal development, decreased lactation in nursing mothers, altered penal function, death, cranial nerve disorders, seizures, convulsions, depression, insomnia, hand tremors, chest pain, thrombosis, alteration in the rate of cellular division, anorexia, constipation, altered adrenal cortex activity, chromosome aberrations, tumors, altered orientation of animals, birds and fish, loss of hair, and sparking between dental fillings.http://www.magdahavas.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Navy_Radiowave_Brief.pdf

Air Force Report, 1994
A June 1994 US Air Force document, titled, “Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review,” acknowledges the non-thermal health effects. Stated in its abstract, “It is known that electromagnetic radiation has a biological effect on human tissue.” The introduction of the report states that “researchers have discovered a number of biological dysfunctions that can occur in living organisms” and that “exposure of the human body to RF/MW [radio frequency/microwave] radiation has many biological implications” that range from “innocuous sensation of warmth to serious physiological damage to the eye,” and added that “there is also evidence that RF/MW radiation can cause cancer.” Biological impacts: “damage to major organs, disruption of important biological processes, and the potential risk of cancer,” among many others which include “mutagenic effects,” “cardiovascular effects,” negative effects on chromosomes, and notes that “Soviet investigators claim that exposure to low-level radiation can induce serious CNS [central nervous system] dysfunctions.” http://www.emfacts.com/2014/09/us-air-force-rf-review-in-1988-acknowledges-non-thermal-biological-effects/https://electroplague.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/rf-microwave-radiation-biological-effects-rome-labs.pdf

“ What’s interesting is that these reports from US government agencies all document negative health effects from microwave RF radiation at levels below thermal thresholds, and they were all published before the 1996 Telecommunications Act was passed by Congress. Section 704 of the TCA disallowed siting decisions for cell tower facilities based on health considerations as long as they don’t exceed FCC’s limits, which are thermal. The only valid reason for rejection allowed by the TCA is aesthetics, so many cell tower facilities are camouflaged so that people would not see them. This is why cell towers are on school property and next to schools and residential areas, and you don’t even know they are there. How could this happen? The 1996 TCA was passed after $50 million dollars in political contributions was made (p. 115, Zapped, by Ann Louise Gittleman, http://www.amazon.com/Zapped-Shouldnt-Outsmart-Electronic-Pollution/dp/0061864285/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1452930604&sr=8-2&keywords=zapped )”

Since then telecom continues to obtain legislation in their favor, first with 6409a of the Middle Class Tax Relief Act which allows for colocations and approval of an additional 20′ to a cell tower, then with AB 57 passing in California which allow for automatic approvals of cell tower applications if they are not processed within a certain time (150 days for new towers, 90 days for colocations) that they are submitted, and now they are lobbying to remove proof of significant gap from the 1996 TCA and replace with capacity.

Even though doctors, scientists, and various groups have made about 1000 submissions asking the FCC to revisit limits since 2012, little has been done by the FCC. ( Proceeding Number 13-84 on the FCC web site. You can see the 1000 submissions here,http://www.saferemr.com/2015_08_01_archive.html ) Tom Wheeler, ex-President of the CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association) and FCC chairman since 2013, has done nothing but to promote the wireless industry since his appointment by President Obama after Wheeler bundled $700,000 in political contributions to Obama (bundling is a process of consolidating political contributions without having to identify the actual contributors) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/craig-aaron/who-owns-the-media-obamas_b_3313197.htmlComcast and Verizon contributed about $1 million to Obama https://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2014/04/24/obama-bundler-tom-wheeler-helps-his-former-industry-from-fcc-perch/ He approved $5 billion for school Wi-Fi http://www.dailydot.com/politics/fcc-approves-wifi-expansion-schools/ , fined wireless companies paltry amounts ($50,000) for exceeding FCC’s thermal limitshttp://www.journalinquirer.com/connecticut_and_region/fcc-keeps-secret-records-from-radiation-probe-at-verizon-s/article_0dbb367e-62d9-11e5-99da-ebeab2025003.html, and made changes to the Telecom Act to encompass wireless internet in March 2015 (after Net Neutrality passed) when wireless internet was not included in the 1996 TCA prior to that. Tom Wheeler is now helping Verizon to implement 5Ghttps://insidetowers.com/verizon-and-fcc-work-on-5g/ and pushing higher speeds by fining AT&T a record $100 million in June 2015 for not providing speeds as fast as advertised http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fcc-seeks-100-mn-t-fine-over-unlimited-174431152.html

