Tag: bambini

WI-FRIED! “Teachers At Risk from Wi-Fi”

25 March 2016 – “www.citizensforsafetechnology.org”

Letter from a teacher to BCTF Magazine, March 22, 2016

” . . . The committee also agreed that children in schools should be protected from unnecessary exposure to wireless technology, particularly when alternative technologies exist, and that the potential risks of exposure to RF fields are a serious public health issue that needs to be brought to the attention of Canadians so that they have the knowledge to use wireless devices responsibly, and are able to make decisions about the use of wireless devices in a manner that protects their health and the health of their families.

“Wouldn’t it be prudent at this point in time that Canada’s school boards who are entrusted with the care of young children implement the precautionary principle, heeding Dr. Magda Havas’ advice from page 16 of this report:

“Safety Code 6 should follow example by protecting the most sensitive people within our population.”

To read more about this, please click on the following link/Continua al seguente link:


“School Wi-Fi led to the death of my child” says mother

11 March 2016 – “Safe Tech For Schools

A teenager committed suicide after her wireless sensitivity was not adequately dealt with by the school. News Report from December 2015.


[Corso di formazione ECM per PEDIATRI]


8.30/13.30 – 09 aprile 2016 – Istituto DE FILIPPI – via Brambilla, 15 – Varese



Presentazioni e introduzione al convegno

CAMPI ELETTROMAGNETICI NON-IONIZZANTI (CEM): quali rischi per la salute umana?


Ipersensibilità ai campi elettromagnetici.
Dott. Paolo Orio



Laura Masiero

11.45 – 12.30

12.30 – 12.45

12.45 – 13.30
Test di valutazione dell apprendimento.Customer



Prof. Angelo Gino Levis, Biologo Docente ed esperto internazionale di danni organici  da inquinamento elettromagnetico

Dott. Paolo Orio, Vice Presidente della Associazione Italiana Elettrosensibili

Laura Masiero, Presidente A.P.P.L.E. Associazione Per la Prevenzione e la Lotta all’Elettrosmog

Versione PDF del PROGRAMMA scaricabile al seguente link:

6 aprile 2016 – corso ECM per pediatri – PROGRAMMA

Israeli TV Warns of Wi-Fi Dangers in Schools

7 March 2016 – “www.odwyerpr.com”, by 

Israel’s Channel 1 national TV program aired a 17-minute segment Feb. 24 examining charges that electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi and other sources poses a danger to citizens, especially children.

Also covered is the radiation from cell towers, wireless utility meters, Wi-Fi routers and computers.

The program is in Hebrew but English subtitles are provided.

Teachers, parents, technicians and government officials are among those interviewed.  Views of those who have become hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation are obtained.

The topic has yet to gain traction with the bulk of Israeli media, say some of the participants.

Amir Borenstein posted the tape on YouTube.



FOX 5 News: Parents Concerned About WiFi in MCPS Schools 2/2016

[In diversi paesi esteri è in corso una consistente mobilitazione contro l’uso del Wi-Fi nelle scuole.
Ed in Italia, cosa si sta facendo?
Allo stato attuale l’uso del Wi-Fi nelle scuole sta venendo incentivato e molti genitori si sentono addirittura defraudati di qualcosa di essenziale, quando nella scuola dei loro figli manca il Wi-Fi.

La seguente domanda è rivolta a quei genitori: ma non vi importa proprio della salute dei vostri figli?]

18 February 2016

Safe Tech For Schools Maryland Parents are featured in this Five Minute FOX 5 News Report.

The next day Fox did a follow up with Dr. Davis in the studio LIVE!!!. Watch an excerpt here

Safe Tech for Schools Maryland parents were in the news last year.
Please watch these news pieces below.



NKHS teacher to be fired for insubordination

[Purtroppo succede anche questo.
Gli Elettrosensibili perdono il lavoro, o perché si licenziano in quanto sofferenza e prostrazione fisica impediscono loro di continuare a lavorare o perché licenziati da datori di lavoro ottusi e senza pietà.
Di cosa possono vivere, allora?
Non tutti hanno una famiglia alle spalle in grado di accollarsi le spese del loro mantenimento.
Sono invalidi, ma non hanno alcun tipo di aiuto dallo Stato.
Quella dell’articolo è una storia che arriva dall’America, ma situazioni simili si sono verificate e si verificano tuttora anche in Italia.
Cosa ne è dei diritti umani di queste persone?]

