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WI-FRIED! “Teachers At Risk from Wi-Fi”

25 March 2016 – “www.citizensforsafetechnology.org”

Letter from a teacher to BCTF Magazine, March 22, 2016

” . . . The committee also agreed that children in schools should be protected from unnecessary exposure to wireless technology, particularly when alternative technologies exist, and that the potential risks of exposure to RF fields are a serious public health issue that needs to be brought to the attention of Canadians so that they have the knowledge to use wireless devices responsibly, and are able to make decisions about the use of wireless devices in a manner that protects their health and the health of their families.

“Wouldn’t it be prudent at this point in time that Canada’s school boards who are entrusted with the care of young children implement the precautionary principle, heeding Dr. Magda Havas’ advice from page 16 of this report:

“Safety Code 6 should follow example by protecting the most sensitive people within our population.”

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