“ Cell towers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, laptops may all be FCC compliant, but understand that FCC compliance only means that there is not enough microwave radiation from it to cook you (i.e. cause a thermal effect). FCC limits do NOT protect you from all health effects that are orders of magnitude below the thermal threshholds as found in peer reviewed studies. FCC compliance is limited only to preventing heating effects. The FCC limit is 1000uW/cm2 for 30 minutes for cell towers and Wi-Fi. In areas near cell towers and Wi-Fi routers, my measurements show 0.1-1 uW/cm2. However in areas more than 1500 ft from cell towers and without Wi-Fi routers closeby that value can be down to 0.0003uW/cm2 as it is in my backyard. So when 3rd party RF measuring firms submit a report that says a cell tower facility or school environment is FCC compliant because it is only 1/10,000th of the FCC limit, it is true, sounds good and gives the layperson a sense of safety, but he does not realize that this value that is 1/10,000 of the FCC limit is already 1000 times higher than areas far away from a cell tower or router, and this is a chronic exposure 6 hrs/day, 5 days/wk, 40 wks/yr for kids in school. Realize that this is the “safety” standard which our government is using to protect our children and all citizens. “

You can read more on the FCC in Captured agency: How the Federal Communications Commission is dominated by the industries it presumably regulates written by NormAlster, Cambridge, MA: Edmund J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University. 2015.http://ethics.harvard.edu/files/center-for-ethics/files/capturedagency_alster.pdf

Lesson from History of Tobacco
The tobacco industry knew since the ’50s that tobacco caused cancer. But they funded scientific research that was intended to obfuscate its effects on health for decades. This has been done by, on the one hand denying the existing evidence, whilst on the other demanding absolute proof of causation and calling for more research. This research, much of which has been covertly funded by the tobacco industry, is designed to look at other causes of cancer and to water down the evidence linking smoking and disease. For example, the industry statements are peppered by fudging comments such as “unresolved” and “inconclusive.,” Nothing has been “statistically proven”, no “scientific causality”, and no “conclusive proof”. http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/16/http://www.who.int/tobacco/media/en/Toba… Sound familiar?

The mobile telecom industry is about twice the size of the tobacco industry, which means the telecom industry is even more powerful. The tobacco industry generated sales of $500 billion globally and $35 billion profit in 2012 http://www.theguardian.com/business/2012… The mobile telecom industry has generated almost $1 trillion revenue globally. http://www.vodafone.com/content/annualre

In 1985, Dr Lennart Hardell, was one of the few scientists who said that Agent Orange was carcinogenic while Monsanto denied such claimshttp://www.theguardian.com/science/2006/… (In 2013, Agent Orange (made by Monsanto) was determined to increase chance of prostate cancer by 52%. Veterans from the Vietnam War were exposed to it. Agent Orange was used to spray large areas in Laos and Vietnam to clear forests in order to build bases. One million Vietnamese suffered disabilities or health problems as well as birth defects in children.http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/1… ) He is an oncologist and professor of oncology from Sweden who served on WHO IARC (World Health Organization Int’l Agency Research for Cancer) when it classified microwave RF radiation as 2B possible carcinogen in 2011.
Here’s a video by Dr. Lennart Hardell, talking about the hazards of wireless radiation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8H8Eg6F…”



Gli scienziati affermano che il Wi-Fi può portare gravi rischi per la salute

[Articolo datato ma che vale la pena leggere, traduzione in italiano di un articolo originariamente scritto in portoghese sul sito “www.hypescience.com”.]

3 agosto 2015 – “www.pianetablunews.it”

Uno squilibrio metabolico causato dalla radiazione dei nostri dispositivi wireless può essere collegato ad alcuni rischi per la salute, come ad esempio varie malattie neurodegenerative e persino il cancro, suggerisce uno studio pubblicato di recente.