19 February 2016 – “The Independent – North Kingstown”, by James Bessette Staff Writer

The North Kingstown School Committee has voted to terminate teacher Shelley McDonald, left. Also pictured is John Leidecker, NEA-RI deputy executive director.

On a 4-0 vote Tuesday night, the North Kingstown School Committee voted to terminate a high school math teacher at the end of the school year, citing numerous instances of insubordination.

Chairwoman Cheryl Clarkin was absent.

Superintendent Phil Auger alleged Shelley McDonald failed to attend a PARCC exam training session and a PARCC infrastructure trial, and failed to administer the online assessment exam in March at the district’s request. Additionally, McDonald allegedly refused to administer the PARCC in December, which prompted Principal Denise Mancieri to send the math teacher home for the day, Auger said. Near the end of the 2013-14 school year, then high school Principal Thomas Kenworthy, according to Auger, sent a letter of reprimand to McDonald after he became aware she was turning off a wireless router in another teacher’s classroom.

“As superintendent of schools, I cannot allow district staff to be insubordinate to their superiors,” Auger said at the meeting, which was heavily attended by McDonald’s colleagues.

Typically, termination matters are handled in executive session, but the employee can request the hearing be public.

Mary Ann Carroll, the school district’s legal counsel, said the School Committee needed to vote on the matter Tuesday because March 1 is the deadline to notify teachers of layoffs and/or terminations for the following school year. She also said the hearing was a “pre-hearing,” not necessarily a final decision.

National Education Association Rhode Island Deputy Executive Director John Leidecker said McDonald plans to appeal the decision to the School Committee, either via a public evidentiary hearing or in private.

In executive session Tuesday, the School Committee also approved the suspension of another teacher for the remainder of the school year, followed by termination. That teacher’s name was not made public.

Two years ago, McDonald, who has taught in North Kingstown for eight years, had advocated to halt Wi-Fi installation in the district’s schools, offering studies, testimony and literature relating to the alleged dangers of Wi-Fi to humans.

Following Tuesday’s meeting, McDonald, who was diagnosed with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, said she began having problems around 18 months ago, experiencing sinus pressure and pain that turns into migraines, at times. When she is in areas with Wi-Fi, she finds it difficult to think, McDonald said, among other issues.

“It slows down my thinking,” she said. “It makes me confused and dizzy.”

During a March 2014 meeting, McDonald pressed Auger to sign a “statement of accountability,” assuring the district’s insurance covered health matters allegedly caused by Wi-Fi. At that meeting, McDonald was joined by Town Councilor Kerry McKay, who said due diligence needed to be done “to see if there are any potential alternatives” to Wi-Fi installation if the potential existed for harm to the town’s children. Auger said at the meeting – and reiterated Tuesday night – the state Department of Health has said Wi-Fi is not harmful to humans.

In her statement to the school board, McDonald said she thinks she was being recommended for termination because she regularly advocates against Wi-Fi, for the health and well-being of herself and others in the building.

Leidecker said he regarded McDonald’s termination as “retaliation” because she “chose to speak out.” He alleged McDonald’s requests for accommodations, such as disconnecting Wi-Fi in her classroom and not using Chromebooks in her class, were denied without investigation.

He provided a letter from McDonald’s doctor that stated her symptoms were “causally related” to Wi-Fi wave exposure. Leidecker alleged school officials “demanded” to see McDonald’s medical records, but the math teacher was reluctant to divulge that information, instead inviting committee members and the school’s legal counsel to speak with the doctor directly.

McDonald also said two years ago, Auger threatened to terminate her if she continued to raise her concerns about Wi-Fi health issues – he denies that claim.

“I persist despite Dr. Auger’s warning because a very serious health risk exists in our classrooms,” she said, “and I have a responsibility to my students and their families to advocate the school remove that threat.”

Auger said the hearing was not about her advocacy, but rather the issue of employees “picking and choosing” which rules they’ll follow.

“That will lead to problems of efficiency in getting our mission done,” Auger said.

McDonald said she did not skip the PARCC infrastructure trial, the email invitation was mistakenly sent to another math teacher with the same last name, Brian McDonald instead. She said she uses technology in her classroom on a daily basis, and has taught in classrooms equipped with smartboards. She said she was unaware of specific directives to use technology, but that she uses what is available to her “in a safe and responsible manner, when appropriate.”

Leidecker read evaluations from McDonald’s colleagues, which called her an“effective” teacher and “the kind of teacher you want to retain.”
She said she never refused to attend technology-based training sessions, noting she participated in “several” PARCC training sessions. McDonald said she requested to be trained on hard-wired computers, rather than on wireless devices, because exposure to electromagnetic fields “makes [her] sick.”

“I’ve made that clear; I never refused to give an assessment” she said.

Leidecker argued Pearson, the company that runs the PARCC exams, also requires teachers to agree to its terms, which include teachers disclosing personal information such as Social Security numbers, addresses and other personal information, prior to administering the test, which caused McDonald to be reluctant to click “agree.” Leidecker also said Pearson regards this information as “assets” the company may sell off.

Auger said the district received written clarification from the state Department of Education that Pearson has access to teacher names and subject areas, but not personal information. He said the district “does not pass along” Social Security numbers to the company.

Auger also said the district has yet to receive McDonald’s formal response as to whether she will agree to the terms to administer the PARCC in April. Leidecker said the RIDE clarification was received Monday and there are still open discussions about disclosures the teachers must make. McDonald can’t say “at this point” if she would agree to the terms because a final document of what information Pearson will gather has yet to be provided, Leidecker said.

Auger said no other teachers “to his knowledge” refused to sign the Pearson agreement before administering the PARCC.

Committee member Lynda Avanzato acknowledged McDonald contacted committee members several times about her concerns, but said the situation morphed into “doing something that is not part” of her job.

Carroll said McDonald requested a meeting and two letters were presented to school officials, one from a Wakefield-based walk-in clinic stating the teacher was allergic to electromagnetic radiation and another noting McDonald had migraine headaches while in school. Carroll said the district requested a release to speak with McDonald’s doctor, but McDonald denied that request in an April 6 letter to Auger, citing possible strain on the doctor/patient relationship.

In an April 15 letter, Auger wrote McDonald had not offered “sufficient documentation” to support her request for accommodations.



Times Square Radiation Called Excessive

9 February 2016 – “www.odwyerpr.com”, By

The millions who pass through Times Square are being dosed with amounts of radiation deemed excessive by Parents for Safe Technology. U.S. safety standards do not protect children, it says.

Elettrosensibili The group on Feb. 6 published a 1:32-minute YouTube video titled, “New York City Radiation from Cell Towers” that includes scenes from Time Square overlaid with text that warns of the dangers of excessive radiation.

Children are victims of “lifelong” exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation but have no say in the matter, says the video.

Text says: “We measured radiation in New York and were shocked to see such high radiofrequency levels throughout the City. At our home the radiation is at zero, and Times Square was thousands of times higher. Learn more at parentsforsafetechnology.org

“We love our Wi-Fi but Wi-Fi is radiation, too,” says the video. “Be smarter than your smart phone,” it urges. Excessive radiation has been linked to brain cancer and many other maladies, it notes.

“Maybe we should ask children for their consent,” is one of the copy lines.

“Hot Spot” Terminals on Griddle

The 7,500 “hot spot” Wi-Fi terminals planned for New York as replacements for phone booths will be discussed Wednesday Feb. 10 at 6 p.m. by Dan Doctoroff, CEO of Sidewalk Labs, at the National Grid auditorium on the first floor of One MetroTech Center, Jay street, Brooklyn. Reservations are now closed for the event. Seating capacity is 380.

Registration can be obtained by filling out this form.
The first terminal is already in operation at the corner of 15th st. and First ave. It was described in the Jan. 25 New Yorker.

Bankrolling the $200 million project are Google and Qualcomm.

EMF Safety Network says that “Wireless disrupts cellular communications, damages immune and nervous systems, desynchronizes brain and heart rhythms, and causes headaches, sleep problems, ringing in the ears, anxiety and a host of other health problems.”