Questo squilibrio, noto anche come stress ossidativo, è definito dal co-autore Igor Yakymenko come “uno squilibrio tra la produzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno (ROS) e difesa antiossidante.”

Yakymenko spiega che lo stress ossidativo a causa di un esposizione a radiofrequenza è in grado di spiegare non solo i tumori ma anche altri disturbi minori come il mal di testa, affaticamento e irritazione della pelle, che possono verificarsi dopo l’esposizione a lungo termine.“Questi effetti sono un chiaro segno dei rischi reali di questo tipo di radiazioni per la  salute umana”, avverte.

Attenzione al Wi-fi

L’articolo spiega che i ROS, che sono spesso prodotti nelle cellule a causa di ambienti aggressivi possono anche essere indotti dalla “radiazione wireless comune”.

Una recente ricerca mostra i possibili effetti cancerogeni delle radiofrequenza (RFR) e la radiazione a microonde. Nel 2011, l’Agenzia Internazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro RFR la classificata come possibile cancerogena per l’uomo. Ma la mancanza di una chiara spiegazione dei meccanismi molecolari di tali effetti di RFR non ha aiutato l’accettazione di un reale rischio. L’articolo dimostra che gli effetti pericolosi di RFR potrebbero essere sviluppati attraverso la “meccanica classica” di perdita di valore ossidativo nelle cellule viventi.

Yakymenko e i suoi colleghi avvertono di un approccio precauzionale nell’utilizzo di tecnologie wireless, come telefoni cellulari e internet wireless. [ Science Daily ]

Fonte: http://hypescience.com/wi-fi-saude/



“The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation” — Dr Devra Davis

[Il 30 novembre 2015, la Conferenza del Decano presso l’Università di Melbourne è stata tenuta dalla prof.ssa Devra Davis riguardo alla domanda: “Quali sono gli effetti sulla salute dei telefoni cellulari e della radiazione wireless?”. 

La dott.ssa Davis, epidemiologa ed esperta di effetti sulla salute delle radiazioni elettromagnetiche, ha delineato l’evoluzione di telefoni cellulari e smartphone e spiegato il background degli attuali standard di sicurezza per le radiazioni elettromagnetiche vecchi di 19 anni, sviluppi politici e legislazione internazionale.

Durante la Conferenza sono stati presentati nuovi studi globali sulle conseguenze per la salute delle radiazioni wireless, compresi quelli riguardanti l’esposizione dei bambini e i relativi rischi.]

Pubblicato il 02 dic 2015

“The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now”
Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey.

The Lecture
What are the health effects of mobile phones and wireless radiation? While Australia has led the world in safety standards, including compulsory seat-belt legislation, plain packaging on cigarettes, and product and food disclosure legislation, it falls behind in addressing the significant issues associated with mobile phone use. In this Dean’s Lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr Devra Davis, will outline the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone, and provide a background to the current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR), policy developments and international legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation will be presented, including children’s exposure and risks.

The Speaker
Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. Dr Davis was Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute —­ the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.

In 2007, Dr Devra Davis founded non­profit Environmental Health Trust to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards. Dr Davis served as the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in the U.S.A. from 1994–­1999, an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents and mitigates chemical accidents.
As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations, European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank.

Dr Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and an M.A. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a PhD in science studies at the University of Chicago as a Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-­Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has authored more than 200 publications and has been published in Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association as well as the Scientific American and the New York Times.

Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.

Magda Havas shows the effects of living near Cell Phone Towers

This is honestly one of the best presentations you will see on highlighting the dangers of living near Cell Phone Towers. Held at Oakville, Ontario, Canada, Professor Magda Havas from Trent University gives a thorough presentation to the concerned citizens affected by a recent cell phone tower installation.

Dr. Havas reveals the results from numerous international studies, which conclusively prove that exposure to the radiation from cell phone towers and masts cause dangerous health problems in humans, including cancer and death.

More Cellphone-Cancer proof at http://www.phonescausebraincancer.com/

Original article is located at http://www.phonescausebraincancer.com…

Link to this clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijOU7…