Forms being distributed by EMF concerned citizens say the Sidewalk Lab terminals violate the Americans with Disabilities Act, the New York City Human Rights Law and the New York State Human Rights Law by subjecting passersby to unwanted radiation.

Especially at risk, say the RF health advocates, are children, babies and fetuses because of thinner skulls and smaller bodies.

The Ashland, Mass., public library has a six-part series on the dangers of excessive radiation.

“Resonance: Beings of Frequency,” is the title of the last part of the series set for Feb. 11. “It’s all around us now, invisible, but we know it’s there,” says the copy. “Every time you lift up your mobile phone you know it’s there: electromagnetic radiation (EMR). It is very hard to turn the clock back. It fact, it’s impossible, but we need to be aware of the adverse health effects so that we can have the choice of taking precautions against exposures.”

Grassroots Group Will Attend Feb. 10

Grassroots Environmental EducationGrassroots Environmental Education, based in Port Washington, N.Y., will have a representative at the Doctoroff talk.

It tracks various environment pollutants including those involving chemicals and wireless radiation.

“Wireless technologies are proliferating rapidly in every aspect of our lives, and while they may be convenient, emerging research suggests that they are also impacting our health, even at levels far below Federal Communications Commission standards.”

The “small but powerful” transmitters and personal devices, routers, wireless utility meters, distributerd antenna systems and other components “combine to increase our exposure to wireless radiation,” it says.

Patti and Doug Wood, who head Grassroots, also operate Green Street Radio, an environmental podcast.

Wireless transmitters should not be used in day care facilities, schools, playrooms and other places where children spent time, Grassroots advises. Wireless baby monitors should not be used.

Cordless phones should be unplugged at night, wired computer and internet connections should be used and speaker phone should be used for cellphones. The phones should never be placed directly against the head, says Grassroots, noting that this is also the advice of the cellphone manufacturers.




[via Dave Ashton]

11 fév 2016 – “www.michele-rivasi.eu”


à l’occasion du colloque du 11 Février 2016 à l’Assemblée nationale

« Pour mieux comprendre et reconnaitre l’électro-hypersensibilité »

Nous, médecins, scientifiques et professionnels de santé,

Considérant l’appel de Fribourg lancé en 2002 par des médecins, nous constatons ces dernières années au cours de nos consultations, une augmentation dramatique de maladies graves et chroniques chez nos patients, telles que:

Les symptômes généralement constatés à l’utilisation du téléphone portable :

–          douleur et/ou une chaleur dans l’oreille

–          troubles de la sensibilité superficielle à type de dysesthésies(fourmillements, picotements, brûlures, voire prurit) au niveau du visage, du cuir chevelu ou du bras

Puis peu à peu, et de façon permanente :

maux de tête, associés de façon caractéristique à une raideur et douleur de la nuque.

–          acouphènes, hyperacousie,

–           troubles visuels à type de vision floue,

–          anomalies de la sensibilité profonde (faux vertiges), malaises

–          lésions cutanées avec sensation de brulures (causalgies) et/ou un prurit,

–          troubles musculaires (myalgies, spasmes, fasciculations) et/ou articulaires (arthralgies, raideurs)

–          troubles cognitifs.

En deuxième phase :

–          apparition de troubles cognitifs sévères  (déficit de l’attention et de la concentration, perte de la mémoire immédiate)

–          symptômes végétatifs sympathicomimétiques (oppression thoracique, tachycardie)

–          troubles digestifs ou urinaires,

–           insomnie, fatigue chronique et éventuellement tendance dépressive.

Et enfin, en l’absence de traitement et de mesure de protection, l’évolution est marquée par la constitution progressive de lésions anatomopathologiques, totalement irréversibles : syndrome confusionnel,absences, désorientation temporo spatiale ou état de démence s’apparentant à une maladie d’Alzheimer y compris chez les sujets jeunes.

Chez l’enfant : maux de tête et troubles du sommeil, dyslexie, troubles de l’attention et de la concentration, perte de  mémoire de fixation, parfois troubles du comportement (enfant refusant d’aller à l’école sans raison),
Considérant que nous connaissons l’environnement résidentiel et les habitudes de nos patients, nous constatons souvent une corrélation dans le temps et dans l’espace, entre l’apparition de ces troubles et le début de l’extension de l’irradiation par des ondes électromagnétiques, dans des cas comme:

– l’installation d’une antenne relais de téléphonie mobile dans les environs du domicile ou du lieu de travail du patient,
– l’utilisation intensive d’un téléphone portable,
– l’utilisation d’un téléphone sans fil de type DECT à domicile ou au travail.

Les champs  électromagnétiques semblent donc  pour partie expliquer l’apparition de ces troubles.

Comme l’indique la Déclaration scientifique Internationale sur l’Electrohypersensibilité et la sensibilité aux produits chimiques multiples signée par des scientifiques et médecins du monde entier réunis à l’Académie Royale de Médecine à Bruxelles en mai  2015, à l’initiative de l’ECERI  des marqueurs biologiques ont été identifiés chez les malades électrohypersensibles qui permettent d’établir l’existence de véritables pathologies invalidantes. A tel point que certaines personnes doivent s’isoler des endroits pollués par les champs électromagnétiques (wifi, téléphonie mobile…) afin de continuer à vivre dans les conditions les plus normales possibles. Pour autant, cette pathologie n’est toujours pas reconnue par les autorités sanitaires françaises.

Dans le contexte de la reconnaissance, par le Tribunal du contentieux de l’incapacité de Toulouse, du handicap à 80% subi par un malade atteint d’électro-hypersensibilité, nous pensons qu’il est temps d’évoquer enfin de ce sujet majeur de santé publique.

Cette pathologie étant complexe et multifactorielle, nous sommes démunis face à ces personnes, dont la souffrance physique est réelle et les symptômes avérés. Même si une controverse scientifique demeure à certains égards sur le sujet, ces patients existent et des réponses doivent leur être apportées médicalement pour atténuer leur souffrance.

Nous avons besoin d’être mieux informés sur les impacts sanitaires des champs électromagnétiques et d’être dotés d’outils pour mieux aider ces patients.

Nous appelons ainsi solennellement l’État français et plus particulièrement la Ministre de la santé à faire de l’impact sanitaire des champs électromagnétiques une priorité sanitaire et de considérer ces patients, de plus en plus nombreux, qui sont pour la plupart en grande difficulté et précarité sociale.

Il nous semble indispensable, par précaution, d’abaisser l’exposition générale de la population aux champs électromagnétiques ; notamment pour ce qui est des enfants, de réduire leur exposition à la wifi et aux tablettes dans les établissements scolaires.

Une recherche indépendante et approfondie doit être menée sur le sujet et les personnes électro hypersensibles doivent pouvoir se réfugier dans des « zones blanches »

Enfin, les décisions de certaines Maisons Départementales des Personnes Handicapés de reconnaître l’électro-hypersensibilité comme handicap doivent être définitivement validées et appliquées par toutes les MDPH  pour que les personnes EHS soient toutes prises en charge.

Liste des 50 premiers signataires de l’Appel, avant le Colloque :

Pr Dominique BELPOMME (75)

Pr Pierre LE RUZ (72)

Catherine  NEYRAND  – masseur kinésithérapeute (26)

Christian BORDES, osthéopathe (31)

Dr Gérard DIEUZAIDE (31)

Dr Nathalie BOSCH  chirurgien dentiste (83)

Dr. Valérie BOURIN-KLEIN, généraliste (38)

Dr Jeanine ISRAEL, retraitée (38)

Anne Marie CHARRIER, orthophoniste Nantes

Sandy RONDIN – Infirmier Puériculteur en Unité de Protection Maternelle et Infantile (44)

Colette PRALUS, kinésithérapeute (83)

Dr Patricia LOPEZ (69)

Dr Michaël RAMAIN (94)

Dr Marie HANOTTE (69)

Dr Alain LACHARD (83)

Dr Sylvie GOURLET, vétérinaire (89)

Dr Antoine ROPHE (83)

Dr JENNESSEN Ralph (Var)

Francis GLEMET, pharmacien industriel (34)

Dr Didier TARTE,  retraité (27)

Dr. Jean-Claude ALBARET (10)

Dr Dominique ERAUD (75)

Dr Vinciane VERLY (Bruxelles)

Jean-Pierre MARGUARITTE, osthéopathe (92)

Dr Bernard COADOU, retraité (33)

Dr TOURRE 26120 Chabeuil médecine générale et sportive

Dr Eric MENAT Médecin Généraliste  libéral 31

Dr Michel ANGLES 12

Danielle PERSICO, Pédiatre (26)

Sylvie RINAUDO, docteur en chimie (75)

Philippe Masson, dentiste (75)

Dr Yvon GUIBERT (84)

Nathalie BUISSON infirmière libérale (26)

Dr Véronique RIGAULT, Centre hospitalier de Lannemezan (65)

Véronique CHAVANAT, Orthophoniste (78)

Katia TAMISIER, infirmière en retraite (79)

Dr André MERGUI (30), stomatologue

Adeline BARROIS, Infirmière (59)

Dr Lionel FABRE (83)

Dr Paul GUILLON (41)

Dr Sophie LIBERT (75)

Dr Maryline LE ROULIER (91)

Françoise de SAINT-PAUL, infirmière anesthésiste (47)

Dr Nicole SICARD (12)

Dr Pierre LENTHERIC (30)

Dr Jean-François PAILLE (74)

Dr Catherine BILLOD, généraliste, homéopathe et ostéopathe (01)

Dr Martine VONDERSCHER, retraitée (38)

Dr Elise DONVAL, retraitée (92)

Véronique RIVE, intervenante en domobiologie (29)





CALL for doctors and health professionals – «to better understand and recognize electrohypersensitivity» 11 Feb 2016 (auto translation, via Michèle Rivasi)


At the occasion of the symposium at the National Assembly on 11th February 2016, “To better understand and recognize electro-hypersensitivity”
We, doctors, scientists and health professionals,
Considering the appeal of Fribourg launched in 2002 by physicians, we find in recent years during our consultations, a dramatic rise in severe and chronic diseases among our patients, such as:

Symptoms usually found in mobile phone use:

– Pain and / or heat in the ear

– Disorders of the surface sensitivity type dysesthesia (tingling, tingling, burning or itching) on the face, scalp or arm

Then gradually, and permanently:

– Headache, associated typically with stiffness and pain in the neck.

– Tinnitus, hyperacusis,

– Visual disturbances type of blurred vision,

– Anomalies of deep sensitivity (false vertigo), malaise

– Skin lesions with sensation of burns (causalgia) and / or itching,

– Muscle disorders (myalgia, spasms, twitching) and / or joints (arthralgia, stiffness)

– Cognitive disorders.

Second stage:

– Onset of severe cognitive disorders (attention deficit and concentration, loss of short term memory)

– Vegetative symptoms sympathomimetic (chest tightness, tachycardia)

– Digestive or urinary disorders,

– Insomnia, chronic fatigue and possibly depressive tendency.

And finally, in the absence of treatment and protection measure, evolution is marked by progressive constitution of pathological lesions, totally irreversible: delirium, absences, spatial disorientation or temporal state of dementia resembling a disease Alzheimer including young subjects.

In children headache and sleep disorders, dyslexia, attention disorders and concentration, loss of memory attachment, sometimes behavioral problems (child refusing to go to school without reason)

Considering that we know the residential environment and habits of our patients, we often see a correlation in time and space, between the occurrence of these disorders and the beginning of the extension of the radiation waves electromagnetic, in cases such as:

– The installation of a mobile phone mast in the vicinity of the home or the patient’s workplace

– the intensive use of a mobile phone

– using a DECT-type wireless phone home or at work.

Electromagnetic fields thus appear to partly explain the appearance of these disorders.

As indicated in the Declaration on International Scientific electrohypersensitivity and sensitivity to multiple chemicals signed by scientists and doctors around the world gathered at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Brussels in May 2015, on the initiative of the ECERI biomarkers have been identified in the EHS sufferers that establish the existence of true debilitating conditions.

So much so that some people must isolate polluted places by electromagnetic fields (WiFi, mobile phone …) to continue to live under the most normal conditions possible.

However, this disease is still not recognized by the French health authorities.

In the context of the recognition by the Dispute Tribunal of the inability of Toulouse, 80% of disability suffered by a patient with electro-hypersensitivity, we believe it is finally time to discuss this major issue public health.

This pathology is complex and multifactorial, we are clueless about these people, whose physical suffering is real and symptoms found. Although scientific controversy remains in some respects on the subject, these patients exist and their responses must be made medically to alleviate their suffering.

We need to be better informed on health impacts of electromagnetic fields and to be equipped with tools to better help these patients.

We call solemnly as the French government and particularly the Minister of Health to the health impact of electromagnetic fields a health priority and take these patients, more and more, which are mostly in big trouble and social insecurity.

It seems essential, as a precaution, lower the general population exposure to electromagnetic fields; especially in terms of children, reduce their exposure to wifi and tablets in schools.

An independent and thorough research should be conducted on the subject and electro hypersensitive persons should be able to take refuge in “white areas”

Finally, decisions of some houses Departmental Disabled Persons recognize electro-hypersensitivity as a disability must be definitively validated and applied by all MDPH for people to EHS are all supported

List of top 50 signatories of the Appeal before the Conference:

Pr Dominique BELPOMME (75)

Pr Pierre LE RUZ (72)

Catherine NEYRAND – physiotherapist (26)

Christian Bordes, osteopath (31)

Dr. Gerard DIEUZAIDE (31)

Dr Nathalie BOSCH dentist (83)

Dr. Valerie BOURIN-KLEIN, general (38)

Dr. Jeanine ISRAEL retired (38)

Anne Marie Charrier, speech Nantes

Sandy LOG – Nurse puériculteur Protection Unit in Mother and Child (44)

Colette PRALUS, physiotherapist (83)

Dr. Patricia LOPEZ (69)

Dr. Michael RAMAIN (94)

Dr Marie HANOTTE (69)

Dr. Alain LACHARD (83)

Dr. Sylvie GOURLET, veterinary (89)

Dr. Antoine Rophé (83)

Dr. Ralph JENNESSEN (Var)

Francis GLEMET, industrial pharmacist (34)

Dr Didier PIE, retired (27)

Dr. Jean-Claude ALBARET (10)

Dr Dominique ERAUD (75)

Dr Vinciane VERLY (Brussels)

Jean-Pierre MARGUARITTE, osteopath (92)

Dr Bernard COADOU, retired (33)

Dr TOURRE 26120 Chabeuil general medicine and sports

Dr. Eric MENAT Liberal General Practitioner 31

Dr. Michel ANGLES 12

Danielle Persico, Pediatrician (26)

Sylvie RINAUDO, PhD in chemistry (75)

Philippe Masson, dentist (75)

Dr Yvon Guibert (84)

Nathalie Buisson liberal nurse (26)

Dr Véronique RIGAULT, Hospital of Lannemezan (65)

Véronique CHAVANAT, Speech Therapist (78)

Katia TAMISIER nurse in retirement (79)

Dr. André MERGUI (30), dentist

Adeline BARROIS, Nurse (59)

Dr Lionel Fabre (83)

Dr. Paul GUILLON (41)

Dr Sophie LIBERT (75)

Dr Maryline THE ROULIER (91)

Françoise de SAINT-PAUL, nurse anesthetist (47)

Dr. Nicole SICARD (12)

Dr. Pierre Lenthéric (30)

Dr. Jean-François STRAW (74)

Dr Catherine BILLOD, general practitioner, homeopath, and osteopath (01)

Dr Martine Vonderscher, retired (38)

Dr Elise DONVAL, retired (92)

Véronique SHORE, intervener in domobiologie (29)


Inquinamento Elettromagnetico: Effetti biologico sanitari a breve e lungo termine – Borgomanero, 6 febbraio 2016

Elettrosensibili“I SABATI DELLA SALUTE”, organizzati dalla “Associazione Mimosa Amici del DH Oncologico di Borgomanero”, hanno avuto inizio sabato 6 febbraio 2016 con una conferenza tenuta dal nostro Vicepresidente dr. Paolo Orio sul tema “Inquinamento elettromagnetico: effetti biologico sanitari a breve e lungo termine”.

ElettrosensibiliDurante l’incontro si è cercato come sempre di fornire informazioni accurate sull’Inquinamento Elettromagnetico, attualmente una delle più grandi minacce per la salute umana e per l’ambiente, soprattutto per quanto riguarda quello in Alta Frequenza generato dall’uso di tecnologie e dispositivi Wireless.

ElettrosensibiliProprio la scarsa conoscenza del pericolo da parte della popolazione sta portando sempre più persone ad adottare connessioni Wireless in sostituzione di quelle cablate, e questo sta già avendo pesanti ripercussioni di tipo sanitario, destinate ad aggravarsi ulteriormente nel tempo.

Per questo motivo sono state fornite anche nozioni di igiene elettrica, spiegando quali comportamenti tenere e quali accorgimenti adottare per minimizzare l’esposizione ai Campi Elettromagnetici in Alta (ma anche in Bassa) Frequenza.

ElettrosensibiliIl pubblico era numeroso e, come spesso accade durante questi incontri, nuovi Elettrosensibili si sono presentati ai nostri rappresentanti a testimonianza del fatto che la Elettrosensibilità è in aumento e, fortunatamente, sta crescendo anche la consapevolezza del problema.


“I SABATI DELLA SALUTE” continueranno nei mesi successivi con interventi di altri esperti e si terranno sempre  presso l’Aula Magna dell’Ospedale di Borgomanero (NO), dalle ore 16:00 alle ore 18:00.

Per maggiori dettagli, potete cliccare sulla immagine della locandina qui a destra per ingrandirla.

IMG-20160213-WA0007 (2)
12 febbraio 2016



“Sì alle reti cablate. No al wi-fi nelle scuole”, il Codacons aderisce all’iniziativa del comitato “Lecce via cavo”

5 febbraio 2016 – “ilPaeseNuovo.it” Quotidiano di Lecce e provincia

classe-banchi-vuoti-a-scuolaLECCE – Il Codacons di Lecce aderisce all’iniziativa del comitato “Lecce via cavo”, che ha depositato nelle scorse ore la richiesta didisattivazione o non installazione di reti wireless nelle scuole o su edifici scolastici. Richiesta che è stata inviata al Comune di Lecce, alla Provincia, al dirigente dell’Ufficio scolastico provinciale e ai dirigenti di tutte le scuole del leccese.

Come si legge nel comunicato firmato dal Comitato “la letteratura scientifica evidenzia gli effetti nocivi per la salute umana legati alle esposizioni alle RF-CEM (radiofrequenze-campi elettromagnetici) emessi dai dispositivi per la telecomunicazione (wifi, tablet, antenne per la telefonia, ripetitori, cellulari, ecc.).

Si tratta di effetti biologici che si verificano per esposizioni notevolmente inferiori ai valori limite di legge. I sintomi più comuni sono: mal di testa, insonnia, difficoltà di concentrazione, stanchezza, perdita di memoria, ritardi nell’apprendimento ed iperattività (bambini), depressione, tinnito, nausea e vomito, aumento della pressione arteriosa. Tutti sintomi che, per la loro aspecificità, spesso non vengono riconosciuti come probabilmente derivanti dall’esposizione alle RF-CEM”.

I bambini, gli adolescenti, le donne incinte, gli anziani e tutti quei soggetti con preesistenti problemi di salute sarebbero particolarmente vulnerabili.

“A sostegno della richiesta, basata comunque sul Principio di precauzione sancito dal Consiglio d’Europa e dal Parlamento Europeo, il comitato “Lecce via cavo” riporta numerose decisioni politiche che potranno apparire in controtendenza rispetto al dilagare del wireless, soprattutto nelle scuole. Si va dalla recente legge francese (febbraio 2015), che vieta il wifi negli asili nido e nelle scuole materne e ne limita fortemente l’uso nelle scuole primarie e medie (dove è consentita l’accensione soltanto nei momenti di effettivo utilizzo, dopo il quale i dispositivi devono essere disattivati), alle mozioni della provincia di Bolzano e della regione Piemonte, che impegnano le rispettive giunte a sostituire gli impianti esistenti con impianti a minor emissione (in pratica, cablati)”.

Il Comitato chiede quindi che siano intraprese tutte le misure per ridurre l’esposizione alle RF-CEM “prestando particolare attenzione ai bambini ed ai giovani e che sia convocato urgentemente un tavolo di confronto per discutere i necessari e urgenti provvedimenti da adottare in merito”.

